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At the DLD (Digital. Life. Design.) Munich conference, which is the European equivalent of the expensive TED conferences...

When asked how he felt about busting the old encyclopedia model, Jimmy Wales responded, "I'm a bad man" - audience laughter - but was also quick to say that the encyclopedia business had never been a very large or profitable one - the collective idea of the panel coming around to the notion that certain things should be basic human rights: information, access to that information, and the ability to distribute it freely.

It's all just a funny joke, isn't it, Jimmy?
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 28th January 2010, 12:33pm) *

At the DLD (Digital. Life. Design.) Munich conference, which is the European equivalent of the expensive TED conferences …


When asked how he felt about busting the old encyclopedia model, Jimmy Wales responded, "I'm a bad man" — audience laughter — but was also quick to say that the encyclopedia business had never been a very large or profitable one — the collective idea of the panel coming around to the notion that certain things should be basic human rights: information, access to that information, and the ability to distribute it freely.

It's all just a funny joke, isn't it, Jimmy?

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