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Full Version: Bolt Peters tests Wikipedia
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
The WMF has contracted the San Francisco user experience research firm, Bolt Peters (not an image I want in my head), to find out how people who don't edit Wikipedia behave when they start editing Wikipedia.

There is a set of videos you can watch. (Rather painful for people who do respondent-based research for a living.)

The funniest thing I found, though, were the block logs on the accounts that they used during this research. (I'll bet that this data doesn't make it to the Executive Summary.)

Usability Tester 2

Usability Tester 3

Usability Tester 4

You get the picture. NawlinWiki doing his/her part to maintain an environment of robotic unwelcome at Wikipedia!

Seriously, no replies?
LessHorrid vanU
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 24th April 2009, 9:29pm) *

Seriously, no replies?

Seriously? Okay, then... I believe you, like I believe the "experts" who say that this years corn crop is more sparse than last years. I accept this has happened, and don't need to look at comparative pictures of this year vs. last years fields of corn ayellowing under the sun.

Nothing personal - info like this is read, digested, and then I move on.
It's a feature, not a bug.
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