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Peter Damian

One of the few items that seems to have escaped Wikipedia.

Some of the world’s top climate scientists have been accused of manipulating data on global warming after hundreds of private emails were stolen by hackers and published online.

The material was taken from servers at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit – a world-renowned climate change research centre – before it was published on websites run by climate change sceptics.

Nothing here

although there was an attempt to remove it in the article about the Climatic Research Unit.

Wasn't Connolley associated with this at one point?

[edit] No, it was the British Antartic Survey.

Connolley however did write the article on Phil Jones the director of the unit who is accused of tampering with the evidence.


From: Phil Jones
To: ray bradley ,mann@[snipped], mhughes@
Subject: Diagram for WMO Statement
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 13:31:15 +0000
Cc: k.briffa@[snipped],t.osborn@[snipped]
Dear Ray, Mike and Malcolm,

Once Tim’s got a diagram here we’ll send that either later today or first thing tomorrow. I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. Mike’s series got the annual land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land N of 20N. The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate for 1999 for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90. The Global estimate for 1999 with data through Oct is +0.35C cf. 0.57 for 1998.

Thanks for the comments, Ray.

Cheers, Phil
Prof. Phil Jones
Climatic Research Unit

Caveat: I have no idea if the accusations are true. I normally stay well away from that controversy.
Peter Damian
Connolley still busy on it.
Peter Damian
The Daily Telegraph is not a reliable source

(Perhaps he has a point, as I say I'm not taking sides).
Actually, it looks like it was the Daily Telegraph blog, and deleting that may be permissible under the rules of WikiMMORPGism. However, this desperate sanitizing will ultimately only work on Wikipedia. In the real world, the truth about the climate change ideology will inexorably out. For people who were paying attention, it has been out since Margaret Mead made the call for coordinated fakery in 1975:
What we need from scientists are estimates, presented with sufficient conservatism and plausibility but at the same time as free as possible from internal disagreements that can be exploited by political interests, that will allow us to start building a system of artificial but effective warnings, warnings which will parallel the instincts of animals who flee before the hurricane, pile up a larger store of nuts before a severe winter, or of caterpillars who respond to impending climatic changes by growing thicker coats [sic].
It's in the Associated Press now, and there is more to come. It will be interesting to see whether this makes it into the big-league global warming articles at WP.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 24th November 2009, 3:18pm) *

It's in the Associated Press now, and there is more to come. It will be interesting to see whether this makes it into the big-league global warming articles at WP.

Some very ugly prose that is typical of the Wikipedia approach

The messages generated controversy[3] as global warming skeptics asserted the messages showed scientists had overstated the case for global warming[3], while a scientist quoted in the posted messages said the e-mails had been released selectively, and were being taken out of context.[5]

You have have to say that sceptics say that X showed Y (and call them 'sceptics') then immediately follow that by a statement about 'what a scientist says'. This sort of thing may be appropriate for a newspaper, but not for an encyclopedia.

Milton Roe
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Sat 21st November 2009, 8:56am) *

Actually, it looks like it was the Daily Telegraph blog, and deleting that may be permissible under the rules of WikiMMORPGism. However, this desperate sanitizing will ultimately only work on Wikipedia. In the real world, the truth about the climate change ideology will inexorably out. For people who were paying attention, it has been out since Margaret Mead made the call for coordinated fakery in 1975:
What we need from scientists are estimates, presented with sufficient conservatism and plausibility but at the same time as free as possible from internal disagreements that can be exploited by political interests, that will allow us to start building a system of artificial but effective warnings, warnings which will parallel the instincts of animals who flee before the hurricane, pile up a larger store of nuts before a severe winter, or of caterpillars who respond to impending climatic changes by growing thicker coats [sic].

Completely misread. Mead is here suggesting technology used to provide warnings in place of innate instinct, rather like your TV weather channel or Tsunami warning buoys do.

Worse still, she was wrong about the powers of even instinct. Animals do NOT have such instincts in place of technology. Catepillars do NOT grow thicker coats before harder winters and squirrels do NOT store up more nuts. These are myths. Though perhaps not debunked yet in 1975, but myths all the same. Animals have no magic sense about weather prediction months away. It's intrinsically unknowable due to chaos. Climate is another matter (it can be predicted), but animals can't sense future climate change, either. There are a lot of drowning polar bears out there which illustrate this.
Peter Damian
God there's a whole stupid article about the incident now.
A Horse With No Name
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 24th November 2009, 2:46pm) *

God there's a whole stupid article about the incident now.

"Stupid" is actually a charitable word to describe this article. Is there any reason why that is a standalone piece? ermm.gif
QUOTE(A Horse With No Name @ Tue 24th November 2009, 3:23pm) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 24th November 2009, 2:46pm) *

God there's a whole stupid article about the incident now.

"Stupid" is actually a charitable word to describe this article. Is there any reason why that is a standalone piece? ermm.gif

They had some space for an article, freed up by the redirect of Carolyn Doran.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(A Horse With No Name @ Tue 24th November 2009, 8:23pm) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 24th November 2009, 2:46pm) *

God there's a whole stupid article about the incident now.

"Stupid" is actually a charitable word to describe this article. Is there any reason why that is a standalone piece? ermm.gif

Possibly because it is mentioned on the front page
Friends and family members of mine who have worked in academe have told me that the kind of behavior shown in these emails is normal in the academic community. I've been told that because researchers are competing with each other for grants and recognition, they can get fairly nasty and competitive with each other. Of course, I don't know if that's necessarily the case here, it could be that the emails are being taken so far out of context that they are easy to misinterpret.
QUOTE(Cla68 @ Tue 24th November 2009, 11:16pm) *

Friends and family members of mine who have worked in academe have told me that the kind of behavior shown in these emails is normal in the academic community. I've been told that because researchers are competing with each other for grants and recognition, they can get fairly nasty and competitive with each other. Of course, I don't know if that's necessarily the case here, it could be that the emails are being taken so far out of context that they are easy to misinterpret.

I've not read them but presume that anything in them is reprehensible purely because, contrary to the popular press, scientists are a subset of the human race, not a different species. It would be statistically improbable for a scientistperson to never send an email that was deemed offensive or inappropriate in some way.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Tue 24th November 2009, 11:12am) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Sat 21st November 2009, 8:56am) *

Actually, it looks like it was the Daily Telegraph blog, and deleting that may be permissible under the rules of WikiMMORPGism. However, this desperate sanitizing will ultimately only work on Wikipedia. In the real world, the truth about the climate change ideology will inexorably out. For people who were paying attention, it has been out since Margaret Mead made the call for coordinated fakery in 1975:
What we need from scientists are estimates, presented with sufficient conservatism and plausibility but at the same time as free as possible from internal disagreements that can be exploited by political interests, that will allow us to start building a system of artificial but effective warnings, warnings which will parallel the instincts of animals who flee before the hurricane, pile up a larger store of nuts before a severe winter, or of caterpillars who respond to impending climatic changes by growing thicker coats [sic].

Completely misread. Mead is here suggesting technology used to provide warnings in place of innate instinct, rather like your TV weather channel or Tsunami warning buoys do.

Au contraire. Mead is proposing statistical fakery, like the "garbage in, garbage out" computer modelling of the Meadows and Forrester team back in the 70s, to stampede public opinion in the direction of a policy which Mead and her cohorts wanted for entirely other reasons. This is consistent with her entire body of work, including "Cumming of Age in Samoa," and also consistent with what is now being revealed in this University of East Anglia affair.

QUOTE(A Horse With No Name @ Tue 24th November 2009, 12:23pm) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 24th November 2009, 2:46pm) *

God there's a whole stupid article about the incident now.

"Stupid" is actually a charitable word to describe this article. Is there any reason why that is a standalone piece? ermm.gif
See WP:Content forking. Wm. Connolley and co. will go to WWIII to keep this out of Global warming (T-H-L-K-D).
No one of consequence
QUOTE(Cla68 @ Tue 24th November 2009, 11:16pm) *

Friends and family members of mine who have worked in academe have told me that the kind of behavior shown in these emails is normal in the academic community. I've been told that because researchers are competing with each other for grants and recognition, they can get fairly nasty and competitive with each other. Of course, I don't know if that's necessarily the case here, it could be that the emails are being taken so far out of context that they are easy to misinterpret.

Some of the backbiting and nasty comments may be normal. Colluding to get a journal editor dismissed because he approves articles that question your own is definitely not normal. Refusing to divulge raw data, when you have agreed to do so as a condition of publication and the research is taxpayer-funded, is not normal (although a brief period of exclusivity is often permitted). Coordinating "anonymous" peer reviews so that the same small group of people can be co-authors on some papers and give favorable reviews to the ones they are not authors of, may happen occasionally but it is unethical and a good journal editor will prevent it.
Son of a Yeti
QUOTE(No one of consequence @ Tue 24th November 2009, 8:18pm) *

Some of the backbiting and nasty comments may be normal. Colluding to get a journal editor dismissed because he approves articles that question your own is definitely not normal. Refusing to divulge raw data, when you have agreed to do so as a condition of publication and the research is taxpayer-funded, is not normal (although a brief period of exclusivity is often permitted). Coordinating "anonymous" peer reviews so that the same small group of people can be co-authors on some papers and give favorable reviews to the ones they are not authors of, may happen occasionally but it is unethical and a good journal editor will prevent it.

The emails show climate scientists may be nasty bitches and pricks which is no surprise as they are human beings. It also shows some are so pissed off by substandard papers being published in some journals that they are ready to utter phrases more fit to Wikipedia admin channel that peer review (saying that someone should not be allowed to publish at all or that someone else makes a fool of himself by discussing on climate skeptic blogs [their "attack sites"?]).

Some careers may be in danger but the emails are not what the press implies. No evidence of data tampering. However the climate skeptic blogs will boil for a long time.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 24th November 2009, 6:06pm) *
QUOTE(A Horse With No Name @ Tue 24th November 2009, 12:23pm) *
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 24th November 2009, 2:46pm) *
God there's a whole stupid article about the incident now.
"Stupid" is actually a charitable word to describe this article. Is there any reason why that is a standalone piece? ermm.gif
See WP:Content forking. Wm. Connolley and co. will go to WWIII to keep this out of Global warming (T-H-L-K-D).

"WILL go to WWIII?" Hah. They already are. Every global-warming nut on WP, on whatever side,
is diddling that thing over and over. The average seems to be one edit every 4 minutes.

That article will make a great example of how collaborative editing can go totally wrong.
And just for dramatic effect: even though I happen to think that GW is a real problem,
I still call for Connolley's admin bits to be yanked. The man is not a scientist, he's a lunatic.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Wed 25th November 2009, 7:56am) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 24th November 2009, 6:06pm) *
QUOTE(A Horse With No Name @ Tue 24th November 2009, 12:23pm) *
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 24th November 2009, 2:46pm) *
God there's a whole stupid article about the incident now.
"Stupid" is actually a charitable word to describe this article. Is there any reason why that is a standalone piece? ermm.gif
See WP:Content forking. Wm. Connolley and co. will go to WWIII to keep this out of Global warming (T-H-L-K-D).

"WILL go to WWIII?" Hah. They already are. Every global-warming nut on WP, on whatever side,
is diddling that thing over and over. The average seems to be one edit every 4 minutes.

That article will make a great example of how collaborative editing can go totally wrong.
And just for dramatic effect: even though I happen to think that GW is a real problem,
I still call for Connolley's admin bits to be yanked. The man is not a scientist, he's a lunatic.

Agree with you on every count. And look at the talk page

Nutcase city limits.
I'm not at all surprised that Connelley is in the forefront of trying to suppress the deeply damaging exposure of his friends' scientific malfeasance.

It gets to be bad when George "Moonbat" Monbiot calls for Phil Jones to be fired from CRU and apologizes for not being sceptical about their claims.

And entire squadrons of flying pigs have been cited sighted over Norwich.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 25th November 2009, 2:06am) *
See WP:Content forking. Wm. Connolley and co. will go to WWIII to keep this out of Global warming (T-H-L-K-D).

I thought that perhaps Mr. Connolley would prove us wrong for once, but unfortunately, he didn't.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(Cla68 @ Wed 25th November 2009, 12:31pm) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 25th November 2009, 2:06am) *
See WP:Content forking. Wm. Connolley and co. will go to WWIII to keep this out of Global warming (T-H-L-K-D).

I thought that perhaps Mr. Connolley would prove us wrong for once, but unfortunately, he didn't.

Why does his comment say 'NOTNEWS'. Surely it is news?
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Wed 25th November 2009, 3:56am) *

I still call for Connolley's admin bits to be yanked. The man is not a scientist, he's a lunatic.

Did he get them back?

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 25th November 2009, 1:23pm) *
Why does his comment say 'NOTNEWS'. Surely it is news?

That's one of those 'WP:acronyms', referring to the idea that wikipedia isn't a news site, except when you want it to have up-to-the-minute coverage of positive stuff about groups you like or negative stuff about groups you dislike.

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 25th November 2009, 2:06am) *

to stampede public opinion in the direction of a policy which Mead and her cohorts wanted for entirely other reasons.

Why does it have to be other reasons? Why can't it be because they honestly believed there was a climate change problem and this was the only way to get anything done about it in time?

Even if they're wrong, why can't they just be wrong instead of being some sinister conspiracy to advance an unspecified agenda?
QUOTE(Random832 @ Wed 25th November 2009, 6:17am) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 25th November 2009, 2:06am) *

to stampede public opinion in the direction of a policy which Mead and her cohorts wanted for entirely other reasons.

Why does it have to be other reasons? Why can't it be because they honestly believed there was a climate change problem and this was the only way to get anything done about it in time?

Even if they're wrong, why can't they just be wrong instead of being some sinister conspiracy to advance an unspecified agenda?
Well, it doesn't have to be for other reasons, but in the case of Mead and her colleagues, it happens to be the case. See also this post with recent quote from Daniel Callahan.

QUOTE(Random832 @ Wed 25th November 2009, 6:17am) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 25th November 2009, 1:23pm) *
Why does his comment say 'NOTNEWS'. Surely it is news?

That's one of those 'WP:acronyms', referring to the idea that wikipedia isn't a news site, except when you want it to have up-to-the-minute coverage of positive stuff about groups you like or negative stuff about groups you dislike.
A most accurate description of WP:NOTNEWS. One of the sad aspects of Wikipedia is that if anyone took the stuff at WP:NOT seriously, it would be an entirely different project.

QUOTE(Son of a Yeti @ Tue 24th November 2009, 10:48pm) *

Some careers may be in danger but the emails are not what the press implies. No evidence of data tampering. However the climate skeptic blogs will boil for a long time.
SOAY, you are destined to be disappointed as this story plays out, because the East Anglia scandal is only the tip of the iceberg [sic]. I like the recent statement made by Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (T-H-L-K-D) (Wikipedia says that he "has attracted controversy for his public opposition to the mainstream scientific consensus on climate change.")
Peter Damian
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 25th November 2009, 3:07pm) *

SOAY, you are destined to be disappointed as this story plays out, because the East Anglia scandal is only the tip of the iceberg [sic]. I like the recent statement made by Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (T-H-L-K-D) (Wikipedia says that he "has attracted controversy for his public opposition to the mainstream scientific consensus on climate change.")

This was very funny and worth reading, thanks.
No one of consequence
QUOTE(Son of a Yeti @ Wed 25th November 2009, 6:48am) *

Some careers may be in danger but the emails are not what the press implies. No evidence of data tampering. However the climate skeptic blogs will boil for a long time.

While it is true that there are many lines of evidence for global warming and these emails do not prove a massive conspiracy to "fake" it, there are some very bad things here.

1. CRU's dendrochronology is crap. Tree ring widths track with temperature over the history of the instrumental temperature record (beginning in 1880, more or less) except that over the last 40 years they don't, and they have no idea why. So instead of questioning whether tree ring data is a good proxy over thousands of years (if it is not good for 40 of the last 140) they exclude the most recent 40 years from their calculations and models. Furthermore, they can't even use their computer model to reproduce their published findings from the 1990s that the computer supposedly generated, because the data is the corrupt and the programs are full of bugs and poorly documented "adjustments." Finally, their most recent and highest profile dendrochronology paper relies on just 12 trees to make a hockey stick shape, and the emails reveal that they don't want to ask the guy who knows why to explain it publicly because he is not "reliable." (And yes, without the dendro there is other evidence for warming.)

2. Anonymous peer review that is neither anonymous nor a true independent review.

3. Collusion to keep people out of peer reviewed journals is bad. I'm not just talking about getting mad when a "crap" paper is published, but actively threatening journals that if the journal doesn't get with the program, they will stop submitting their own papers to it. Honestly, life sciences journals publish bad papers all the time that slip through peer review, and I have never seen a call to force out an editor.

4. Deleting emails and other files subject to FOI and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 is likely criminal.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Random832 @ Wed 25th November 2009, 7:17am) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 25th November 2009, 1:23pm) *
Why does his comment say 'NOTNEWS'. Surely it is news?

That's one of those 'WP:acronyms', referring to the idea that wikipedia isn't a news site, except when you want it to have up-to-the-minute coverage of positive stuff about groups you like or negative stuff about groups you dislike.

Yes, it's POV-inspired news. For stuff you don't agree with, it's necessary to wait to see if the material passes "the test of time" (see "encyclopedic"), so you can find out whether or not it's just recent-ism.

Thus, WP is NOTPAPER when it comes to material which agrees with your own opinions. But WP is NOTNEWS when it comes to material which doesn't. smile.gif
Son of a Yeti
QUOTE(No one of consequence @ Wed 25th November 2009, 11:16am) *

1. CRU's dendrochronology is crap. Tree ring widths track with temperature over the history of the instrumental temperature record (beginning in 1880, more or less) except that over the last 40 years they don't, and they have no idea why.

Duh. Rising CO2 concentration. It does make plants grow faster, doesn't it?

This story has legs. Obama Science Czar John Holdren (T-H-L-K-D) is now implicated:
Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball, writing in the Canadian Free Press, quotes from CRU e-mails in which Holdren, when at Harvard, attempted to belittle and discredit the work of solar physicists Sallie Baliunas and Willie Soon, who had documented the existence of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP); Holdren targetted Baliunus and Soon because the existence of the MWP contradicts the global-warming proponents who claim that the latter part of the 20th century was the warmest period ever. Dr. Ball says of Holdren that "His attempt to belittle Soon and Baliunas in front of colleagues is a measure of the man's blindness and political opportunism that pervades everything he says or does."

Meanwhile, other websites are providing links to documents showing that data from CRU Director Phil Jones were used in an official document submitted to the U.S. Congress, over John Holdren's signature, in October 2009. The report was "Our Changing Planet: The U.S. Global Change Research Program for 2010." Jones is cited as a co-author of a 2008 science paper "Consistency of Modelled and Observed Temperature Trends in the Tropical Troposphere," published in the International Journal of Climatology, which was cited in an effort to show that inconsistencies between modelled and observed trends in tropical surface and atmospheric temperatures, had been resolved.

Senator James Inhofe has sent letters to Federal agencies and outside scientists, warning them not to delete their own CRU-related emails and documents, which may also be subject to Freedom of Information requests. I'm holding my breath to see how long it will take for this to appear at Wikipedia.
There is now a predictably sanitized article called Climatic Research Unit e-mail hacking incident (T-H-L-K-D).
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Thu 10th December 2009, 4:10am) *

There is now a predictably sanitized article called Climatic Research Unit e-mail hacking incident (T-H-L-K-D).

The article isn't too bad, but checking the history shows that a fairly vigorous tug-of-war is ongoing between the two sides on that topic. I suspect that the GW articles and the editors who frequent them will eventually come before the ArbCom, much like the Israel-Palestine articles did this past year. I think the most serious issue with the GWcab editors is the violations of BLP and other policies like COATRACK on the entries for Global Warming skeptics or dissidents. Those editors have yet to be held accountable for those actions.
Excerpts of the text of the open letter being circulated within the American Physical Society:

Dear fellow member of the American Physical Society:

This is a matter of great importance to the integrity of the Society. It is being sent to a random fraction of the membership, so we hope you will pass it on.

By now everyone has heard of what has come to be known as ClimateGate, which was and is an international scientific fraud, the worst any of us have seen in our cumulative 223 years of APS membership....

What has this to do with APS? In 2007 the APS Council adopted a Statement on global warming ... that was based largely on the scientific work that is now revealed to have been corrupted. (The principals in this escapade have not denied what they did, but have sought to dismiss it by saying that it is normal practice among scientists. You know and we know that that is simply untrue. Physicists are not expected to cheat.)

We have asked the APS management to put the 2007 Statement on ice until the extent to which it is tainted can be determined, but that has not been done. We have also asked that the membership be consulted on this point, but that too has not been done.

None of us would use corrupted science in our own work, nor would we sign off on a thesis by a student who did so. This is not only a matter of science, it is a matter of integrity, and the integrity of the APS is now at stake. That is why we are taking the unusual step of communicating directly with at least a fraction of the membership.

If you believe that the APS should withdraw a Policy Statement that is based on admittedly corrupted science, and should then undertake to clarify the real state of the art in the best tradition of a learned society, please send a note to the incoming President of the APS.
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