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Full Version: List of designated terrorist organizations
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A common Wikipediot theme is that Wikipedia is a "great place to start research", but make sure to follow-up on the reference sources provided in the article.

In List of designated terrorist organizations, there are seven bullet-point sources at the bottom of the table:

# Australian Government. "Listing of Terrorist Organisations". Retrieved 2006-07-03.
# Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada. "Entities list". Retrieved 2006-07-03.
# European Union. "Common Position 2005/847/CFSP" (PDF). Retrieved 2006-07-03.
# United Kingdom Home Office. "Proscribed terrorist groups". Retrieved 2006-07-03.
# United States Department of State. "Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs)". Retrieved 2006-07-03.
# Ministry of Home Affairs. "Banned Organisations". Retrieved 2008-09-27.
# (Russian) "Единый федеральный список организаций, признанных террористическими Верховным Судом Российской Федерации". Federal Security Service. Retrieved 2009-03-22.

Three of the seven links are to expired or "not found" pages.

Thanks a lot, Wikipedia, for your 57% source reliability rate on this subject!
With the exception of the Russian site, which apparently has not yet been discovered and purged by SlimVirgin, what we have here is a case study in WP:Systemic bias. The saying goes that "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter," but that doesn't apply at Wikipedia, where the good guys and bad guys are very clearly defined, categorized, and announced in templates.
Wikipedia Review!!!! Can I get sued too???? biggrin.gif
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