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The Wales Hunter


Jimmy, I don't know a better place than this for an open letter to you. I recently read the Hot Press interview with you. The lies and distortions it contains are, for me, the last straw, especially after this came to light, in which you described yourself as "co-founder" in 2002.

I've reached out to you on a couple of occasions to coordinate our "versions"--well, my version and your fanciful inventions--about how Wikipedia got started. Last year I read about a speech in which you represented me as being more or less opposed to Wikipedia from the start--despite it being my own baby, really--and I wrote to you saying that if you keep this up, I will speak out. Well, I'm finally speaking out.

In Wikipedia's first three years, it was clear to everyone working on it that not only had I named the project, I came up with and promoted the idea of making a wiki encyclopedia, wrote the first policy pages and many more policy pages in the following year, led the project, and enforced many rules that are now taken for granted. I came up with a lot of stuff that is regarded as standard operating procedure. For instance, I argued that talk should go on talk pages and got people into that habit. Similarly, after meta-discussion started taking up so much of Wikipedia's time and energy, I shepherded talk about the project to after that, to Wikipedia-L and WikiEN-L. I insisted that we were working on an encyclopedia, not on the many other things one can use a wiki for. I came up with the name "Wikipedian" and other Wikipedia jargon. I had devised a neutrality policy for Nupedia, and I elaborated it in a form that stood for several years on Wikipedia. I did a lot of explaining and evangelizing for Wikipedia--what it is about, why we are here, and so forth--for example, in Wikipedia:Our Replies to Our Critics and a couple of well-known posts on like this one and this. I also recall introducing many specific policy details, the evidence for which is in archives (such as on and no doubt in the memories of some of the more active early Wikipedians.

These are only some examples of ways in which I led the project in its first 14 months; after I left, there was a lot of soul-searching in the project about what would happen now that it was "leaderless" (see the quotations linked from this page). When I was involved in the project, I was regarded as its chief organizer. As you can still see in the archives, I called myself "Chief Instigator" and "Chief Organizer" and the like (not editor).

I also want to correct you on something that tends to harm me: your repeated insinuations that I was "fired." In the Hot Press interview, you said I left Wikipedia because you "didn't want to pay him any more." You know--and so does everyone else who worked at Bomis, Inc., around a dozen people--that at the end of 2001, you had to go back to Bomis' original 4-5 employees, because of the tech market bust, when Bomis suddenly lost a million-dollar ad deal. Tim Shell told me I was the last person to be laid off. He told me--the day I arrived back from my honeymoon, as I recall--that I should probably start looking for new work, because of the market. I was made to believe, and always did until a few years ago when you started implying otherwise, that I had been laid off just like all the other Bomis employees.

In those first three years, Wikipedia did three press releases, in which we are both given credit as founders of the project. I drafted the first press release in January 2002; you read and approved it before posting it on the wires. Moreover, you must have read the many early news articles that called us both founders. You could have complained then--when you were CEO of the company that paid my paycheck. But you didn't. In fact, you called yourself "co-founder" from time to time. Evidence of this has surfaced in the form of this post to xodp in which you begin, "Hello, let me introduce myself. I'm Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Nupedia and Wikipedia, the open content encyclopedias." While your company supplied the funding and you supplied some guidance, I supplied the main leadership of the early project. This is why Wikipedia's second press release also called me "founder," in 2003--just after I broke permanently with you and the Wikipedia community--and the Wikimedia Foundation's first press release described me the same way, in early 2004.

I had nothing to do with the second and third press releases, and, as Bomis CEO and Wikimedia Chair, you approved all three. But now read what you told Hot Press recently. The interviewer asked: "Sanger said that proof of his being co-founder is on the initial press releases. Are you saying that he basically just put himself down as co-founder on these press releases?" You answered "Yes." How could I "put myself down as co-founder" in 2003 and 2004, when I wasn't even part of the organization? This is an attempt to buff your reputation while making me look like a liar--but your simple "Yes" answer can be refuted with a few URLs; you were a contact on all three press releases.

Beginning in 2004, you began leaving me out of the story of Wikipedia's origin. You began implying, to reporters, that you had done a lot of the sort of work that, in fact, you hired me to do. You have even implied that I was opposed to various ideas that were crucial to Wikipedia's popular success--when those were, for all intents and purposes, my own ideas. A good example is Daniel Pink's article for Wired Magazine--in which you implied that I had little or nothing to do with Wikipedia.

You still do this. You told the Hot Press interviewer, "Larry was never comfortable with the open-editing model of Wikipedia and he very early on wanted to start locking things down and giving certain people special authority--you know, recruit experts to supervise certain areas of the encyclopaedia and things like that." This is a lie. I was perfectly comfortable with the "open-editing model of Wikipedia." After all, that was my idea. I did not want to "start locking things down"----or to "recruit experts to supervise certain areas of the encyclopaedia." I challenge anyone to find any evidence in the archive that I did any such thing. For my early attitude toward expert involvement, see this column, written a year after the project started. Besides, your claim doesn't make sense. Even after a year, I was hoping that a revitalized Nupedia would work in tandem with Wikipedia as its vetting service. Though you increasingly disliked Nupedia as Wikipedia's star rose, it was always my assumption that you felt the same way about at least the potential of the two projects working together.

It was one thing, in 2004, to leave me out of the story of Wikipedia. It was another to assert in 2005, (1) for the very first time, that somebody else had the idea for the project, contrary to what had been on the books since 2001, or (2) that I am not co-founder of the project. But in both cases, people scanning the Wikipedia-L mailing list archives found old mails in which you contradicted yourself. One embarrassing mail has you giving me credit--as, of course, I always had been given credit--for the idea of Wikipedia, and another embarrassing mail surfaced just a few days ago in which you called yourself "co-founder" of Wikipedia.

I find your behavior since 2004 transparently self-serving, considering that this rewriting of history began in 2004, just as was getting started, and you started promoting your reputation as the brains behind Wikipedia. There is a long "paper trail" establishing virtually all of my claims about Wikipedia, and which refute your various attempts to rewrite history.

I have not publicly confronted you about this before, to this extent. Public controversies are emotionally wrenching and time-consuming. I know I might be (verbally) attacked more viciously than ever by your fans and Wikipedia's. (To them, I just point out that Wikipedia is bigger than Jimmy Wales.) I have mainly limited myself to answering reporters' questions--keeping my more harshly-worded statements off the record--and to this page on my personal site. Occasionally I couldn't help objecting to some particularly outrageous claim, but I never went all out.

I thought that the evidence against your claims about me would shame you into changing your behavior. But, five years since you started misrepresenting my role in the founding of Wikipedia, you're still at it.

I have been content to watch you reap the rewards of the project I started for you, largely without comment. You (with Tim Shell and Michael Davis, the Bomis partners) did, after all, sponsor the project. After leaving Wikipedia, I went back to academia and, after that, worked for a succession of nonprofit projects--these days, and now also I have not tried to cash in on my own reputation. I have been approached by a number of venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and publishers and have always told them that I have my own plans. If I had wanted to cash in myself, I wouldn't have moved away from Silicon Valley back to Ohio, as I did, in order to lower my costs in supporting the non-profit projects which I've made my life's work.

The Hot Press interview is the straw that broke this camel's back. I resent being the victim of another person's self-serving lies. Besides, I don't want to set a poor example in my failure to defend myself.

Please don't say I'm making mountains out of molehills. When you go out of your way to edit Wikipedia articles to remove the fact that I am a co-founder, or ask others to do so, I don't call that correcting "very simple errors," as you told Hot Press. What angers me is not any one error, but the accumulated weight of your lies about me--I've mentioned only a few of them here.

Finally, you might protest that you have said, several times, that I am not credited enough. For example, you told Hot Press:

I feel that Larry's work is often under-appreciated. He really did a lot in the first year to think through editorial policy. ... I would actually love to have it on the record that I said: I think Larry's work should be more appreciated. He's a really brilliant guy.

This sounds like a fine sentiment. But how could it be sincere? What better way to ensure that I am "under-appreciated" than to contradict your own first three press releases and tell the Boston Globe, just two years later, that it's "preposterous" that I am called co-founder?

I have two further requests, not of you, but of those who deal with you: the Wikimedia Foundation and reporters.

First, I ask the Board of the Wikimedia Foundation to reiterate the Foundation's original position (as expressed in its first press release) that we are both, in fact, founders of Wikipedia. (I note that the author of the recent history of Wikipedia, Andrew "fuzheado" Lih, was among the authors and contacts for this press release.) If the Foundation is unwilling, I request an explanation why its corporate view has changed. Is it simply because Jimmy Wales has made his wishes known and you enforce them?

Second, I request any reporter who interviews you about the early history of Wikipedia and Nupedia to interview me as well, so I can correct anything misleading. They should know that there are many details in my 2005 memoir of Nupedia and Wikipedia, and my story has never varied. I would also appreciate it if a reporter were to inquire about my request, above, to the Board of the Wikimedia Foundation.

--Larry Sanger (talk) 15:38, 8 April 2009 (UTC) (

Also, the comments on the message I left for Greg:


Jimbo, under established precedent of users being able to re-add edits from banned users if they are willing to take responsibility for said edit, may I please ask the following question, one which has been added and removed from here countless times, causing more "drama" than the actual question.

Jimbo, could you please explain why in August 2002, you introduced yourself as "co-founder" of Wikipedia; but in May 2007, you declared yourself the "sole founder" of Wikipedia?

Many thanks GTD 12:22, 7 April 2009 (UTC)

Looks like a typo.--Jimbo Wales (talk) 13:38, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

Are you sure you want to go with that answer, Jimmy? It doesn't sound very credible.

No, it wasn't a typo. I recall you referring to yourself as "co-founder" a number times. I remember being distinctly annoyed when, in 2004, you started referring to yourself as the (singular) founder of Wikipedia. If we were to scour other archives from late 2001, 2002, and 2003, I'm sure we would find other instances--to say nothing of the first three official press releases. --Larry Sanger (talk) 15:43, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a tiny mind" - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Rodhullandemu 12:38, 7 April 2009 (UTC)

There is a very good description of the whole co-founder/founder issue at Larry Sanger#Origins of Wikipedia with lots of sources. --Tango (talk) 18:37, 7 April 2009 (UTC)
I'm becoming increasingly depressed by Andrew Lih's role in Wikipedia.

On his radio show, Wikipedia Weekly, Lih is a Wikiapologist, but not so stupid as to have swallowed the whole jug of Jimbo Juice.

Now he's pushing his book, his name is popping up all over the place to justify Wikipedia, usually accompanied by a lot of those same old myths about Wikipedia which don't stand up to scrutiny, but which won't go away.
Doc glasgow
removed my duplicate post of Larry's letter that was merged here
The Wales Hunter
QUOTE(Kato @ Wed 8th April 2009, 5:06pm) *

I'm becoming increasingly depressed by Andrew Lih's role in Wikipedia.

On his radio show, Wikipedia Weekly, Lih is a Wikiapologist, but not so stupid as to have swallowed the whole jug of Jimbo Juice.

Now he's pushing his book, his name is popping up all over the place to justify Wikipedia, usually accompanied by a lot of those same old myths about Wikipedia which don't stand up to scrutiny, but which won't go away.

By "old myths about Wikipedia", do you mean (for lack of better terminology) "pro-Wales version", "pro-Sanger version" or "pro-Wiki is the best thing ever version"?
QUOTE(The Wales Hunter @ Wed 8th April 2009, 5:15pm) *

By "old myths about Wikipedia", do you mean (for lack of better terminology) "pro-Wales version", "pro-Sanger version" or "pro-Wiki is the best thing ever version"?

I mean "pro-Wiki is the best thing ever version" in Andrew's case. His idea of the worst excesses of Wikipedia seem to go no further than some over zealous admin deleting a stub. It's like Essjay, Seigenthaler, Brandt, Wool, Marsden, Naked Shorts, Mass defamation etc never happened.

But I digress, sorry.
Jon Awbrey
So Fix It ???

Jon evilgrin.gif
Preempted Doc G.

Although I generally agree that Wales is not the master/demon he is sometimes imagined to be here, I think it's good that Larry Sanger might get some closure on this issue. It's ashamed that the person who exclaimed "Let's make a Wiki!" has been cast as some sort of early opponent to Wikipedia.

I wish that Larry Sanger's vision had prevailed. His observations in late 2004 about Wikipedia's anti-elitism were spot-on. He was way ahead of the curve.
Doc glasgow
QUOTE(One @ Wed 8th April 2009, 5:29pm) *

Preempted Doc G.

Although I generally agree that Wales is not the master/demon he is sometimes imagined to be here, I think it's good that Larry Sanger might get some closure on this issue. It's ashamed that the person who exclaimed "Let's make a Wiki!" has been cast as some sort of early opponent to Wikipedia.

I wish that Larry Sanger's vision had prevailed. His observations in late 2004 about Wikipedia's anti-elitism were spot-on. He was way ahead of the curve.

An arbcom member criticising Wales? I guess if the apologists for the Big Powerful Jimbo are correct, they'll expect your head on a pole soon.
The Wales Hunter
Jimbo removes Sanger's post

With the edit summary:

"(Decline to participate, sorry)"
I applaud Larry Sanger for standing up for the truth. You all know that's my style, and if I were in his position I'd do exactly the same thing, if I were smart enough to write such a sharp biting criticism of Jimbo (which I'm not). I believe Sanger 100% and Wales 0%.
QUOTE(The Wales Hunter @ Wed 8th April 2009, 5:40pm) *

Jimbo removes Sanger's post

With the edit summary:

"(Decline to participate, sorry)"

Classic sign of guilt.
Oh. my. goodness.

Jimbo: "decline to participate, sorry"

and he blanks the open letter.
The Wales Hunter
For discussion on-Wiki, a copy (makes it easier due to all the links Larry included):
QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Wed 8th April 2009, 4:35pm) *

An arbcom member criticising Wales? I guess if the apologists for the Big Powerful Jimbo are correct, they'll expect your head on a pole soon.

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Whoever the socks belong to, please quit it. Use your real account if you must repost.
Duplicate threads merged
Jon Awbrey
But Gee Wikilers, Larr-E, re*writing hystery is what Wikipedia is Allabout — dintcha know dat?

Ja Ja boing.gif
QUOTE(Alex @ Wed 8th April 2009, 9:59am) *
Whoever the socks belong to, please quit it. Use your real account if you must repost.
Please put your wiki-advice on the wiki, not here. Reposting that, at least once, on "the encyclopedia anyone can edit" is not particularly productive, but surely is fair play.

QUOTE(gomi @ Wed 8th April 2009, 6:11pm) *

QUOTE(Alex @ Wed 8th April 2009, 9:59am) *
Whoever the socks belong to, please quit it. Use your real account if you must repost.
Please put your wiki-advice on the wiki, not here. Reposting that, at least once, on "the encyclopedia anyone can edit" is not particularly productive, but surely is fair play.

Oh? Perhaps it is one of your sockpuppets?
I don't know if I've ever seen a more cowardly, sniveling admission of being caught in a lie.

Jimbo's response is one perhaps appropriate for someone with the maturity of character of a 6-year-old.

Shameful. Entirely shameful.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 8th April 2009, 6:31pm) *

I don't know if I've ever seen a more cowardly, sniveling admission of being caught in a lie.

Jimbo's response is one perhaps appropriate for someone with the maturity of character of a 6-year-old.

Shameful. Entirely shameful.

Concur. hrmph.gif
Jon Awbrey
Ho Hum, yet another "Monster Bites Co-Frankenstein" story sleep.gif

Ja Ja sleep.gif
Sanger said:
...I request any reporter who interviews you about the early history of Wikipedia and Nupedia to interview me as well, so I can correct anything misleading. They should know that there are many details in my 2005 memoir of Nupedia and Wikipedia, and my story has never varied. I would also appreciate it if a reporter were to inquire about my request, above, to the Board of the Wikimedia Foundation.

My friendliest contacts in the press and Web 2.0 sphere have been notified. These include: Brian Bergstein, Cade Metz, Jonathan Zittrain, and Andrew Keen.

I didn't inform Seth Finkelstein, because he writes for a publication that censors comments without cause or explanation. wink.gif

Edit: added a "winkie" to patch things up with Seth.
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 8th April 2009, 6:45pm) *

Ho Hum, yet another "Monster Bites Co-Frankenstein" story sleep.gif

Ja Ja sleep.gif

"It was supposed to be a thing of beauty!!"

QUOTE(Alex @ Wed 8th April 2009, 11:59am) *

Whoever the socks belong to, please quit it. Use your real account if you must repost.

I don't really have a real account anymore.
Eva Destruction
QUOTE(Alex @ Wed 8th April 2009, 5:32pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 8th April 2009, 6:31pm) *

I don't know if I've ever seen a more cowardly, sniveling admission of being caught in a lie.

Jimbo's response is one perhaps appropriate for someone with the maturity of character of a 6-year-old.

Shameful. Entirely shameful.

Concur. hrmph.gif

Concur too. If Jimbo wants to defend his case with an explanation of how he sees his and Larry's relative positions, fair enough, but this "if we can't use my rules I'm taking my ball home" sulking is ridiculous, as are the tag team of Defenders Of The Wiki squabbling over it. (Thanks to Majorly for pointing out this Great Moment In The History Of Wikipedia.)
QUOTE(Eva Destruction @ Wed 8th April 2009, 8:21pm) *

QUOTE(Alex @ Wed 8th April 2009, 5:32pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 8th April 2009, 6:31pm) *

I don't know if I've ever seen a more cowardly, sniveling admission of being caught in a lie.

Jimbo's response is one perhaps appropriate for someone with the maturity of character of a 6-year-old.

Shameful. Entirely shameful.

Concur. hrmph.gif

Concur too. If Jimbo wants to defend his case with an explanation of how he sees his and Larry's relative positions, fair enough, but this "if we can't use my rules I'm taking my ball home" sulking is ridiculous, as are the tag team of Defenders Of The Wiki squabbling over it. (Thanks to Majorly for pointing out this Great Moment In The History Of Wikipedia.)

Almost as great as Jayjg's old "Watch my back" email.

Remember, tag teaming is not tag teaming if it's in support of Jimbo.

Also, silence is transparency and Wikipedia is knowledge.
This is kinda sad, especially the "let's tag-team" mentality;
This is another massive balldrop by the "sole founder." Not that Wales has any real authority left, but it's getting to the net-negative point.
QUOTE(Eva Destruction @ Wed 8th April 2009, 2:21pm) *

QUOTE(Alex @ Wed 8th April 2009, 5:32pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 8th April 2009, 6:31pm) *

I don't know if I've ever seen a more cowardly, sniveling admission of being caught in a lie.

Jimbo's response is one perhaps appropriate for someone with the maturity of character of a 6-year-old.

Shameful. Entirely shameful.

Concur. hrmph.gif

Concur too. If Jimbo wants to defend his case with an explanation of how he sees his and Larry's relative positions, fair enough, but this "if we can't use my rules I'm taking my ball home" sulking is ridiculous, as are the tag team of Defenders Of The Wiki squabbling over it. (Thanks to Majorly for pointing out this Great Moment In The History Of Wikipedia.)

Utterly pathetic. Jimmy has no shame. This whole thing is so childish. He's a blemish on Wikipedia at this point. He can't keep himself out of scandals. It's just one media disaster after the next. This one has potential to be huge because it's so stupid. And what is he doing for the project? He doesn't do shit. He hasn't stepped up to do anything with flagged revs or anything else. Just like this mess he's made with Larry, he's running away from the BLP problem. He wants the title, but he doesn't want to do any of the work. Shamefully pathetic.
I can see why Larry Sanger would be eager to counter what he sees (on the face of it, with justification) as a campaign to marginalize him and deny him due credit. I don't begrudge him using any venue he can to raise the issue.

But I don't think it behooves Wikipedia Reviewers to revel in it like this. Trying to make Jimmy Wales look bad - even if he makes it really easy - does not amount to a serious critique of Wikipedia. And you can go on all you want about how a project whose figurehead has no integrity is going to have that same lack of integrity perpetuated throughout, but at the end of the day this is a bunch of people who don't like Jimmy Wales and are prepared to make hay out of insignificant shit in order to make him look like a tool (or, depending on your preferences, "to expose him as the tool he is").

Doc glasgow had it right in another thread, when he said that the pro-Wikipedia Jimbo cultists and the "Blame Jimbo for everything" types are two sides of the same coin.* I'm not saying lay off Jimbo on this issue because he doesn't deserve this, because this is a dispute that he has at least perpetuated and at most created; I'm saying lay off Jimbo on this issue because it's a sideshow to the stuff that actually matters.

*I'm pretty sure Doc put it more eloquently than that.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Sarcasticidealist @ Wed 8th April 2009, 9:06pm) *

I can see why Larry Sanger would be eager to counter what he sees (on the face of it, with justification) as a campaign to marginalize him and deny him due credit. I don't begrudge him using any venue he can to raise the issue.

But I don't think it behooves Wikipedia Reviewers to revel in it like this. Trying to make Jimmy Wales look bad — even if he makes it really easy — does not amount to a serious critique of Wikipedia. And you can go on all you want about how a project whose figurehead has no integrity is going to have that same lack of integrity perpetuated throughout, but at the end of the day this is a bunch of people who don't like Jimmy Wales and are prepared to make hay out of insignificant shit in order to make him look like a tool (or, depending on your preferences, "to expose him as the tool he is").

Doc glasgow had it right in another thread, when he said that the pro-Wikipedia Jimbo cultists and the "Blame Jimbo for everything" types are two sides of the same coin.* I'm not saying lay off Jimbo on this issue because he doesn't deserve this, because this is a dispute that he has at least perpetuated and at most created; I'm saying lay off Jimbo on this issue because it's a sideshow to the stuff that actually matters.

*I'm pretty sure Doc put it more eloquently than that.

I think you are wrong about this.

There is something about Cap'n Wales' character that pervades the entire Wikipedia Enterprise, and pointing out the outcrappings, er, outcroppings of those bad seeds is fundamental to recognizing the fruits of Wikipedia.

His whole manner of conduct betrays the attitude — "It's My Wiki and, goshdarnit, it's going to promote My POV whenever and wherever I say so."

Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Sarcasticidealist @ Wed 8th April 2009, 7:06pm) *

I can see why Larry Sanger would be eager to counter what he sees (on the face of it, with justification) as a campaign to marginalize him and deny him due credit. I don't begrudge him using any venue he can to raise the issue.

But I don't think it behooves Wikipedia Reviewers to revel in it like this. Trying to make Jimmy Wales look bad - even if he makes it really easy - does not amount to a serious critique of Wikipedia. And you can go on all you want about how a project whose figurehead has no integrity is going to have that same lack of integrity perpetuated throughout, but at the end of the day this is a bunch of people who don't like Jimmy Wales and are prepared to make hay out of insignificant shit in order to make him look like a tool (or, depending on your preferences, "to expose him as the tool he is").

Doc glasgow had it right in another thread, when he said that the pro-Wikipedia Jimbo cultists and the "Blame Jimbo for everything" types are two sides of the same coin.* I'm not saying lay off Jimbo on this issue because he doesn't deserve this, because this is a dispute that he has at least perpetuated and at most created; I'm saying lay off Jimbo on this issue because it's a sideshow to the stuff that actually matters.

*I'm pretty sure Doc put it more eloquently than that.

I pretty much agree. In fact Anti-Wales-ism is most pronounced among a class of Wikipedian loyalists who can't manage a hard realistic look at the problems of Wikipedia but know something is wrong. This does not mean that the Sanger/Wales dispute should not be covered. It should.

Wales is certainly fading. He no longer has a completely crony board of trustee at WMF. Nor is the staff of WMF completely beholding to him. Hs biggest loss has been in terms of "the community" which has fractured into groups of feuding warlords, which have themselves lost prestige as they are seen as nuisance and embarrassment to ordinary users. Wales maintains only the status of just one among the many of these surviving warlords in this community.

Despite Mr. Wales' decline no other strong power center has arose in his place. The closest may be Sue Gardner and the WMF staff but they have enjoyed only lukewarm success, though not the complete jokes that preceded them. The board seem adrift more than ever, even if no longer under Mr. Wales thumb. More than anything else Wikipedia resembles a failed state. The Somalia of the Internet, we have even recently seen her pirates trouble our own shores.

So Wales very much needs the "sole flounder" crown. He needs to restore his status on Wikpedia. He needs it to bring in cash, into his own pocket from the lecture circuit, at least while phone still rings. Mostly he needs it so he has some kind of success to pad his resume as he figures out what to do next after Wikia fails.
Eva Destruction
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Thu 9th April 2009, 1:15am) *

I think you are wrong about this.

There is something about Cap'n Wales' character that pervades the entire Wikipedia Enterprise, and pointing out the outcrappings, er, outcroppings of those bad seeds is fundamental to recognizing the fruits of Wikipedia.

His whole manner of conduct betrays the attitude — "It's My Wiki and, goshdarnit, it's going to promote My POV whenever and wherever I say so."

Jon Awbrey

It pains me to say this, but Jon is right. Whether you think Wikipedia's the greatest invention since the wheel or a sinister defamation machine (there are probably people whose opinions are somewhere in between, but they don't seem to post here), having its two most prominent members flinging shit at each other like a pair of caged gibbons does nobody any credit.
QUOTE(Eva Destruction @ Wed 8th April 2009, 7:21pm) *
(Thanks to Majorly for pointing out this Great Moment In The History Of Wikipedia.)

I thought that was just extraordinary.

QUOTE(Eva Destruction @ Thu 9th April 2009, 2:38am) *

It pains me to say this, but Jon is right. Whether you think Wikipedia's the greatest invention since the wheel or a sinister defamation machine (there are probably people whose opinions are somewhere in between, but they don't seem to post here), having its two most prominent members flinging shit at each other like a pair of caged gibbons does nobody any credit.

I agree with that as well. It seems that Jimbo has no real appreciation of the reality that nothing on wikipedia, and very little elsewhere either, is the work of just one person.
QUOTE(Eva Destruction @ Wed 8th April 2009, 6:21pm) *

Concur too. If Jimbo wants to defend his case with an explanation of how he sees his and Larry's relative positions, fair enough, but this "if we can't use my rules I'm taking my ball home" sulking is ridiculous, as are the tag team of Defenders Of The Wiki squabbling over it. (Thanks to Majorly for pointing out this Great Moment In The History Of Wikipedia.)

Meh. People have a measure of control over their own talk page. Let him take it down; I think much less of him for it, of course, but Jimmy Wales will not be more successful than Barbara Streisand.

Agree with Sarcasticidealist and GBG. Some of Wikipedia's problems could be traced to Wales' leadership early on, but he no longer enjoys God-King status, nor has his recent activity been particularly bad. In fact, I think he's been a net positive for some time. Wikipedia's problems transcend Wales, and probably Wikipedia itself. We're looking at the limits of Web 2.0, not the character flaws of one man (no matter how large you imagine them).
QUOTE(Malleus @ Wed 8th April 2009, 7:02pm) *

QUOTE(Eva Destruction @ Wed 8th April 2009, 7:21pm) *
(Thanks to Majorly for pointing out this Great Moment In The History Of Wikipedia.)

I thought that was just extraordinary.

That was classic. I wish there was a knee-slapping rotflmao emoticon for this.
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 8th April 2009, 10:15pm) *
His whole manner of conduct betrays the attitude — "It's My Wiki and, goshdarnit, it's going to promote My POV whenever and wherever I say so."
I disagree. I'd characterize the betrayed attitude as something more like "Wikipedia?" Most of the time, at least. Very occasionally he'll decide that, for PR reasons or to assert his own flagging relevance he needs to step in and do something founder-ish. But even these occasional forays are generally of no effect (rollback, flagged revisions, etc.). Sometimes they actually blow up in his face, generally as a result of there being a lot of people on Wikipedia who get their jollies from poking Jimbo in the eyeball at every opportunity.

QUOTE(Eva Destruction @ Wed 8th April 2009, 10:38pm) *
It pains me to say this, but Jon is right. Whether you think Wikipedia's the greatest invention since the wheel or a sinister defamation machine (there are probably people whose opinions are somewhere in between, but they don't seem to post here), having its two most prominent members flinging shit at each other like a pair of caged gibbons does nobody any credit.
Well, clearly it does nobody any credit; I'm not disputing that. I'm just saying it doesn't matter by any reasonable metric (and certainly not by the metrics established by Wikipedia's more credible critics). We can critique feces flinging, or we can critique defamation, manipulation of Wikipedia articles for offsite advantage, and the like. I'm just registering my vote for the latter.

(Oh, and my opinion doesn't much lie between the two extremes you identified as it encompasses both of them, with allowance for some hyperbole in each case.)
QUOTE(One @ Wed 8th April 2009, 10:04pm) *

We're looking at the limits of Web 2.0, not the character flaws of one man (no matter how large you imagine them).

Well, we're looking at the limits of Web 2.0, and (based on conversations I've had with insiders) only about half of the character flaws of this one man. The other half haven't even gone public yet.
QUOTE(One @ Wed 8th April 2009, 10:04pm) *

Some of Wikipedia's problems could be traced to Wales' leadership early on, but he no longer enjoys God-King status, nor has his recent activity been particularly bad. In fact, I think he's been a net positive for some time. Wikipedia's problems transcend Wales, and probably Wikipedia itself. We're looking at the limits of Web 2.0, not the character flaws of one man (no matter how large you imagine them).

What has he done that makes him a net positive?
Milton Roe
QUOTE(One @ Wed 8th April 2009, 7:04pm) *

Wikipedia's problems transcend Wales, and probably Wikipedia itself. We're looking at the limits of Web 2.0, not the character flaws of one man (no matter how large you imagine them).

Bleh. WP has a long way to go before its badness is due solely to the limitations of "Web 2.0" and not stupid management-choices that the site made a long time ago, and now cannot seem to get rid of.

Most of the net works fairly well with moderated posting, and for those BBS systems that don't use it, with email confirmation of accounts, plus booting of vandals. If WP required simple email confirmation it would hardly change, methinks (though I'm quite willing that they should do a local experiment to see-- which they refuse to). I CAN see that articles which have been semi-protected evolve and grow just fine. That gives an "existence proof"-- it's certainly possible to have a good wikified encyclopedia done entirely by registered account-users. So, as far as I'm concerned, once that has been shown (which it has) it's up to the naysayers to prove THEIR case that something of great importance would be lost if we "sprotected" most of WP (save, of course, for the sandbox where people can fool around during the short time and captcha operations that must pass between applying for an account, and getting it).

As for moderation, it doesn't NEED to be pre-publication, for most edits. The system should work fine in letting any account edit until they demonstrate that they're doing something childish. Then, if they get put on moderation, it simply means that what that account sends in has to be filtered before it shows. Thus, instead of putting an account on "block" for some length of time, it should be possible to put them on various types of moderation for a time (some of these could be very simple, such as topic moderation, which in a categorized encyclopedia could be almost fully automated). But in any case, the thing could mostly moderate editors, not articles.

Wikipedia isn't the only Wiki-collaborative effort on the web. Because it's probably by now the largest and most successful, however, it suffers from a terrific "VHS-type" marketting over technology lock, or "founder effect." That's the one where people say "WINDOWS must be a better OS because more people use it!" Even people who know very much better than to make this specific or even general error when it comes to other products, are sometimes to be found defending Wikipedia that way. Andrew Lih's arguments in The Wikipedia Revolution are not very much more sophisticated, as a matter of fact.

Finally, there's nothing about Web 2.0 that demands that a site encourage defamation of living people as a punishment or act of taboid-stalking (as WP does), or as a pointy demo tool to show Idiots that unmoderated web BLP is bad (as we at WR have sometimes done). WP could, at any time, have simply outlawed BLPs on its site, and still can. As the great Britannica did for 140+ years before 1911. But it hasn't, mostly because of bad arguments and the belief of WP's editors that what goes around will not eventually come around.

Which reminds me: Andrew Lih himself, great booster of WP as doing everything right, does not have a BLP himself on the site. Let alone one which is exposed to IP-drive-by editing and vandalism. But surely, with publication of this book, he is now notable. Anybody wanna volunteer to start one? Lih still has some learning to do. evilgrin.gif evilgrin.gif
QUOTE(Sarcasticidealist @ Wed 8th April 2009, 6:06pm) *

But I don't think it behooves Wikipedia Reviewers to revel in it like this. Trying to make Jimmy Wales look bad - even if he makes it really easy - does not amount to a serious critique of Wikipedia. And you can go on all you want about how a project whose figurehead has no integrity is going to have that same lack of integrity perpetuated throughout, but at the end of the day this is a bunch of people who don't like Jimmy Wales and are prepared to make hay out of insignificant shit in order to make him look like a tool (or, depending on your preferences, "to expose him as the tool he is").

Agreed. If you're going to critique him, you have to include the sleazy past efforts of
Gerard, FT2, Jayjg, Slim, Vibber, and a few others. They are integral to his phony "canonization"
and rewriting of history--something most of them specialize in.

And just for dramatic effect:

Message for Mr. Wales:
You blew it. Time to grow up.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Wed 8th April 2009, 11:55pm) *
Bleh. WP has a long way to go before its badness is due solely to the limitations of "Web 2.0" and not stupid management-choices that the site made a long time ago, and now cannot seem to get rid of.
Absolutely. And if you want to blame Jimbo, feel free to blame him for setting up a really lousy foundation for the project to grow on (and by "a really lousy foundation", I mean [[WP:CONSENSUS]]). But largely semantic disputes about what it means to be a founder are largely unrelated to that, and appear calculated primarily to embarrass out of spite.
Jimbo's personal character flaws, tragic as they may be (both for himself and for his projects), are hardly unique (or even rare) in the larger culture. After all, he's attracted, promoted, and protected a substantial number of cronies who reflect and reify those same character flaws, while at the same time alienating, disappointing, and rejecting those who challenge his flawed hegemony.

From my perspective, the battle is between Ethics vs. Corruption. In these battles, the forces of corruption usually prevail until there is a major breakdown. A number of observers have opined that the breakdown is both inevitable and imminent.

The challenge, as I see it, is telling the story before the breakdown is page one news above the fold. Very likely, those of us who are struggling to discover how to tell that story will fail, and the breakdown will arrive as a shock to the vast majority of the public.
Jon Awbrey
Take a look at those WP:Adminds — in particular, the ones constantly licking Jimbo's e-fects clean like fastidious mother cats. They Are, One & All, Clones of Jimbo Himself — well, except for the Ones who are CL-ONES.

Ja Ja boing.gif
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Sarcasticidealist @ Wed 8th April 2009, 8:01pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Wed 8th April 2009, 11:55pm) *
Bleh. WP has a long way to go before its badness is due solely to the limitations of "Web 2.0" and not stupid management-choices that the site made a long time ago, and now cannot seem to get rid of.
Absolutely. And if you want to blame Jimbo, feel free to blame him for setting up a really lousy foundation for the project to grow on (and by "a really lousy foundation", I mean [[WP:CONSENSUS]]). But largely semantic disputes about what it means to be a founder are largely unrelated to that, and appear calculated primarily to embarrass out of spite.

Just so. But the badness of the idea of Wikipedian "CONSENSUS," as I have pointed out, is due to it being one of those non-negotiable ideas of Wales which comes from Ayn Rand. It is basically a cult-perpetuating meme that is a renaming of the concept of "contextual certainty," borrowed from that epistemological nightmare perpetrated by a bankrupt "philosophy." wacko.gif For Rand, there was (in theory) but one possible honest opinion of clear-minded persons on any subject, given a given set of data known about the subject. And thus, upon which, all honest humans working from correct premises, must eventually agree.

To be sure, for Rand, people of differing mental capacity might legitimately differ on the speed with which they might reach the (objectively correct) opinion as to the proper interpretation of any given set of data--- but they should not differ as to their ultimate conclusion. For that to happen, somebody would have to have a false premise that they were unwilling to part with, and thus must be deceiving themselves, or others. Thus, a continued lack of consensus after long deliberation and explanation (for the benefit of the slow thinkers) must be a sign of mental dishonesty. For which, of course, recourse to banishment would, and should, be entirely appropriate.

The heart of Randian "Objectivism" is that (for any dataset) there EXISTS an objectively correct position on any matter, which is apparent to all reasonable persons, after enough information-exchange and explanation take place. Thus, reasonable people need no alternative to a "consensus process" --- since any who fail to come to consensus after the Randian premise-examination and Randian logic-chopping, must be (by definition) unreasonable and dishonest people. There are no loyal or patriotic minority opinions, for Rand. There are only deliberate failures of people to think. And of course, there is but one fate that such people (who are behaving as animals, rather than sapient human beings, anyway) deserve. They are to be ignored, and if necessary, banished.

The reason WP's policies don't talk much about what happens if WP:CONSENSUS fails to be reached by all, is that they really don't care. After True Wikipedians are tired of explaining their positions carefully enough,THEN, if you still don't "get it," they can, and will, shut you down, or off. Without any philosophical reservation. Thus, no further policy is required.

This accounts for the very odd feeling one gets from reading WP:CONSENSUS. hmmm.gif Read carefully, that policy essentially says 1) CONSENSUS is how reasonable people reach agreement on goals and objectives on Wikipedia. Which is to say, how to represent the mass of referencable material which Wikipedia intends to be a true mirror of. And there is no rule 2) for when reasonable people do NOT agree. Because by definition, that cannot happen. smile.gif So why talk about, or prepare for it? Wales' dictim about how the process works, is already sufficient, and perfect, as handed down from on high, by Himself. ermm.gif

If you think not, they'll be glad to explain. And if you do NOT agree with them after that, well, that means you have chosen deliberately not to think. So, what more did you really have a right to expect? wink.gif
QUOTE(Sarcasticidealist @ Wed 8th April 2009, 11:01pm) *

But largely semantic disputes about what it means to be a founder are largely unrelated to that, and appear calculated primarily to embarrass out of spite.

Are you suggesting that Wales' motivation in progressively (over time) and repeatedly calling himself a "sole founder" rather than a "co-founder" has been to embarrass Sanger out of spite?
A few of you have said that this dispute doesn't reflect well on anyone. Well, I don't think Sanger is doing anything wrong. Sanger believes that Wales is mendaciously impugning Sanger's reputation publicly, so Sanger is challenging him publicly on it. It's his right to do so. Other than exposing the efforts of tools like Shankbone and others to keep this thing under wraps, I don't there's anything that we can do except sit and watch what happens.

I'm not sure what the impact of this will be on Wikipedia. I remember seeing on Wales' talk page a short time ago where he said he would be urging the Foundation to mandate the implementation of flagged revisions on BLPs in the different projects during their conference in Amsterdam or Frankfurt or wherever they're having it this year. Hopefully, he'll be successful at doing that.
QUOTE(Sarcasticidealist @ Wed 8th April 2009, 10:01pm) *
But largely semantic disputes about what it means to be a founder are largely unrelated to that, and appear calculated primarily to embarrass out of spite.

Personally, I see it as a PR cash cow, a manufactured dispute to get media attention and keep both Wikipedia and Citizendium in the public eye.

Jimbo is the public face of Wikipedia, like it or not. Whatever his status or power-position is within Wikipedia itself is of little significance within the larger context of the internet and Western culture in general, both of which he and Wikipedia cheapen by their very existence.

Ultimately, I agree that our past coverage of the "co-founder" dispute isn't really doing anybody any good, but what I'd personally like to see is some critical reflection on how the media is being cunningly manipulated into thinking that being the "founder" of Wikipedia is such a wonderful thing that people should even fight over it at all.

If Western society and culture were actually healthy, Sanger and Wales would be flaming, suing, and maybe even goatse-ing people who called them "the founder of Wikipedia," not arguing with each other over who gets to use that term on himself.
Jimbo just removed the entire thread from his talk page.
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