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I really like this video clip because you only need to let it run for 4 seconds to see how much of a bald-faced liar is Jimmy Wales.

Here, he amply demonstrates that he knows what "co-founder" means, and how to utter the word -- he correctly calls himself the "co-founder of Wikia".

But, when it comes to Wikipedia, there he is stating clearly and shamefully that he is "the founder" of that project.

Larry Sanger really ought to sue him for punitive damages.
John Limey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sat 27th February 2010, 2:10pm) *

I really like this video clip because you only need to let it run for 4 seconds to see how much of a bald-faced liar is Jimmy Wales.

Here, he amply demonstrates that he knows what "co-founder" means, and how to utter the word -- he correctly calls himself the "co-founder of Wikia".

But, when it comes to Wikipedia, there he is stating clearly and shamefully that he is "the founder" of that project.

Larry Sanger really ought to sue him for punitive damages.

Wales: "And you can do some many interesting things on the internet that just aren't possible in other media". Well Wikipedia proves that every day, so long as "interesting" can be read as "libelous".

"So it should be a part of the public record that someone's been convicted of an offense. I'm not so sure that it should be the first hit on their name when you Google them." Right, that honor should be reserved for the Wikipedia page which repeats that offense along with some choice misinformation.

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