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Full Version: [[Resolution Trust Corporation]]
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Watching CNBC this morning, I heard a bit about the "RTC". Seeking to learn more about it, I found myself at Wikipedia's interpretation of what is the Resolution Trust Corporation. Frankly, the article seems fishy to me, in terms of its provenance. The first section is all wikified with links and such, but then it meanders off into a HUGE series of sections without so much as a blue (or red) link to be found.

Namely, I'm concerned about this particular edit to the article. User:Skipbn hasn't done a whole lot for Wikipedia, so I have to believe that this particular content was lifted, verbatim, from some other official source. But I can't seem to find the original source on the Internet.

Are we to assume that Skipbn is some kind of RTC expert who wrote that material from scratch? I don't buy it.

Whatever the case, it was entered in February 2007, and remains mostly unchanged to this day, which of course, according to the University of California at Santa Cruz system, means that this information is to be highly trusted.

Another example of how Wikipedia "borrows" information from other sources, then eventually becomes the "original source of record", for all intents and purposes. I don't like that.

Peter Damian
It is certainly a very crap edit - the guy hasn't understood that leading spaces have strange side-effects, and he (or she) has inserted the material after the stub notice.

Good point about the scoring system.
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