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Mumiy Troll

It's got that look of something that was written by a Russian for whom English is a second language.
Meaning, possibly written by the band or their publicist?

Plus no references, despite lots of detail.

And the more of that article you read, the more like Dethklok they seem. For example:
Members of the band are rumoured to spend what little spare time they have gliding around the Russian coast in an ex-navy submarine.

Hah? Excuse me??

I bring this up partly because of something that frequently gets posted on group blogs, simply because it's so demented:
the video for their song Medvedica.
(Warning: furry critters being raped by giant pickles, and other horrors.)
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Sun 27th December 2009, 6:31pm) *

Mumiy Troll

It's got that look of something that was written by a Russian for whom English is a second language.
Meaning, possibly written by the band or their publicist?

Plus no references, despite lots of detail.

And the more of that article you read, the more like Dethklok they seem. For example:
Members of the band are rumoured to spend what little spare time they have gliding around the Russian coast in an ex-navy submarine.

Hah? Excuse me??

I bring this up partly because of something that frequently gets posted on group blogs, simply because it's so demented:
the video for their song Medvedica.
(Warning: furry critters being raped by giant pickles, and other horrors.)


"You means the Pickles is into the bestialities now? Oh noes!!"

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