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Another meme working its way into the disccourse is uninvolved admin. It has been used in several ArbCom decisions recently and it is being promoted effectively as a synonym for "your elders and betters". It was worked up by Elonka -- see for example here where she uses the phrase to justify dispensing pastronising advice from on high. Perhaps the most polished exponent of the art though is Georgewilliamherbert here where he "reviews the situation" and issues his "conclusions". It really wouldn't come across so well if the phrase read "meddlesome ignoramus", would it?
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Grep @ Mon 4th May 2009, 8:56am) *

Another meme working its way into the disccourse is uninvolved admin. It has been used in several ArbCom decisions recently and it is being promoted effectively as a synonym for "your elders and betters". It was worked up by Elonka -- see for example here where she uses the phrase to justify dispensing pastronising advice from on high. Perhaps the most polished exponent of the art though is Georgewilliamherbert here where he "reviews the situation" and issues his "conclusions". It really wouldn't come across so well if the phrase read "meddlesome ignoramus", would it?

Deus ex machina is always a fun game when WP is the machina and you're the one playing god.

Military tribunals have long enjoyed this pleasure. Except they don't give out lollipops and ArbComm doesn't either. Everybody else is forced to just kibbitz.
WR really needs a GWH subforum, where we can rag on his humorless dull wiki-lawyering.

Even Jayjg has lost his luster as a punching bag. But GWH is such a wooden statue,
it's almost funny to imagine using him for abuse. hrmph.gif
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Mon 4th May 2009, 5:18pm) *

WR really needs a GWH subforum, where we can rag on his humorless dull wiki-lawyering.

Even Jayjg has lost his luster as a punching bag. But GWH is such a wooden statue, it's almost funny to imagine using him for abuse. hrmph.gif

GWH? — Gross Wiki Harm?

Ja Ja boing.gif
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