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I love Wikipedia, for articles like "Bridge mix". Just read it.
Play Wikipedia! The exciting game of deceit, treachery, betrayal, and chocolate coated silliness.
I had no idea what a "bridge mix" was until following the link. Is it like a cake mix, only it creates bridges? (You'd need to get quite a few boxes of it to make the Brooklyn Bridge, but you don't have to because I've got it for sale.) Or is it a card game, a mixture of contract bridge with something else?
Not only can find things that show the WP article used to be a lot "better". (That's a joke, son.)
-The name of the product comes from a footbridge in a Hershey’s plant, onto which candies from a bunch of different conveyor belts used to fall; this “bridge mixture” proved such a popular snack with the employees that the company decided to market it; and
-The President of Uganda once cracked a tooth on a too-hard Bridge Mixture piece while on a visit to Canada, leading to strained Canada-Uganda relations; and
-A 24-foot-tall granite statue of a box of Bridge Mixture stands in front of the factory where it was invented. The statue has been blessed by Pope Jean Paul II.
So in the end, all I learned is that trusting Wikipedia for serious research purposes is probably a pretty dumb idea. I guess in the end, all we can say for sure about Bridge Mixture is that its true origins have been lost in the mists of time.

Noooo shiiiit.....

And I even have a dead-tree reference saying that the
origin of the term "bridge mix" is lost to history. is also of no help.
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