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Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley has declined to sign on with many other state AGs in an accord with Craiglist covering fraudulent and/or criminal content. She was interviewed today on NPR's Here and Now. In this interview (at aprox. 7:30) she openly questions the appropriateness of section 230 immunity. This is the first elected public official I am aware to address this.
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Mon 4th May 2009, 8:47pm) *

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley has declined to sign on with many other state AGs in an accord with Craiglist covering fraudulent and/or criminal content. She was interviewed today on NPR's Here and Now. In this interview (at aprox. 7:30) she openly questions the appropriateness of section 230 immunity. This is the first elected public official I am aware to address this.

I listened. It's a tiny, baby step. She was not really "questioning the appropriateness" of Section 230, much as I wish she had.

Thanks, though, GBG. A good find!

QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 4th May 2009, 8:39pm) *

QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Mon 4th May 2009, 8:47pm) *

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley has declined to sign on with many other state AGs in an accord with Craiglist covering fraudulent and/or criminal content. She was interviewed today on NPR's Here and Now. In this interview (at aprox. 7:30) she openly questions the appropriateness of section 230 immunity. This is the first elected public official I am aware to address this.

I listened. It's a tiny, baby step. She was not really "questioning the appropriateness" of Section 230, much as I wish she had.

Thanks, though, GBG. A good find!


This a person who is a master of understatement. She never says a critical word about Craig's List. In fact she says they might be a useful tool for crime fighting. But then does she sign up to make peace like the other AGs? No, she just hints that the accord is fine but...just maybe something more might be needed later and she wants to keep her options open. She approaches immunity much the same way. Who else even discusses immunity with a general audience? They have what? Oh well maybe we can revisit this latter. "That is the question of the day." Watch her over time. It is always the quiet ones...
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