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Full Version: Albeit at lower levels
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Yesterday evening, I caught Jim Cramer on CNBC's Mad Money, ranting about the frequency of use of the phrase "albeit at lower levels" in earnings reports.

As a lark, I created a page on Wikipedia Review about the phrase. Now, about 18 hours later, it is the #1 result on Google when searching for the phrase in quotes (out of 632,000 hits); and it's #3 when leaving out the quotation marks (out of 2,730,000 hits).

Now, my question is what would happen if someone made a page about this on Wikipedia? First, would the page get deleted? Second, if not, would it outrank the Wikipedia Review page, and how quickly?

No doubt, it would create some dramahz, albeit at lower levels than usual.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 27th October 2009, 4:32pm) *

First, would the page get deleted?

I'm almost certain it would.

Might find a home on some other wiki in the near future however. ED really likes silly catch-phrases.
this page is now top, wikipediareview comes 5th.
QUOTE(wikieyeay @ Sun 8th November 2009, 1:31pm) *

this page is now top, wikipediareview comes 5th.

Hilarious! See how lucky you are at Wikipedia Review to have me posting innovative content here?
I can't even get the Wikipedia Review page to come up any more. Google's f*ckin' with me.
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