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Occasionally, I'll come across a Wikipedia article that is truly well-written (not the bland, shotgun scatter of factoids) and conveys something vividly and with charming wit.

Such is Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.

Somebody who cares should lock down this article now, before some teenaged twerp messes it up. Looks like a good deal of credit for the writing style should go to missing Wikipedian, User:ParkerDrive.

Wow, I really want to see this now.

It sounds especially funny because plaintiffs lawyers actually behave this way. They throw their cowboy hat on their table, talk about what simple people they and their clients are, how them expert scientists said a whole bunch a crazy stuff, but gee whiz, "all I know is that my client deserves X."
Milton Roe
QUOTE(One @ Mon 22nd September 2008, 7:55pm) *

Wow, I really want to see this now.

It sounds especially funny because plaintiffs lawyers actually behave this way. They throw their cowboy hat on their table, talk about what simple people they and their clients are, how them expert scientists said a whole bunch a crazy stuff, but gee whiz, "all I know is that my client deserves X."

Dark Humor Warning=================

"When I see a solar eclipse, like the one I went to last year in Hawaii, I think 'Oh no! Is the moon eating the sun?' I don't know. Because I'm a caveman -- that's the way I think. It's confusing, but there's one thing I do know: Pfizer and that doctor and Zoloft made my wife crazy, and the pistol I gave her and cocaine had nothing to do with what happened. They deserve to pay. Thank you and Kiroc say good night."
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