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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />#DLD10: Skype, [b]Wikipedia, Firefox - is the internet about disrupting markets?[/b]
The Guardian
"Disruptive is not only about destruction. It is about technological changes, market changes, and changes in consumer reaction to things. ...

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Jimbo Wales apparently defines "the community" as 3,000 volunteers.

I'm glad that's settled. I wonder where is the official list?

Skype has 500 million registered users, Mozilla has 350 million users; and Wikipedia has about the same. "It is probably the same users that downloaded Mozilla," Jimmy Wales jokes. He is in a good mood, since Wikipedia is very effective – and, he says later, the number of editors is stable, despite news reports to the contrary. Skype, Mozilla and Wikipedia disrupt several industries, and they do it with a minimum of effort.

Mozilla has 250 people working for it, which is a lot compared with Wikipedia's paid staff of 30. "How do you do it?" asks Vardi. Wales answers: "I am a really fast typist," before thanking the community of 3,000 volunteers. "Wikipedia is a very, very bad business. Everything is free. It is really hard to compete with us."
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
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