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QUOTE(WP article Wikipedia in academic studie)
Below is an incomplete list of academic conference presentations, peer-reviewed papers and other types of academic writing which focus on Wikipedia as their subject. Works that mention Wikipedia only in passing are unlikely to be listed.

The battle over the future of Education is on.

Do you want the dysfunctional and deeply problematic practices of Wikipedia to seep further into Education?
A Horse With No Name
QUOTE(Kato @ Fri 27th February 2009, 6:00am) *

QUOTE(WP article Wikipedia in academic studie)
Below is an incomplete list of academic conference presentations, peer-reviewed papers and other types of academic writing which focus on Wikipedia as their subject. Works that mention Wikipedia only in passing are unlikely to be listed.

The battle over the future of Education is on.

Do you want the dysfunctional and deeply problematic practices of Wikipedia to seep further into Education?

Oh, we have to read all of these papers and report back with pithy comments? blink.gif
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(A Horse With No Name @ Fri 27th February 2009, 2:15pm) *

Oh, damn … do we have to read all of these papers and report back with pithy comments? blink.gif

No, sometimes we report back with pissy comments.

Oh wait …
Son of a Yeti
QUOTE(A Horse With No Name @ Fri 27th February 2009, 12:15pm) *

Oh, we have to read all of these papers and report back with pithy comments? blink.gif

Oh, no. But some are interesting.

I found especially amusing this one: Talk Before You Type: Coordination in Wikipedia

Were they studying an alternative universe Wikipedia, or what?


Wikipedia sould not be used in education even the so called feture article are some times filled with bull-Sh*t.
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