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The world according to Jimmy Wales

(I haven't even read it yet, but this one is sure to make a few of us vomit. The photo of Jimbo in what appears to be a makeshift Jefferies tube is very cute!)

Wikipedists discuss what must or must not be published in a particular entry. -- Jimmy Wales

This [highlighted reviews] system was tested as a pilot project in the German version of Wikipedia and the result was quite good. We are close to reaching an agreement with the volunteers of the English version of Wikipedia to implement a similar project. -- Jimmy Wales

Most of the volunteers understands this... -- Jimmy Wales

Since our purpose is making a quality encyclopedia, it is better not to write entries having a doubtful aspect. -- Jimmy Wales

Two years ago you created Wikia, a search tool to compete with Google. The company went bankrupt. Is Google undefeatable? -- Thomaz Favaro
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
He didn't throw a bunch of nerf-balls at King Nerd...nor was he wowed by Jimbo's use of techno gibberish.

Though he did miss a great opportunity to ask him how Wikimedia's, ostensibly altruistic mission is reconciled with his Randroid belief system.
Interesting development... go back and try to access the article now.
QUOTE(Jimmy Wales)

…what must or must not be published…

This is simply a restatement of Gell-Mann's totalitarian principle. To reconcile it with whatever libertarian beliefs Jimbo is alleged to hold is above my pay grade.

QUOTE(Jimmy Wales)

Most of the volunteers understands this.

I am disappoint.
They were too late, Google already cached it.
What else can be done to improve Wikipedia?

The most important step we have taken in the last few years is the system of highlighted reviews.

The idea is to guarantee the public is reading an entry that has been reviewed by a trustful member of the community.

This system was tested as a pilot project in the German version of Wikipedia and the result was quite good. We are close to reaching an agreement with the volunteers of the English version of Wikipedia to implement a similar project. This is the kind of thing we are always doing to improve the content of the encyclopedia.

No comment.
Swannell, Cate <>
date Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 10:26 PM
subject RE: Inquiry from The Gold Coast Bulletin website

10:26 PM (3 minutes ago)

Thank you for your inquiry.

The article was removed at the request of Jimmy Wales, as it was a bad
translation from an interview he gave to a Brazilian journalist a year

Cate Swannell
Online Journalist

Phone: 55842285
Mobile: 0418 188806
Well this was kind of funny:

Try it for yourself. Wikipedia the words 'Jimmy Wales' and you will learn he was born on August 7, 1966, his father worked as a grocery store manager and he was named by Time magazine in 2006 as one of world's most influential people.

From the Jimmy Wales WP article:

Note: Although Wales' 1997 marriage certificate (to Christine Rohan), the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Current Biography Yearbook and Who's Who in America state that he was born on August 7,[87] his Florida driver's license gives his birthday as August 8, and he has stated that the August 7 date is incorrect.[88]

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 16th February 2010, 3:30am) *

Swannell, Cate <>
date Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 10:26 PM
subject RE: Inquiry from The Gold Coast Bulletin website

10:26 PM (3 minutes ago)

Thank you for your inquiry.

The article was removed at the request of Jimmy Wales, as it was a bad
translation from an interview he gave to a Brazilian journalist a year

Cate Swannell
Online Journalist

Phone: 55842285
Mobile: 0418 188806

The original interview appears to be this one, dated 16 December 2009. I would assume that the interview was likely conducted in English for Jimbo's benefit and translated for publication, but I don't know if Jimbo speaks Portuguese.
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Tue 16th February 2010, 1:41pm) *

The original interview appears to be this one, dated 16 December 2009. I would assume that the interview was likely conducted in English for Jimbo's benefit and translated for publication, but I don't know if Jimbo speaks Portuguese.

Highly doubtful.
Jimmy's a monoglot who claims he is trying to learn German (just as he is trying to implement flagged revisions soon). He probably knows less Deutsch than Durova.
Trick cyclist
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Mon 15th February 2010, 10:29pm) *

The idea is to guarantee the public is reading an entry that has been reviewed by a trustful member of the community.

Trustful: "full of trust or confidence; not feeling or showing suspicion".

Is that really the sort of editor we want to review proposed edits? blink.gif

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