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> Media Forums > News Worth Discussing
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)

While I wouldn't exactly regard Mr. Morozov as a digital giant (How could they truly call their series such without Seth Finkelstein?!) I found this short, sharp talk interesting.

Especially his remarks regarding online democracy.
The current WP straw polls on early adaptation of flagged revs for BLPs and community Deadminship, readily come to mind.
QUOTE(RDH(Ghost In The Machine) @ Tue 9th March 2010, 8:08pm) *

While I wouldn't exactly regard Mr. Morozov as a digital giant (How could they truly call their series such without Seth Finkelstein?!) I found this short, sharp talk interesting.

Especially his remarks regarding online democracy.
The current WP straw polls on early adaptation of flagged revs for BLPs and community Deadminship, readily come to mind.

Well he does have a fellowship with an exclamation point in the middle of the title.
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