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Peter Damian
Nice to see that Wikipedia has an entry for the Music Man, beloved of children and foul-mouthed rugby players.

But what is this, it mentions the existence of bawdy and disgusting versions of this song, without giving any examples? What has Wikipedia 'come' to?

For one particularly revolting version see this

and for many possible interesting variants see this

Perhaps someone should correct this right away? (No, please don't).
A Horse With No Name
Oh, I was expecting Robert Preston. Wrong Music Man! smile.gif

There was once a WP article about a sports song (either for rugby or football/soccer, I forget which) called "Yogi Bear" -- it was tasteless but funny...but also a problem with WP:RS. Needless to say, it got deleted via AfD.
Trick cyclist
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 2nd January 2010, 1:01pm) *

Nice to see that Wikipedia has an entry for the Music Man, beloved of children and foul-mouthed rugby players.

But what is this, it mentions the existence of bawdy and disgusting versions of this song, without giving any examples? What has Wikipedia 'come' to?

For one particularly revolting version see this

and for many possible interesting variants see this

Perhaps someone should correct this right away? (No, please don't).

I for one would deplore seeing crude versions added. This is an article that is likely to be looked at by young children is it not?

Curious are the categories for this article. There are but two: Drinking songs and Black Lace songs. The latter means songs "recorded by Black Lace, a British pop group from Ossett in West Yorkshire"! Are there no categories for children's songs or cumulative songs or half a dozen things more relevant than being recorded by a group from a place nobody's ever heard of?

Peter Damian
QUOTE(Trick cyclist @ Sat 2nd January 2010, 6:57pm) *

I for one would deplore seeing crude versions added. This is an article that is likely to be looked at by young children is it not?

Sorry I forgot the irony tag.


Curious are the categories for this article. There are but two: Drinking songs and Black Lace songs. The latter means songs "recorded by Black Lace, a British pop group from Ossett in West Yorkshire"! Are there no categories for children's songs or cumulative songs or half a dozen things more relevant than being recorded by a group from a place nobody's ever heard of?

Yes. Although Black Lace are quite famous in England for being horrid. The other song they did was Agadoo.

[edit] Oh yes and a version of the Birdy Song. (Note to self: Christmas Ipod thread)
Mike H
Yes. Although Black Lace are quite famous in England for being horrid. The other song they did was Agadoo.

Why, you left out the dreck that was Mary Ann!
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
QUOTE(A Horse With No Name @ Sat 2nd January 2010, 2:53pm) *

Oh, I was expecting Robert Preston. Wrong Music Man! smile.gif

There was once a WP article about a sports song (either for rugby or football/soccer, I forget which) called "Yogi Bear" -- it was tasteless but funny...but also a problem with WP:RS. Needless to say, it got deleted via AfD.

When I was a college kid, the ruggers used to have this song parody of The Candy Man that went:

Who can take a glass rod?
Shove it up his cock...
Lay it out flat and smash it with a rock!
The S&M man!
The S&M man cause he wears leather gloves,
and makes it hurt so good, ouch! OUCH!

wtf.gif laugh.gif wink.gif
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