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Wikipedia, the Internet's free encyclopedia, just got a lot less free.

For the first time, a High Court judge has ordered the owners of the online encyclopedia to disclose the IP address of a registered user who allegedly blackmailed a woman and her child.

The Wikipedia user edited the woman's entry to include 'sensitive' information about her and her child, London’s Daily Mail reports.

The woman had also received anonymous letters in which, she believes, the same writer threatened to leak to the press details about her professional life and expense claims.

Journalists confirmed to the court that they had been approached by “an individual” attempting to sell a story about the mother and child.

The judge said the edit was removed following the woman’s complaint and ordered that the mother and child not be identified in reports on the case.

The mother will be told the identity of the Wikipedia editor, though it is unknown whether the anonymous letter writer is the same person.

Wikipedia does not fall under British jurisdiction, but its Florida-based parent company, The Wikimedia Foundation, said it would disclose the IP if ordered to.

Wikipedia was built eight years ago and grew via the general public, who are free to edit and update its content.

After a number of pages were compromised by malicious tampering, Wikipedia’s parent company announced this summer that it would be employing a group of unpaid “expert” editors to oversee the site.

Some high profile pages such as those belonging to Britney Spears and Barack Obama are protected from hijacking.

For those who don’t have celebrity on their side, however, this ruling could be the first step toward protection.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(NotARepublican55 @ Tue 9th February 2010, 8:52pm) *

Wikipedia, the Internet's free encyclopedia, just got a lot less free.

No, it didn't. WP will learn nothing, and doesn't care. The IP address will show that the horrid blackmailer is living in Reston, VA. (Police fan out to find a Mr. Cox Net). Or perhaps a Mr. B.T. Group in London. Life goes on. sleep.gif
Does anyone know what "After a number of pages were compromised by malicious tampering, Wikipedia’s parent company announced this summer that it would be employing a group of unpaid “expert” editors to oversee the site." is supposed to refer to?
The Joy
Mod note: Moved to News Worth Discussing forum. - The Joy
QUOTE(Random832 @ Tue 9th February 2010, 11:28pm) *

Does anyone know what "After a number of pages were compromised by malicious tampering, Wikipedia’s parent company announced this summer that it would be employing a group of unpaid “expert” editors to oversee the site." is supposed to refer to?

Isn't "employing unpaid experts" an oxymoron? Just sayin'
QUOTE(NotARepublican55 @ Wed 10th February 2010, 6:13am) *

Isn't "employing unpaid experts" an oxymoron? Just sayin'

I plead the 13th!
I assume it's an ignorant and misguided reference to Flagged Revisions.
QUOTE(CharlotteWebb @ Wed 10th February 2010, 1:12am) *

QUOTE(NotARepublican55 @ Wed 10th February 2010, 6:13am) *

Isn't "employing unpaid experts" an oxymoron? Just sayin'

I plead the 13th!

laugh.gif laugh.gif evilgrin.gif

QUOTE(Random832 @ Tue 9th February 2010, 11:28pm) *

Does anyone know what "After a number of pages were compromised by malicious tampering..."

Probably that "Ron Livingston is in a gay relationship with casting director Lee Dennison" crap and the lawsuit against Mark Binmore (the vandal) that is supposed to follow.
QUOTE(Deodand @ Wed 10th February 2010, 1:40am) *
I assume it's an ignorant and misguided reference to Flagged Revisions.

Probably - only they should have said "2006," not "this summer."
For the first time, a High Court judge has ordered the owners of the online encyclopedia to disclose the IP address...

It seems that every time this happens it is reported as the first time...

From the end of the original Daily Mail article (emphasis mine):
Wikipedia calls malicious altering of its pages 'vandalism'. Victims have included Tony Blair, whose entry once said he used to have a picture of Hitler on his bedroom wall.

Other well-known victims include David Beckham, who was listed as an 18th-century Chinese goalkeeper, and Robbie Williams, said to have made a fortune eating hamsters.

Controversial pages - such as those of politicians - are now locked and can be changed only by trusted editors.

A recent survey found that the average age of contributors is 26.8 years and 87 per cent are men.

The site claims to have a million editors, but critics say many are giving up due to tighter restrictions.

In the first three months of this year, the English-language Wikipedia lost more than 49,000 editors, compared to losing 4,900 in the same period last year.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Wed 10th February 2010, 2:47pm) *

For the first time, a High Court judge has ordered the owners of the online encyclopedia to disclose the IP address...

It seems that every time this happens it is reported as the first time...

That's journalism for you. These guys all live in the eternal sunshine of the spotless NOW, with not much input from historical memory at all. They don't have time for it.
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