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Full Version: "I just want to be remembered as a nice guy"
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I think that is a quote of the flounder himself.

I think I remember hearing it. It might have been on that interview where he is in a library...

So if the co-flounder did say something like, "I just want to be remembered as being a nice guy".

What are the implications of this? Are there any? mellow.gif

Anyone have a link to that video? boing.gif
You mean this one?
QUOTE(emesee @ Sun 10th May 2009, 6:36am) *

I think that is a quote of the flounder himself.

I think I remember hearing it. It might have been on that interview where he is in a library...

So if the co-flounder did say something like, "I just want to be remembered as being a nice guy".

What are the implications of this? Are there any?

That's an extremely out of context quote (actually it isn't even a direct quote). He was asked "how would like people to remember Jimmy Wales", he said "I don't normally think in those terms", and said "I think of myself as basically just a friendly person".

The interview was pretty much 100% useless drivel.
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