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victim of censorship
Basically, Wikipeida is home of Obama cult love.

Where the Owellean ideas of Thought Crime and censorship and thuggery is alive and well and
now getting the attention of the mainstream.

Mainstream getting on board that Wikipedia is bull donkey

Here an example of one of those admins that seek neutral point of view on St. Berry O's wikipedia
web site.
A true jimbo and Berry O cultist
Jon Awbrey
So the Church Of Wikiality (COW) really does know where its tax exemption comes from, after all.

Ja Ja boing.gif
Milton Roe
QUOTE(victim of censorship @ Sun 8th March 2009, 5:07pm) *

Basically, Wikipeida is home of Obama cult love.

Wait, I thought they were so conservative that there was some question of fascism?

Well, which is it, now? mellow.gif
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Sun 8th March 2009, 10:43pm) *

QUOTE(victim of censorship @ Sun 8th March 2009, 5:07pm) *

Basically, Wikipeida is home of Obama cult love.

Wait, I thought they were so conservative that there was some question of fascism?

Well, which is it, now? mellow.gif

Wait, fascism is conservative? blink.gif
Oh; this is over here too.

Drudge linked to this WND article today. mellow.gif

He's the person who, if my memory serves me, talking heads have labeled as the person who can set the agenda for cable news.
Usual Truther idiocy.
Can't find "ayers" anywhere on the page and "wright" only appears in the footnotes.

Even more strangely, these words aren't in Barack Obama presidential campaign, 2008 or United States presidential election, 2008.

It's only in the Barack Obama presidential primary campaign, 2008 article that you can get some idea what the hubbub is about.
it's not like Wikipedia has ever said anything at all about the way certain segments of society have attempted to portray the pilot, president, and business-person George W. Bush as anything less than articulate and intelligent person, right? unsure.gif

so why should anyone say anything about all this rubbish related to President Barack Obama? yak.gif

QUOTE(emesee @ Mon 9th March 2009, 2:24am) *

it's not like Wikipedia has ever said anything at all about the way certain segments of society have attempted to portray the pilot, president, and business-person George W. Bush as anything less than articulate and intelligent person, right? unsure.gif

so why should anyone say anything about all this rubbish related to President Barack Obama? yak.gif

It's far more important that we should learn about his work on Project Vote, for six months in 1992.
QUOTE(Emperor @ Sun 8th March 2009, 11:47pm) *

QUOTE(emesee @ Mon 9th March 2009, 2:24am) *

it's not like Wikipedia has ever said anything at all about the way certain segments of society have attempted to portray the pilot, president, and business-person George W. Bush as anything less than articulate and intelligent person, right? unsure.gif

so why should anyone say anything about all this rubbish related to President Barack Obama? yak.gif

It's far more important that we should learn about his work on Project Vote, for six months in 1992.

I've not been made privy of that. Please, pray tell.
The slogan was, "It's a Power Thing."
At face glance...

If you look at certain theorists in their critique of how power impacts our experiences, and then how voting impacts power, perhaps there is some sort of validity to the associations being made by the marketers.

Of course, I do not know the details, so I could be playing devil's advocate here for all the wrong reasons. shrug.gif
That WND story, like a lot of paranoid idiocy that the conservative Mighty Wurlitzer likes to bellow at the world, is rapidly spreading to right-wing blogs....




We'll be hearing about this for months. It makes a good talking point, and WP's admins being a bunch of fucked-up paranoiacs, nobody will step up to refute it.
No one of consequence
QUOTE(SirFozzie @ Mon 9th March 2009, 6:06am) *

Usual Truther idiocy.

QUOTE(No one of consequence @ Mon 9th March 2009, 11:24am) *

QUOTE(SirFozzie @ Mon 9th March 2009, 6:06am) *

Usual Truther idiocy.


No one of consequence
QUOTE(SirFozzie @ Mon 9th March 2009, 6:06am) *

Usual Truther idiocy.


QUOTE(Emperor @ Mon 9th March 2009, 6:18am) *

Can't find "ayers" anywhere on the page and "wright" only appears in the footnotes.

Even more strangely, these words aren't in Barack Obama presidential campaign, 2008 or United States presidential election, 2008.

It's only in the Barack Obama presidential primary campaign, 2008 article that you can get some idea what the hubbub is about.

The non-citizen business really is Truther territory. But honestly, no mention of Ayers or Wright either in the main article or in the campaign article?

McCain barred using the Jeremiah Wright controversy in ads against Obama,[248] but the campaign did frequently criticize Obama regarding his purported relationship with Bill Ayers.[249]

Please to explain how this sentence appears in the main article on John McCain, but the only link in the Obama article to [[Jeremiah Wright controversy]] is in a footnote and the only link to [[Bill Ayers presidential election controversy]] is in a collapsed template.

Jimbo may be a Randian but the majority of Wikipedia editors skew liberal, as one might expect of high school and college students.
Welcome back JoJo, knew you couldnt go cold turkey on the Jimbo Juice (or anti-Jimbo Juice as you wish).
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Viridae @ Mon 9th March 2009, 8:27am) *

Welcome back JoJo, knew you couldnt go cold turkey on the Jimbo Juice (or anti-Jimbo Juice as you wish).

Ipecac, followed by a slurry of activated charcoal in more serious cases.


QUOTE(victim of censorship @ Mon 9th March 2009, 12:07am) *
Basically, Wikipeida is home of Obama cult love.........
Mainstream getting on board that Wikipedia is bull donkey

What does all this shite mean?! Translation:
The bland, grinning, corrupt man-in-a-suit-and-tie that I voted for is better than the bland, grinning, corrupt man-in-a-suit-and-tie that you voted for. So there.
You need to head over to the Obama article on Conservapedia for--shall we say--a more fair-and-balanced treatment.

A typical excerpt:

Obama is likely the first Muslim President

The argument that Obama is a Muslim is largely based on his Islamic background. It also includes:
  • Obama's background, education, and outlook are Muslim, and fewer than 1% of Muslims convert to Christianity.[25][26]
  • Obama's middle name (Hussein) references Husayn, who was the grandson of Muhammad,[27] which most Christians would not retain.[28]
  • Obama recently mentioned his religion as "my Muslim faith."[29]
    He has said that "Islam can be compatible with the modern world."[30]
  • Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset," and recited "with a first-class Arabic accent" the opening lines: Allah is Supreme! ... I witness that there is no god but Allah ...."[31]
  • Obama stated that the autobiography of Malcolm X, a Nation of Islam leader who became a Muslim, inspired him in his youth.[32]
  • Obama raised nearly $1 million and campaigned for a Kenyan presidential candidate who had a written agreement with Muslim leaders promising to convert Kenya to an Islamic state that bans Christianity.[33]
  • Obama's claims of conversion to Christianity arose after he became politically ambitious, lacking a date of conversion or baptism.[34] On the campaign trail, Obama was reading "The Post-American World" by Fareed Zakaria,[35] which is written from a Muslim point-of-view.[36]
    Contrary to Christianity, the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya encourages adherents to deny they are Muslim if it advances the cause of Islam.
  • Obama uses the Muslim Pakistani pronunciation for "Pakistan" rather than the common American one.[37]
  • Obama was thoroughly exposed to Christianity as an adult in Chicago prior to attending law school, yet no one at law school saw him display any interest in converting. Obama unabashedly explained how he became "churched" in a 2007 speech: "It's around that time [while working as an organizer for the Developing Communities Project (DCP) of the Calumet Community Religious Conference (CCRC) in Chicago] that some pastors I was working with came around and asked if I was a member of a church. 'If you're organizing churches,' they said, 'it might be helpful if you went to a church once in a while.' And I thought, 'I guess that makes sense.'"[38]
  • Obama is mentioned as helping to organize the 1995 million man march led by black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan from the Nation of Islam. [39]
  • Obama has chosen the Secret Service code name "Renegade". "Renegade" conventionally describes someone who goes against normal conventions of behavior, but its first usage was to describe someone who has turned from their religion. It is a word derived from the Spanish renegado, meaning "Christian turned Muslim."[40]
  • Obama enjoyed a bigger increase in voter support in 2008 (compared to 2004) by Muslims than by any other voting group, including blacks;[41] "Muslim turnout in the U.S. elections reached 95 percent, the highest Muslim turnout in U.S. history."[42]
  • "President-elect Barack Obama has yet to attend [Sunday] church services since winning the White House earlier ..., a departure from the example of his two immediate predecessors."[43]

I love that website.

Did I mention my several accounts and I were banned from Conservapedia? It was not one of my happiest days.
QUOTE(Obesity @ Mon 9th March 2009, 3:18pm) *
You need to head over to the Obama article on Conservapedia for--shall we say--a more fair-and-balanced treatment.......
I love that website.

I see what you mean. I used to - vaguely - like Obama. Well, my eyes are open now. Damn him to Hell.

Did I mention my several accounts and I were banned from Conservapedia? It was not one of my happiest days.

I've never indulged. It would be interesting to see how long it would take for a couple of identities to get banned, there. So many forums, so little time, though.
QUOTE(victim of censorship @ Sun 8th March 2009, 8:07pm) *

"Mainstream" and "worldnetdaily" appearing in the same sentence is pretty funny, I tellya.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Tarc @ Mon 9th March 2009, 2:56pm) *

QUOTE(victim of censorship @ Sun 8th March 2009, 8:07pm) *

"Mainstream" and "worldnetdaily" appearing in the same sentence is pretty funny, I tellya.

Man, what a bunch o' longhairs —

I mean on their knuckles —

Makes you wonder how they type —

Ja Ja Ja boing.gif
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Sun 8th March 2009, 7:50pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Sun 8th March 2009, 10:43pm) *

QUOTE(victim of censorship @ Sun 8th March 2009, 5:07pm) *

Basically, Wikipeida is home of Obama cult love.

Wait, I thought they were so conservative that there was some question of fascism?

Well, which is it, now? mellow.gif

Wait, fascism is conservative? blink.gif

Apparently, since that is a typical word used by The Left when speaking about conservatives.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 9th March 2009, 3:23pm) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Sun 8th March 2009, 7:50pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Sun 8th March 2009, 10:43pm) *

QUOTE(victim of censorship @ Sun 8th March 2009, 5:07pm) *

Basically, Wikipeida is home of Obama cult love.

Wait, I thought they were so conservative that there was some question of fascism?

Well, which is it, now? mellow.gif

Wait, fascism is conservative? blink.gif

Apparently, since that is a typical word used by The Left when speaking about conservatives.

But fascists always describe themselves as leading a populist rebellion.

Y'know, like Ronnie Raygun.

Jon winky.gif
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Mon 9th March 2009, 12:42pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 9th March 2009, 3:23pm) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Sun 8th March 2009, 7:50pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Sun 8th March 2009, 10:43pm) *

QUOTE(victim of censorship @ Sun 8th March 2009, 5:07pm) *

Basically, Wikipeida is home of Obama cult love.

Wait, I thought they were so conservative that there was some question of fascism?

Well, which is it, now? mellow.gif

Wait, fascism is conservative? blink.gif

Apparently, since that is a typical word used by The Left when speaking about conservatives.

But fascists always describe themselves as leading a populist rebellion.

Y'know, like Ronnie Raygun.

Jon winky.gif

You see, you neatly illustrate my point, there. Richard Nixon, too. And both of them were populists, inasmuch as they collected most of the votes in the US heartland. No, not the Left's version of Populists. Populist in the sense of representing the most numerically popular views.

Now, the Left's answer for this, is that the Silent Majority in America is actually made up mostly of fascists. With the only moderates being denizens of coastal big cities. yecch.gif

Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 9th March 2009, 4:01pm) *

You see, you neatly illustrate my point, there. Richard Nixon, too. And both of them were populists, inasmuch as they collected most of the votes in the US heartland. No, not the Left's version of Populists. Populist in the sense of representing the most numerically popular views.

Now, the Left's answer for this, is that the Silent Majority in America is actually made up mostly of fascists. With the only moderates being denizens of coastal big cities. yecch.gif

So anyone who wins an election on the popular vote is pretty much a populist — y'know, except for folks who win by the popular vote of the Supreme Court, I guess.

So the House of Reps is populist and the Senate is … what?

Jon Image
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Mon 9th March 2009, 4:32pm) *
So the House of Reps is populist and the Senate is … what?

QUOTE(Obesity @ Mon 9th March 2009, 8:18am) *
Did I mention my several accounts and I were banned from Conservapedia? It was not one of my happiest days.

And what, pray tell, were you doing on Conservapedia???
Subverting it? Or vandalizing it?
It made Fox News.....

And holy.. crap, ANI is boiling over about this story.....

Welcome to Freep Hell, boys and girls.
WP was, at one time, relatively friendly and collegial (if rather corrupt and mismanaged).

Now that it's a target for edit wars conducted by righty nut-cases, how do you like it?

is it spring break already? --Ludwigs2 00:12, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

Uh, no, shithead. It's Freepers-vandalizing-WP time.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Mon 9th March 2009, 1:32pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 9th March 2009, 4:01pm) *

You see, you neatly illustrate my point, there. Richard Nixon, too. And both of them were populists, inasmuch as they collected most of the votes in the US heartland. No, not the Left's version of Populists. Populist in the sense of representing the most numerically popular views.

Now, the Left's answer for this, is that the Silent Majority in America is actually made up mostly of fascists. With the only moderates being denizens of coastal big cities. yecch.gif

So anyone who wins an election on the popular vote is pretty much a populist — y'know, except for folks who win by the popular vote of the Supreme Court, I guess.

I suppose so. Though the word has been used in other ways so much that even the people who call themselves "populists" really agree on what it means. Usually it means you think somebody has more power than you do, and you think that's unfair.

So the House of Reps is populist and the Senate is … what?

I have no idea. The adoption of the Constitution and thus creation of the Senate was approved by what was probably a majority vote, although the vote wasn't taken that way. So does it count, or not? Again the old problem of democracy is that you cannot settle any basic democratic issue by democratic means, since there is no way to draw democratically draw voting boundaries to begin. The US was no different. Democratic government is not a problem which admits of a solution within its own set of rules.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 9th March 2009, 9:51pm) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Mon 9th March 2009, 1:32pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 9th March 2009, 4:01pm) *

You see, you neatly illustrate my point, there. Richard Nixon, too. And both of them were populists, inasmuch as they collected most of the votes in the US heartland. No, not the Left's version of Populists. Populist in the sense of representing the most numerically popular views.

Now, the Left's answer for this, is that the Silent Majority in America is actually made up mostly of fascists. With the only moderates being denizens of coastal big cities. yecch.gif

So anyone who wins an election on the popular vote is pretty much a populist — y'know, except for folks who win by the popular vote of the Supreme Court, I guess.

I suppose so. Though the word has been used in other ways so much that even the people who call themselves "populists" really agree on what it means. Usually it means you think somebody has more power than you do, and you think that's unfair.


So the House of Reps is populist and the Senate is … what?

I have no idea. The adoption of the Constitution and thus creation of the Senate was approved by what was probably a majority vote, although the vote wasn't taken that way. So does it count, or not? Again the old problem of democracy is that you cannot settle any basic democratic issue by democratic means, since there is no way to draw democratically draw voting boundaries to begin. The US was no different. Democratic government is not a problem which admits of a solution within its own set of rules.

Well, let's face it, pretty much all politicians these days describe themselves as representing the Interests, the Views, or the Will of the People.

Not that those are anywhere near the same thing.

It is usually said that the winner represents the Will of the People — but that is only because the Will is so undefined in its own right that you might as well take the winner as representing it by definition. Just like Fitness and Survival, I guess.

People may vote for the candidate who Echoes their Views, but that doesn't mean they vote for the person who Represents their Views, not by a long shot, as many a Slip of Misreading occurs between the Lip and the Echo.

Do people vote for the candidate who represents their Interests? That is even harder to tell. Unlike Views and Will, whose match or mismatch can be judged at election time, you never really know whether you elected the one who represents your Interests until several years down the road.

As for the Bicameral Congress, that was a compromise between the populism of Jefferson (the 5¢ and $2 guy) and the real estatism of Hamilton (the $10 guy). Sure, a bunch of DWG's co-founded the set-up, but what it means today is that non-populous States like Alaska, Arizona, and Wyoming happily accept a disproportionate boon of Congressional Power year after year after year that allows them to doggle the denizens of populous coastal cities — like Washington DC, for instance. So much for populism. You can't get there from here.

Jon yak.gif
QUOTE(Emperor @ Mon 9th March 2009, 2:18am) *

Can't find "ayers" anywhere on the page and "wright" only appears in the footnotes.

Even more strangely, these words aren't in Barack Obama presidential campaign, 2008 or United States presidential election, 2008.

It's only in the Barack Obama presidential primary campaign, 2008 article that you can get some idea what the hubbub is about.

Hey was the "Ayers, Wright also missing in Obama's bio" section already there when I posted this? I don't remember reading it but now it's there.
Drudge will group what he believes are related articles together inside horizontal ruled off boxes.

Now with this WP Obama story he groups in:

WIKIPEDIA scrubs Obama page clean of critical entries...

WIRE: 'Manchurian Candidate Starts War on Business'...

keeps getting more interesting. rolleyes.gif
QUOTE(emesee @ Mon 9th March 2009, 10:55pm) *
Drudge will group what he believes are related articles together inside horizontal ruled off boxes.
Now with this WP Obama story he groups in:
WIKIPEDIA scrubs Obama page clean of critical entries...
WIRE: 'Manchurian Candidate Starts War on Business'...

I sincerely hope you're not taking Drudge seriously.
There is no easy way to describe what a flake he is.....
but you can read this.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Tue 10th March 2009, 4:35am) *

QUOTE(emesee @ Mon 9th March 2009, 10:55pm) *

Drudge will group what he believes are related articles together inside horizontal ruled off boxes.

Now with this WP Obama story he groups in:


WIKIPEDIA scrubs Obama page clean of critical entries …

WIRE: 'Manchurian Candidate Starts War on Business' …

I sincerely hope you're not taking Drudge seriously.
There is no easy way to describe what a flake he is ……
but you can read this.

That's only because Obama ran against a guy who had been a POW …

Ja Ja boing.gif
QUOTE(Obesity @ Mon 9th March 2009, 11:18am) *

You need to head over to the Obama article on Conservapedia for--shall we say--a more fair-and-balanced treatment.

A typical excerpt:

Obama is likely the first Muslim President

The argument that Obama is a Muslim is largely based on his Islamic background. It also includes:
  • Obama has chosen the Secret Service code name "Renegade". "Renegade" conventionally describes someone who goes against normal conventions of behavior, but its first usage was to describe someone who has turned from their religion. It is a word derived from the Spanish renegado, meaning "Christian turned Muslim."[40]

Okay, well, I don't know if a post was changed or I just lost the one that contained this blog link, but that's what I wanted to comment on. The overall point is sound, but the comments in brackets were no more informed than the stupidity of the Conservapedia article. This one above, however, was my favorite. The comment in the blog was: {Presidents don't pick their own code names. The Secret Service assigns them.} Granted his source says they're assigned, but Conservapedia's got a reliable source, too, that says Obama had some say.

Regardless, I had not previously heard of "renegado" meaning "Christian turned Muslim", but even if it did, that wouldn't describe Obama, whether he was or is Muslim. The confusion around this was being discussed on Conservapedia editor Ed Poor's talk page (permanent link) back in November. Guess what Aschlafly wants, Aschlafly gets. What a nut job.

Aaron Klein, WorldNetDaily's Jerusalem bureau chief and a frequent Fox News interviewee, took a break from covering the Middle East to fixate on the question of why Wikipedia's volunteer editors were supposedly censoring edits to Obama's Wikipedia page. According to Klein, "one user" was rebuffed when he tried to add the following paragraph to the page:
There have been some doubts about whether Obama was born in the U.S. after the politician refused to release to the public a carbon copy of his birth certificate and amid claims from his relatives he may have been born in Kenya. Numerous lawsuits have been filed petitioning Obama to release his birth certificate, but most suits have been thrown out by the courts.
That same user, Klein added, was given a three-day suspension after trying to add other material to the page. (Wikipedia editors, who are longtime users given extra authority, often reverse edits that they deem "fringe theories.")

Fox News picked up the tale of supposed Obamaniac censorship yesterday. But they never bothered to ask questions about the identity of "Jerusalem21," the suppressed Wikipedian. Turns out it was almost certainly Klein himself who made the offending edits, Wired notes:
Curiously, it turns out that Jerusalem21, whoever he or she might be, has only worked on one other Wikipedia entry since the account was created, notes ConWebWatch. That's Aaron Klein's entry, which Jerusalem21 created in 2006, and has edited 37 times.
QUOTE(Kato @ Tue 10th March 2009, 2:06pm) *

Fox News picked up the tale of supposed Obamaniac censorship yesterday. But they never bothered to ask questions about the identity of "Jerusalem21," the suppressed Wikipedian. Turns out it was almost certainly Klein himself who made the offending edits, Wired notes:
Curiously, it turns out that Jerusalem21, whoever he or she might be, has only worked on one other Wikipedia entry since the account was created, notes ConWebWatch. That's Aaron Klein's entry, which Jerusalem21 created in 2006, and has edited 37 times.

evilgrin.gif eeeexcellent.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Tue 10th March 2009, 5:10pm) *

QUOTE(Kato @ Tue 10th March 2009, 2:06pm) *

Fox News picked up the tale of supposed Obamaniac censorship yesterday. But they never bothered to ask questions about the identity of "Jerusalem21," the suppressed Wikipedian. Turns out it was almost certainly Klein himself who made the offending edits, Wired notes: Curiously, it turns out that Jerusalem21, whoever he or she might be, has only worked on one other Wikipedia entry since the account was created, notes ConWebWatch. That's Aaron Klein's entry, which Jerusalem21 created in 2006, and has edited 37 times.

evilgrin.gif eeeexcellent.

Psedonyms are a lot like potato chips.

Betcha can't edit as just one.

Jon hrmph.gif
LessHorrid vanU
My only observation is - certainly in what used to be Communist Eastern Europe, and everywhere else that isn't/wasn't part of the Free World - that if the ruling political party had as part of its name the words "Democratic", "Peoples" and/or "Popular/list" in it then very likely it was nothing of the sort.
QUOTE(LessHorrid vanU @ Tue 10th March 2009, 9:43pm) *

My only observation is - certainly in what used to be Communist Eastern Europe, and everywhere else that isn't/wasn't part of the Free World - that if the ruling political party had as part of its name the words "Democratic", "Peoples" and/or "Popular/list" in it then very likely it was nothing of the sort.

Whereas the United Kingdom....
QUOTE(Kato @ Tue 10th March 2009, 9:06pm) *

Aaron Klein, WorldNetDaily's Jerusalem bureau chief and a frequent Fox News interviewee, took a break from covering the Middle East to fixate on the question of why Wikipedia's volunteer editors were supposedly censoring edits to Obama's Wikipedia page. According to Klein, "one user" was rebuffed when he tried to add the following paragraph to the page:
There have been some doubts about whether Obama was born in the U.S. after the politician refused to release to the public a carbon copy of his birth certificate and amid claims from his relatives he may have been born in Kenya. Numerous lawsuits have been filed petitioning Obama to release his birth certificate, but most suits have been thrown out by the courts.
That same user, Klein added, was given a three-day suspension after trying to add other material to the page. (Wikipedia editors, who are longtime users given extra authority, often reverse edits that they deem "fringe theories.")

Fox News picked up the tale of supposed Obamaniac censorship yesterday. But they never bothered to ask questions about the identity of "Jerusalem21," the suppressed Wikipedian. Turns out it was almost certainly Klein himself who made the offending edits, Wired notes:
Curiously, it turns out that Jerusalem21, whoever he or she might be, has only worked on one other Wikipedia entry since the account was created, notes ConWebWatch. That's Aaron Klein's entry, which Jerusalem21 created in 2006, and has edited 37 times.

More shenanigans:

According to Klein, Jerusalem bureau chief for the extreme-right-wing website, he is not "Jerusalem21," the Wikipedia user whose rejected edits to the Obama article formed the centerpiece of Klein's reporting. Wired and other publications raised questions about Jerusalem21's identity when a blogger noted that Jerusalem21's sole contributions to the free online compendium were edits to the Obama page and Klein's own Wikipedia article.

"I am not 'Jerusalem21,' but I do know the Wikipedia user (he works with me and does research for me), and I worked with him on this story," Klein writes, adding that he "personally" oversaw "Jerusalem21"'s edits. In other words, Klein masterminded the creation of the supposed scandal he wrote about.

QUOTE(Kato @ Wed 11th March 2009, 2:31am) *
More shenanigans:

"I am not 'Jerusalem21,' but I do know the Wikipedia user (he works with me and does research for me), and I worked with him on this story," Klein writes, adding that he "personally" oversaw "Jerusalem21"'s edits. In other words, Klein masterminded the creation of the supposed scandal he wrote about.

Heh! Translation:
"Fuck. I've been caught. {Squirm! Squirm!}

Have to say, though, that I like Klein's little beard. Very dapper. Gives him a "you wouldn't want to buy a used car from me" vibe.
Aaron Klein, the guy who ordered the failed edits to Obama's bio and then concocted the dubious story, is now being referred to in mainstream press as the "Obama Wiki fiddler".

Oops! Well that backfired for him then didn't it!

Obama Wiki fiddler caught red-handed!
That ain't the half of it. WND's chief editor is now fully involved.

Farah Cries "Libel"

As that blogger notes, Mr. Klein is a regular apologist for the Israeli far right.
Some of whom, like the Kach and Kahane Chai, are actually considered terrorists by Israel.
And he seems to have no problems with Baruch Goldstein.

Calling Klein a "journalist" is an insult to all real journalists.
Samuel Culper Sr.
CharlotteWebb, you actually felt the need to ask this question:

Recall that a troll is someone who asks a good question that you'd rather not have to answer. Socrates asked good questions like that. So did Jesus, Becket, Galileo, Darwin, and a lot of other pesky trolls who got their asses banned for such temerity.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Tue 17th March 2009, 4:07pm) *
Recall that a troll is someone who asks a good question that you'd rather not have to answer. Socrates asked good questions like that.

So true. Recall the time that Socrates sneaked into Plato's room one night and scrawled on the wall "PLATO U SUCK BALLS!!!!! + U R TEH GAYS!!!"
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