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I don't know which companies or products have had WP articles written for them by Greg Kohs, but something tells me that Musicmaster ain't one of them.

Looks as if it was cut-pasted right off their website. (By a thing called Gofordoi (T-C-L-K-R-D) , or so I would suspect hrmph.gif .)
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Mon 23rd November 2009, 3:43am) *

I don't know which companies or products have had WP articles written for them by Greg Kohs, but something tells me that Musicmaster ain't one of them.

Looks as if it was cut-pasted right off their website. (By a thing called Gofordoi (T-C-L-K-R-D) , or so I would suspect hrmph.gif .)

No, sir. Wasn't involved with that one.
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