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Oh God who writes this crap? "Main protagonist"? WTF? And since when is "singing the alphabet as one long word" part of a "wide array of talents"? confused.gif

Big Bird is the main protagonist of the children's television show Sesame Street which airs on PBS. Big Bird, like many of the other Sesame Street characters, is a Muppet character. He is sometimes referred to simply as "Bird" by his friends.[2]

Officially performed by Caroll Spinney since 1969, he is an eight-foot two-inch tall bright yellow bird.[3] He can roller skate, ice skate, dance, sing, write poetry, draw and even ride a unicycle. But despite this wide array of talents, he is prone to frequent misunderstandings, on one occasion even singing the alphabet as one big long word (ABC-DEF-GHI), pondering what it could ever mean.[4] He lives in a large nest behind the 123 Sesame Street brownstone and he has a teddy bear named Radar, after Walter "Radar" O'Reilly of M*A*S*H, who had a teddy bear and was also lovably naive and innocent. Radar was given to Big Bird by Gary Burghoff when he guest starred on the show.[5][6] Later on, however, it was said that Big Bird got the bear as a gift from Mr. Hooper.[citation needed]
A Horse With No Name
I have to find the source somewhere, but I recall reading that when the "Follow That Bird" movie was being shot, Big Bird had a scene with Waylon Jennings -- but ol' Waylon was smoking a cigarette between takes and accidentally put his cigarette on Big Bird, causing a small fire.

But "The Alphabet Song" brings back a lot of fun memories from my childhood -- I started singing it when I read the WP article. For those who don't know the song:

Difficult to tell who was responsible for the bulk of that crap. This article is a popular target for vandals, some of which was more subtle than usual. Lot of IP-address-edits too.

Behold the genius of "crowd-sourcing".
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