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NH Wikipedia editor says site isn't going anywhere

Nashua Telegraph
by David Brooks

This is how the New Hampshire wikipedia page looked on the day it was created, 27 Jan. 2001. The person who created it no longer has a wikipedia account...

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This is what happens when a nerdy journalist decides to write a story about a nerdy Wikipedian, laying down the ground rules that the journalist will fawn over the Wikipedian, and the Wikipedian will fawn over Wikipedia. Congrats.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 3rd January 2010, 12:47am) *
This is what happens when a nerdy journalist decides to write a story about a nerdy Wikipedian, laying down the ground rules that the journalist will fawn over the Wikipedian, and the Wikipedian will fawn over Wikipedia. Congrats.

You must have stopped to throw up before you reached this part:
Despite my long experience with Wikipedia – I’ve played around with it since January 2003, when it was less than 2 years old, and am one of several thousand “administrators,” a title that doesn’t mean much – I was unsure, so I thought I’d check with the only other New Hampshire resident who I know is an expert.

So the "nerdy journalist" is actually an admin, DavidWBrooks (T-C-L-K-R-D) , but apparently feels the need to overstate the numbers of the admin corps while pooh-poohing other people's numbers that don't fit in with his particular world view - and refusing to accept that there might be "experts" on Wikipedia in New Hampshire who are not already in complete agreement with him. And these are the people who claim to follow something called "NPOV."

NB: Karmafist is from New Hampshire, but there's no mention of him in this article.
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
QUOTE(Somey @ Sun 3rd January 2010, 7:23am) *

NB: Karmafist is from New Hampshire, but there's no mention of him in this article.

Of course not.
That would ruin their fluff, propaganda piece.
Moreover, unlike most of the Peediot losers they interview, he has an actual life.
"Live Free or Die"

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