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Full Version: Flop - the band or the Wiki article
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Well-named, they are.

Because their WP article reads like a PR flack wrote it. The only reference: the (defunct) band's Myspace.

Having already recorded another album's worth of music, Flop returned to Frontier Records to release its third and final LP, World of Today, a pounding, crunching, unapologetic selection of songs with themes ranging from the death of Kurt Cobain to life stories of arsonists.
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Wed 25th November 2009, 12:00am) *

Well-named, they are.

Because their WP article reads like a PR flack wrote it. The only reference: the (defunct) band's Myspace.

Having already recorded another album's worth of music, Flop returned to Frontier Records to release its third and final LP, World of Today, a pounding, crunching, unapologetic selection of songs with themes ranging from the death of Kurt Cobain to life stories of arsonists.

Bleargh! Needs to be nuked from high orbit bored.gif
QUOTE(Alison @ Wed 25th November 2009, 12:21am) *
Bleargh! Needs to be nuked from high orbit bored.gif

Oops, sorry Allie, they went and "fixed" it. A few of the "references" are crap, but that's Wiki-biz. Flop was a pretty obscure act, except in the Seattle grunge scene. Having two albums on Frontier and one on Epic (all, well, flops) doesn't make for a notable act to me.

Thanks for trying anyway.

The "pounding, crunching" crap is still there, and no actual reference in sight. When will those little twits learn to take quotes from the refs, instead of inventing their own??
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Wed 25th November 2009, 9:47pm) *
Flop was a pretty obscure act, except in the Seattle grunge scene. Having two albums on Frontier and one on Epic (all, well, flops) doesn't make for a notable act to me.

They weren't so bad though, really. I liked them a lot better than Mudhoney or the Melvins, and they were at least as good as Green Day, though they obviously weren't as visually presentable (and their lyrics weren't quite as amusing).

Low-quality articles about obscure now-defunct bands don't do any harm really, even with much of the A&R/PR-flack verbiage left in... unless someone's foolish enough to spend significant amounts of money on their material based on a WP article (i.e., without actually listening to it first). Though in this case the buyer might not be all that disappointed.
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