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At the CTAM Research conference today, Harvard faculty Misiek Piskorski speaking about social networking:

"Regarding Wikipedia, 11,000 people contributed about 50% of the overall content on the site. Basically, a bunch of addicted men."

About 250 people in attendance here.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 6th April 2009, 3:09pm) *

At the CTAM Research conference today, Harvard faculty Misiek Piskorski speaking about social networking:

"Regarding Wikipedia, 11,000 people contributed about 50% of the overall content on the site. Basically, a bunch of addicted men."

About 250 people in attendance here.

Where did he get those stats?

That's a pretty bold quote: I like it!
No surprise there.
It's apparently Mikolaj, proper name.
And even more horribly, we can figure out who some of them are......
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