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The article Climate change denial (T-H-L-K-D), and its auxiliary article Denialism (T-H-L-K-D) (in case the reader doesn't get the point,) is Wikipedia at is most WP:SOAPish. Note how all the essential propaganda points are neatly summarized in the lead. Having Climatic Research Unit e-mail hacking incident (T-H-L-K-D) in the "see also" section is also a nice touch.
Peter Damian
More like Global warming propaganda.

Climate change denial describes efforts to state that global warming or other climate changes on Earth are naturally occuring and are not the result of human activity. Some denials and disinformation campaigns have been promoted by individuals or groups that are funded by special interest groups with a financial interest in misrepresenting the scientific consensus on climate change[1], particularly those with ties to companies like ExxonMobil or the energy lobby.[2][3][4] Newsweek,[5][6] as well as numerous journalists, including George Monbiot[7] and Ellen Goodman,[8] among others,[9][10] describe climate change denial as a form of denialism. The United Kingdom identified the issue of climate change denial as a major topic on its agenda while chair of the G8 group of wealthy countries in 2005.[11]

Note the press seem to be picking up on Larrry Solomon's story about the loathsome Connolley: (Telegraph) (Solomon's article)

Or, really, just Google climategate+connolley
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 22nd December 2009, 12:01pm) *

Note the press seem to be picking up on Larrry Solomon's story about the loathsome Connolley: (Solomon's article)

My lone comment on Solomon's article, with link back to MWB via a TinyUrl, netted about 150 additional unique visitors to MWB just yesterday alone. That tells me his article is getting read by many thousands of people, if 150 are reading to the bottom of the comments and clicking my link.
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 22nd December 2009, 9:01am) *

Note the press seem to be picking up on Larrry Solomon's story about the loathsome Connolley: (Telegraph) (Solomon's article)

By Jove, that Connolley is one notable dude. I look forward to seeing those items cited in his Wikipedia bio. More importantly, I am going to lobby for a minor policy change in the upcoming 2010 Wikipedia Review "WP:DICK of Distinction" awards pageant, to allow recently defrocked admins to compete on an equal footing with currently active admins, so that Dick has a shot at taking the top honors.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 23rd December 2009, 1:47am) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 22nd December 2009, 9:01am) *

Note the press seem to be picking up on Larrry Solomon's story about the loathsome Connolley: (Telegraph) (Solomon's article)

By Jove, that Connolley is one notable dude. I look forward to seeing those items cited in his Wikipedia bio. More importantly, I am going to lobby for a minor policy change in the upcoming 2010 Wikipedia Review "WP:DICK of Distinction" awards pageant, to allow recently defrocked admins to compete on an equal footing with currently active admins, so that Dick has a shot at taking the top honors.

Userbox: 'This user is a Twat'?

Look at the guy's talk page and some of his comments. It is self-evident. And his surprising omission from the WP Pageant has been noted before.

Another one here is quite interesting
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 22nd December 2009, 6:29pm) *

My lone comment on Solomon's article, with link back to MWB via a TinyUrl, netted about 150 additional unique visitors to MWB just yesterday alone. That tells me his article is getting read by many thousands of people, if 150 are reading to the bottom of the comments and clicking my link.

Seems like using the mystery-link redirection would skew ones estimates one way or the other. I mean, there's an old saying in Tennessee, something like Rick-roll me once, shame on you…

Is your comment gone now? I don't see it, and I couldn't find "kohs", "biz", or "tinyurl" in the html either.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 22nd December 2009, 5:47pm) *

I look forward to seeing those items cited in his Wikipedia bio.
Not going to happen.
QUOTE(CharlotteWebb @ Thu 24th December 2009, 12:07am) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 22nd December 2009, 6:29pm) *

My lone comment on Solomon's article, with link back to MWB via a TinyUrl, netted about 150 additional unique visitors to MWB just yesterday alone. That tells me his article is getting read by many thousands of people, if 150 are reading to the bottom of the comments and clicking my link.

Seems like using the mystery-link redirection would skew ones estimates one way or the other. I mean, there's an old saying in Tennessee, something like Rick-roll me once, shame on you…

Is your comment gone now? I don't see it, and I couldn't find "kohs", "biz", or "tinyurl" in the html either.

I didn't comment on the "FULL COMMENT" version. Try this link. Honestly, I don't understand what National Post is doing with co-locating its content across various sub-domains of its site.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Thu 24th December 2009, 2:58pm) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 22nd December 2009, 5:47pm) *

I look forward to seeing those items cited in his Wikipedia bio.
Not going to happen.

Stephen Schulz and some of the others are allowing their POV to show a little too clearly by saying that Solomon's blog can't be used because it is "innacurate." Looking at the Lawrence Solomon talk page, the only valid argument I can see for exclusion is from Tony Sideaway in which he asks why, of Solomon's many opinions, they should focus on his opinion of Wikipedia? Anyway, next time I have a chance I'll check InfoTrac and NewsStand to see if Solomon's opinion on Wikipedia has been commented on in any reliable sources.
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