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What is your greatest hope for the next 10 years?
That we will, on the internet, continue to forge a new cultural dialogue of reason and respect for the individual. We have to come together, worldwide, and "think". We have a tool – the internet – to let us do that. Let's use it wisely.

What is the greatest danger we face?
Allowing the worst among us to dominate the conversation with lies, emotionalism, anger and fear.

Lies? Takes one to know one, I guess.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sat 17th October 2009, 5:21pm) *

What is your greatest hope for the next 10 years?
That we will, on the internet, continue to forge a new cultural dialogue of reason and respect for the individual. We have to come together, worldwide, and "think". We have a tool – the internet – to let us do that. Let's use it wisely.

What is the greatest danger we face?
Allowing the worst among us to dominate the conversation with lies, emotionalism, anger and fear.

Lies? Takes one to know one, I guess.

While it's certainly not my greatest hope for the next ten years, I hope that by 2019 Jimbo has sufficiently faded into obscurity that I no longer have to hear this garbage.
John Limey
Kind of a worthless interview. Doesn't even mention Wikipedia; why do we care what Jimmy Wales thinks about 9/11? On that note, though, it is interesting that Wales refers to "the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001" (emphasis mine), given that on Wikipedia the NPOV crazies insist that construction never ever be used.

Also, the summary of the decade "We got online" seems to suggest that Wales may not be able to distinguish the 2000s from the 1990s. This could explain a lot.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Limey @ Sat 17th October 2009, 10:14am) *

Also, the summary of the decade "We got online" seems to suggest that Wales may not be able to distinguish the 2000s from the 1990s. This could explain a lot.

We've theorized this before, when WFM moved to the 90's dotcom boom Mecca of the SoMa district in SF. It's never too late to have a happy childhood!
QUOTE(Limey @ Sat 17th October 2009, 5:14pm) *

Kind of a worthless interview. Doesn't even mention Wikipedia; why do we care what Jimmy Wales thinks about 9/11? On that note, though, it is interesting that Wales refers to "the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001" (emphasis mine), given that on Wikipedia the NPOV crazies insist that construction never ever be used.

Jimbo has always been against the anti-americanism present among a large population of Wikipedians.
QUOTE(Limey @ Sat 17th October 2009, 12:14pm) *

Kind of a worthless interview. Doesn't even mention Wikipedia; why do we care what Jimmy Wales thinks about 9/11? On that note, though, it is interesting that Wales refers to "the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001" (emphasis mine), given that on Wikipedia the NPOV crazies insist that construction never ever be used.

Also, the summary of the decade "We got online" seems to suggest that Wales may not be able to distinguish the 2000s from the 1990s. This could explain a lot.

Actually he does mention Wikipedia-- the German Wikipedia. More obedient to his wishes, perhaps?

Otherwise, I totally agree as to the worthlessness of the interview. It read like one of those faux interviews that they used to place in Campari ads.
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