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Full Version: Smotherbox (Baroque style)
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There's a very poignant question on Yahoo! Answers today, regarding the veracity of Wikipedia's smotherbox article -- long believed to be the Internet's most reliable source of information about smotherboxes.

In case the question is too provocative for Yahoo, best save a copy of it here:

Is there really a Baroque style smotherbox?

Wikipedia says that there are two types of smotherbox: Traditional and Baroque style --

In fact, Wikipedia says "Many custom smotherboxes are done in baroque style and may look very dignified."

But if you search the Internet for any mention of a Baroque style smotherbox, taking away the possibility that the source is Wikipedia or using the telltale phrase "look very dignified", there seems to be only ONE SOURCE that mentions "Baroque" and "smotherbox":…

...and there are a lot of people on that "What Herb got his girlfriend for Valentine's Day" forum who are simply laughing out load (not sure if that was a deliberate pun or not) about the "Baroque style".

There don't appear to be any books that mention "Baroque" and "smotherbox":…

There are likewise no scholarly papers making mention of this phenomenon:…

Thus, I am drawn to conclude that Wikipedia is simply a big joke. There is no such thing as a "Baroque style smotherbox", and yet the Wikimedia Foundation is laughing all the way to the bank with its $12+ million haul from this year's fundraising and grants from Google and Omidyar Network and others.

Goodness, that is funny! laugh.gif

Not only can they not resist writing an article about it, they hardly even know what they're writing about!

Wait a minute... I guess that's true of just about everything on Wikipedia, isn't it? Oh well, never mind.
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