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Full Version: Planning to tighten TorBlock restrictions
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion

QUOTE and others have seen a rash of abuse coming via Tor in the form of account creations with abusive names and such; this is taking up a large chunk of CheckUser and oversighter time and effort, which is apparently not too fun.

It looks like the current TorBlock settings don’t generally restrict various actions to a logged-in user when accessing through Tor; is there any objection to tightening this up to restrict edits, account creations, etc via Tor except when the account is explicitly excepted?
QUOTE(Kato @ Sun 5th April 2009, 3:06pm) *


QUOTE and others have seen a rash of abuse coming via Tor in the form of account creations with abusive names and such; this is taking up a large chunk of CheckUser and oversighter time and effort, which is apparently not too fun.

It looks like the current TorBlock settings don’t generally restrict various actions to a logged-in user when accessing through Tor; is there any objection to tightening this up to restrict edits, account creations, etc via Tor except when the account is explicitly excepted?

This relates to you-know-who, who had (at least last month before I left) been using TOR extensively to create accounts like [RLName ejaculates in childrens' mouths], etc and doing pagemove vandalism. As a result, they're closing in on TOR and in the process, cutting off a lot of editors behind the Great Firewall.
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