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Peter Damian
What a stinker

But what is truly worrying is that anyone googling to learn about this important subject will find this rubbish. Please tell me this is not the only place in Wikipedia to deal with the architecture that inspired the Renaissance, neo-classicism and countless writers, artists, poets and philosophers.
Peter Damian
Ugh - even worse

Political propaganda demanded that these buildings should be made to impress as well as perform a public function.[citation needed] The Romans didn't feel restricted by Greek aesthetic axioms alone in order to achieve these objectives.[citation needed] The Pantheon is a supreme example of this, particularly in the version rebuilt by Hadrian and which still stands in its celestial glory as a prototype of several other great buildings of Eastern architecture. The same emperor left his mark on the landscape of northern Britain when he built a wall to mark the limits of the empire, and after further conquests in Scotland, the Antonine wall was built to replace Hadrian's Wall.

And that is the introduction.
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