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(Sorry if this was already posted.)


The alt-text; "Actually, I think if all higher math professors had to write for the Simple English Wikipedia for a year, we'd be much better shape academically." is interesting. Of course, they'd get chased out of town for minor civility infringements and an ability to use rollback correctly, but imagine the possibilities...
I somehow missed this on the new posts yesterday, but found it doing a search for the Simple English thread so that I could post this exact thing.

Haha. I thought it was great. Because it's true.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Giggy @ Mon 23rd February 2009, 6:39am) *

(Sorry if this was already posted.)


The alt-text; "Actually, I think if all higher math professors had to write for the Simple English Wikipedia for a year, we'd be much better shape academically." is interesting. Of course, they'd get chased out of town for minor civility infringements and an ability to use rollback correctly, but imagine the possibilities...

The Feynman Lectures in Physics (at least Volumes I and II of them) are rather shocking for just this reason. The math is not left out, but the principles are explained with extremely simple and colloquial language. The set is still in print after more than 40 years.

And his little book QED (a theory for which he shared the Nobel prize) is even more shocking, for he explains at least the basics of photon interactions with matter without any math at all. Of course it's not quantitative, but it's amazing that it's ANYTHING.
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