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Full Version: Wikipedia Survey: Use Among the Scholarly Community
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Peter Damian
Nearly missed this - bumping.

The section 'problems with Wikipedia' is a good one to fill in.
"Results of the survey on use of Wikipedia by the scholarly community
Methodology: The survey below was publicized from February 18 to
February 26, 2009 initially in a blog and newsletter update by the
Public Library of Science. It was picked up by various science blogs
and was also distributed by at least one forum dedicated to criticisms
of Wikipedia."

If you actually save the PDF file, then right-click for its "Properties", you'll discover in the meta-data that the file originated with:

"Title: Strategic Plan and Proposal for Institutional Funding:
Wikimedia Foundation
Author: James Larrue-Baulch"

Now, a little sleuthing and you'll discover that Larrue-Baulch points to Arcana, a Toronto-based strategic business consultancy. Sue Gardner went to college in Toronto, and her job at the CBC was right there at 250 Front Street in Toronto.

So, what's Erik Moeller doing with a file that was at one time prepared by Arcana?

Anyway, you all should be delighted to learn that Wikipedia Review even won mention in this august report summary:

As noted above, the survey was mentioned in at least one Internet forum dedicated generally to criticisms of Wikipedia, which resulted in some small clusters of entirely or almost entirely negative responses. These approximately 10-20 responses could be identified due to the timerange in which they occurred, but did not significantly affect the result and were not removed from the sample.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 1st May 2009, 2:04am) *

If you actually save the PDF file, then right-click for its "Properties", you'll discover in the meta-data that the file originated with:

"Title: Strategic Plan and Proposal for Institutional Funding:
Wikimedia Foundation
Author: James Larrue-Baulch"

Now, a little sleuthing and you'll discover that Larrue-Baulch points to Arcana, a Toronto-based strategic business consultancy. Sue Gardner went to college in Toronto, and her job at the CBC was right there at 250 Front Street in Toronto.

So, what's Erik Moeller doing with a file that was at one time prepared by Arcana?
In July 2009, the Wikimedia Foundation will kick off a completely open, collaborative and transparent strategy development process aimed at maximizing the social impact of the Wikimedia movement world-wide over the coming years. The project will run from July 2009 until July 2010, and will draw upon the experiences and knowledge of a wide range of contributors including Wikimedia volunteers, specialists providing pro bono support, Wikimedia staff and board members, and an external strategy consulting firm. The strategy will be primarily developed through wikis and other online tools, and all planning outputs will be publicly available for review and free re-use.
Who is Arcana?

Established in 2008, Arcana is a Toronto-based strategic business consultancy specializing in driving profit through objective analysis, thoughtful planning and hands-on fieldwork.
Occasionally, people ask about the meaning of our name. According to Wiktionary, Arcana means 'specialized knowledge that is mysterious to the uninitiated' or a 'secret essence or remedy; an elixir'. We like to say that our specialized knowledge revolves around knowing how to extract and then act on the truth, even when it's hidden or confusing. In this sense, we transform the arcane into your arcana.

Looks like a perfect fit.
Jon Awbrey
That's pronounced Arcane, eh?

Ja Ja boing.gif
If it were in Texas, it might be Tex Arcana.
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