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Full Version: Spanking Art contextual ads
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Back when Jimbo was willingly hosting a "Spanking Art" wiki on his Wikia, Inc. servers, it was kind of uncomfortable to see what kinds of contextual ads might show up on the main page devoted to spanking culture.

I would have put this in the Boy Scouts are for Spanking thread, but it's closed. What's up with that?
The Joy
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 14th March 2010, 5:28pm) *

Back when Jimbo was willingly hosting a "Spanking Art" wiki on his Wikia, Inc. servers, it was kind of uncomfortable to see what kinds of contextual ads might show up on the main page devoted to spanking culture.

I would have put this in the Boy Scouts are for Spanking thread, but it's closed. What's up with that?

If I remember correctly, some fool was trying to repeatedly resurrect the thread with non-related stuff. That or we wanted it saved for posterity. I wish I could remember. unhappy.gif

I suppose I or another mod can unlock for you to add your new information unless there are any objections.
I wonder how much the "Free Culture movement" and Wikia's own "Spanking Art" wiki contributed to the environment of abuse manifested here?
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