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Anybody here want to supply a photo of an actual attempt at fart lighting? here is your chance!!

Do it before David Shankbone and his friends get the chance. laugh.gif

QUOTE(Brutus @ Mon 6th October 2008, 1:43am) *

Anybody here want to supply a photo of an actual attempt at fart lighting? here is your chance!!

Do it before David Shankbone and his friends get the chance. laugh.gif

Pretty disgraceful that there is no mention of Jasper Carrott's sketch from the 1970s.
I'm afraid what any enemies of mine would do if I posted such a picture.
I have a picture but I do not know the license of it and it may be fake as the flame from the ass large like someone made it with a flame thrower.

I also saw a youtube video once of it and the guy who did it burned himself. I'm sure this was a very proud moment in his life.
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