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Red Mercury is a fine article for a conspiracy theorist or scam artist.

If I had the patience and time to fight it to the ground, I'd Afd the sucker.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Zoloft @ Sun 28th February 2010, 7:05pm) *

Red Mercury is a fine article for a conspiracy theorist or scam artist.

If I had the patience and time to fight it to the ground, I'd Afd the sucker.

Don't do that! I think I just saw it in a Star Trek movie. At least offload it to Memory Alpha. smile.gif
Poking around, blue mass is a real mercury compound used in 19th century medicine.

Can't see any reason for the gluey, distended mass that is the Red Mercury article though.
I's a jeremiad being pursued by Sam Cohen, a world-famous atomic scientist who seems to be getting a little crazy in his old age.
Trick cyclist
QUOTE(Zoloft @ Mon 1st March 2010, 7:01am) *

Poking around, blue mass is a real mercury compound used in 19th century medicine.

Can't see any reason for the gluey, distended mass that is the Red Mercury article though.

Yes, frightening how much mercury has been used in medicine. Heres an official description from a book published by The American Medical Association as recently as 1913. Seems its not a compound but a mixture of liquid mercury with various goos.

I agree about Red mercury too.
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