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You might find this amusing.

Among other things, it is noted that Wikipedia “promotes suicide with 21,544 entries that mention this depravity” (which is to say that Wikipedia mentions suicide too often); that “Wikipedia's article on atheism fails to mention that atheism is a causal factor for suicide” (which is to say that Wikipedia does not mention suicide often enough); that Wikipedia is insufficiently respectful of Johnny Appleseed, owing to the fact that Appleseed was a Christian minister; that Wikipedia administrators deleted the entry on “Hollywood values,” which listed “examples of how the liberal ideology harms people”; that Wikipedia is replete with “Anglophilia,” a charge not often leveled at American liberals; and that Wikipedia “lies to exaggerate the credentials of atheist Richard Dawkins” by claiming that Dawkins was the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford. Wikipedia's campaign of deception on this last point has been so pervasive that even the administrators of Oxford University believe that they conferred this title on Dawkins.
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Thu 7th May 2009, 1:37pm) *

You might find this amusing.

Among other things, it is noted that Wikipedia “promotes suicide with 21,544 entries that mention this depravity” (which is to say that Wikipedia mentions suicide too often); that “Wikipedia's article on atheism fails to mention that atheism is a causal factor for suicide” (which is to say that Wikipedia does not mention suicide often enough); that Wikipedia is insufficiently respectful of Johnny Appleseed, owing to the fact that Appleseed was a Christian minister; that Wikipedia administrators deleted the entry on “Hollywood values,” which listed “examples of how the liberal ideology harms people”; that Wikipedia is replete with “Anglophilia,” a charge not often leveled at American liberals; and that Wikipedia “lies to exaggerate the credentials of atheist Richard Dawkins” by claiming that Dawkins was the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford. Wikipedia's campaign of deception on this last point has been so pervasive that even the administrators of Oxford University believe that they conferred this title on Dawkins.

I don't see how atheism could be "a causal factor in suicide" although I suppose they might misrepresent some statistic about some Scandinavian societies having high suicide rates and not much religion (nor much sunlight during the winter) as meaning this. I also suppose that coming to the sad conclusion that people you have trusted have systematically lied to you about the basic existential facts underlying the human condition might be "causal"of something.
People are of course entitled to their own opinions, the problem comes when they start to believe that they are also entitled to their own facts.
QUOTE(TimVickers @ Fri 15th May 2009, 5:18pm) *

People are of course entitled to their own opinions, the problem comes when they start to believe that they are also entitled to their own facts.

It could be that they see their opinions as facts, or that they just want to convince you to see them as facts, or they just want to create the appearance of one of these things.

I mean I think it's human nature to wonder whether people who disagree with you actually believe a word of what they are saying (though presumably they will feel the same way about you). Even they might not know for sure as beliefs tend to permeate the sub-conscious if left unchallenged after a certain incubation period. A wiser question is "do you consciously believe _____?" but it's no easier to answer (harder in many cases). Eventually you have to ask "do you have evidence supporting your belief in/that _____?" but that's a notorious conversation-killer.

This is all my opinion, just to be clear on this.
QUOTE(TimVickers @ Fri 15th May 2009, 1:18pm) *

People are of course entitled to their own opinions, the problem comes when they start to believe that they are also entitled to their own facts.

As of that is not an issue at Wikipedia!
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