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I came across this news item on Scotland considering raising the age of criminal responsibility.

It struck me as interesting that the UN wants the age where children can be prosecuted in courts to be raised to 14.

I find it interesting in the context of Wikipedia which has the cult of youth. Here we have the UN coming to a determination that responsibility cannot generally be considered applicable to those of 14 or below, when Wikipedia seems to consider under-age admins their finest assets.

Is it right to grant young people responsibility over other people, including legally responsible adults, when they are not considered responsible for their actions legally?
Wow... the UK is going to be even more screwed by chavs I guess /"sophie+lancaster"
15, but thats only 1 year off...
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Thu 8th January 2009, 9:09am) *

Is it right to grant young people responsibility over other people, including legally responsible adults, when they are not considered responsible for their actions legally?

No. Putting it quite simply.

It's a really bad thing - and I believe that this factor remains one of the chief stumbling blocks preventing WP from adopting credible standards. When deletion debates occur - it is feasible that a percentage of those voting were minors who lack the real life experience needed to deal with the issues.

Worse, when the debates about the Virgin Killer album cover kicked off, and a wider debate about sexualized images of children went round Wikipedia's corridors of power, it is likely that judgments were being made by minors themselves who were participating in the debate. That just isn't acceptable.
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Thu 8th January 2009, 9:09am) *

Is it right to grant young people responsibility over other people, including legally responsible adults, when they are not considered responsible for their actions legally?

It is just an online encyclopedia that most people can edit.
It's just a cyberspace psychodrama theater of the absurd, specializing in Bomis Boyzâ„¢ B&D Fetishism, Narcissistic Injury, and Narcissistic Rage.

Nothing that can't be cured by a couple dozen years of adult therapy.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Fri 9th January 2009, 1:06am) *

Nothing that can't be cured by a couple dozen years of adult therapy.

Yeah, if you're an idiot.
QUOTE(Kato @ Thu 8th January 2009, 6:34am) *
Worse, when the debates about the Virgin Killer album cover kicked off, and a wider debate about sexualized images of children went round Wikipedia's corridors of power, it is likely that judgments were being made by minors themselves who were participating in the debate. That just isn't acceptable.

Wait'll they see the cover of the new Morrissey album! blink.gif

Oops, I guess they already have...
Someone carrying a kid?

Oh my call the cops, the kid is actually wearing something!

QUOTE(Jacina @ Fri 9th January 2009, 1:48am) *
Someone carrying a kid?

Not just "someone" - it's the guy who wrote the lyrics to "Hand in Glove"!

Hopefully, most people won't care enough about context to make it a serious issue.
QUOTE(Sylar @ Thu 8th January 2009, 5:09pm) *
QUOTE(Moulton @ Fri 9th January 2009, 1:06am) *
Nothing that can't be cured by a couple dozen years of adult therapy.
Yeah, if you're an idiot.

You need to sign up right away and get started.

QUOTE(Somey @ Thu 8th January 2009, 9:42pm) *

Wait'll they see the cover of the new Morrissey album! blink.gif
Oops, I guess they already have...

Twenty dollars says this album sucks.
But not the kid.
QUOTE(Somey @ Fri 9th January 2009, 8:06am) *

QUOTE(Jacina @ Fri 9th January 2009, 1:48am) *
Someone carrying a kid?

Not just "someone" - it's the guy who wrote the lyrics to "Hand in Glove"!

Hopefully, most people won't care enough about context to make it a serious issue.

It isn't a serious issue. I don't know what point you are making about the non-controversial Morrissey LP - are you joking?
Minors do things like kidnap, rape, brutally beat people near to death, and more. When someone does something horrific, they should be held accountable despite age.

There was some incident where a bunch of males, I think two were aged 16 and then two more were 14. They kidnapped a lesbain, brutally beat her, and they all raped her in a hate crime. I think it was the Jena Six incident if my memory serves.
QUOTE(LamontStormstar @ Tue 20th January 2009, 2:25am) *

Minors do things like kidnap, rape, brutally beat people near to death, and more. When someone does something horrific, they should be held accountable despite age.

There was some incident where a bunch of males, I think two were aged 16 and then two more were 14. They kidnapped a lesbain, brutally beat her, and they all raped her in a hate crime. I think it was the Jena Six incident if my memory serves.

No, that was completely different. Jena Six was where some black kids beat up a white kid because he was hanging nooses from trees at the school.
LessHorrid vanU
QUOTE(Somey @ Fri 9th January 2009, 8:06am) *

QUOTE(Jacina @ Fri 9th January 2009, 1:48am) *
Someone carrying a kid?

Not just "someone" - it's the guy who wrote the lyrics to "Hand in Glove"!

Hopefully, most people won't care enough about context to make it a serious issue.

Not sure what the connection is between children and HiG, but "This Charming Man" is a victims viewpoint of Moors Murderer Ian Brady - that is the only Smiths/Morrissey song I think of that might pertain... My problems with him revolve around his uber-nationalist fascination giving rise to songs like "National Front Disco", but generally he was just another Manc mouth with a band for most of his career.
QUOTE(Sylar @ Tue 20th January 2009, 3:18am) *

QUOTE(LamontStormstar @ Tue 20th January 2009, 2:25am) *

Minors do things like kidnap, rape, brutally beat people near to death, and more. When someone does something horrific, they should be held accountable despite age.

There was some incident where a bunch of males, I think two were aged 16 and then two more were 14. They kidnapped a lesbain, brutally beat her, and they all raped her in a hate crime. I think it was the Jena Six incident if my memory serves.

No, that was completely different. Jena Six was where some black kids beat up a white kid because he was hanging nooses from trees at the school.

I forgot what it was called where a bunch of minors did this hate crime to a lesbain. I read it in the paper online. It happened near San Francisco.
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