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Universe Daily

I created a Jimmy Wales Wikia the other week. It was deleted and the page link redirected to Uncyclopedia within hours. I knew that Jimmy Wales was responsible for this because I keep close tabs on visitor traffic and he had been hanging around the JimmyWales.Org site for weeks. Another Wikia I created at the same time was unaffected because I didn't post the link up for him to see.

I was thinking of making that my homepage. What a shame.
QUOTE(JimmyWales.Org @ Mon 27th April 2009, 11:03pm) *


I created a Jimmy Wales Wikia the other week. It was deleted and the page link redirected to Uncyclopedia within hours. I knew that Jimmy Wales was responsible for this because I keep close tabs on visitor traffic and he had been hanging around the JimmyWales.Org site for weeks. Another Wikia I created at the same time was unaffected because I didn't post the link up for him to see.

I was thinking of making that my homepage. What a shame.

Interesting that the powers-that-be at Wikia, Inc. would redirect the "Jimmy Wales wikia" to the most clownish, laugh-inducing sub-wiki of buffoonery that they've got.


Maybe it just makes sense that way.
Universe Daily
I redirected JimmyWales.Org to Uncyclopedia for about a week. It isn't the first time a celebrity has copied my tactics.

Opposition Party caught out buying AnnaBligh.Com.Au

They really should have asked my advice before doing that. Personally I never buy any of those lengthy or domains. Only companies or organisations strictly relevant to the name are allowed to own them. So the Rudd Government can take that site away from them anytime it wants to.

Some politicians seem to have the intelligence quotient of a dead flatworm.
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