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Well I noticed this on Jimbo's talk page whilst asking an unrelated question, and thought it was kinda amusing in a sort of 'little bit annoying, little bit funny' sort of way.

Just amusing enough to drop a note in here in fact. and are being squatted on.

Perhaps most note worthy is the fact that the .org refers to a version of Jimmy's page which says 'Guten Tag! Heil Hitler! Welcome!' as an intro - now using a public diff. of a wikipedia page to commit a possible libel raises all sorts of questions, no?

ps. this diff seems to indicate that a chap called 'Wayne Smith' who's an 'internet prankster' may be the protagonist in this little sideshow - here's one of his previous japes (from the diff)
At .net AND .org, I see the website for Australian politician Pauline Hanson.
If this was intended to be a prank, it's a damn boring prank.

And PS: Coren is still an ass. angry.gif
Son of a Yeti
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Mon 2nd March 2009, 2:41am) *

At .net AND .org, I see the website for Australian politician Pauline Hanson.
If this was intended to be a prank, it's a damn boring prank.

What's the point? The only idea I have is to make the sites look legitimate.

I wonder if the candidate knows she "owns" the sites.
Jimmy Wales in his female form. fear.gif
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