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Could someone with at least a bit of clout on Meta, please bring User:GerardM to justice? I'm not going to wheel war with him on this one, but clearly, he has gone over the deep end in his quest to replace vastly superior content with juvenile, deranged content -- all in the service of his personal vendetta.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 25th March 2010, 3:17am) *

Could someone with at least a bit of clout on Meta, please bring User:GerardM to justice? I'm not going to wheel war with him on this one, but clearly, he has gone over the deep end in his quest to replace vastly superior content with juvenile, deranged content -- all in the service of his personal vendetta.

Looks like you were just reblocked.
QUOTE(Ottava @ Thu 25th March 2010, 12:23am) *

Looks like you were just reblocked.

Yeah, Jimbo's out of control with this "cross-wiki issues" "global block" madness.

I just wrote him a little note to thank him. This will surely help me focus more on my paid editing work and not so much on the volunteer work that I've been doing for him out of the goodness of my generous heart.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 25th March 2010, 4:33am) *

QUOTE(Ottava @ Thu 25th March 2010, 12:23am) *

Looks like you were just reblocked.

Yeah, Jimbo's out of control with this "cross-wiki issues" "global block" madness.

I just wrote him a little note to thank him. This will surely help me focus more on my paid editing work and not so much on the volunteer work that I've been doing for him out of the goodness of my generous heart.


Well, to be honest, I'm surprised you started going back to the funding issue instead of jumping on the anti-Jimbo as Founder issue. The latter could have given you the ability to try and claim yourself as a legitimate critic that Jimbo wants to silence whereas the path you took left you quite open (you were changing historic pages that probably should be deleted but haven't just because no one paid any attention to them).
QUOTE(Ottava @ Thu 25th March 2010, 12:36am) *

Well, to be honest, I'm surprised you started going back to the funding issue instead of jumping on the anti-Jimbo as Founder issue. The latter could have given you the ability to try and claim yourself as a legitimate critic that Jimbo wants to silence whereas the path you took left you quite open (you were changing historic pages that probably should be deleted but haven't just because no one paid any attention to them).

Surprise is one of the weapons in my arsenal.

I simply thought that more people for posterity's sake would be interested in how Wikimedia is "funded" than in some silly tool-bit dispute that some two-bit co-founder who lies about being founder got himself into.
QUOTE(Ottava @ Wed 24th March 2010, 11:36pm) *
The latter could have given you the ability to try and claim yourself as a legitimate critic that Jimbo wants to silence whereas the path you took...

Ottava, you're being ridiculous again. Everyone knows that Mr. Kohs here is a legitimate critic whom Jimbo wants to silence; he doesn't need to "jump" on some "bandwagon" to prove that, he's proven it time and time again.

I'm afraid you'd be better off not commenting on Mr. Kohs' activities until you've made some effort to understand them.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 24th March 2010, 10:29pm) *
Surprise is one of the weapons in my arsenal.

Surprise and fear. Fear and surprise. His two weapons are fear and surprise ... and ruthless efficiency. Wait, Greg's three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency ... and an almost fanatical devotion to the reform of Wikipedia. .... His four weapons are ... no ... Amongst Greg's weapons .... Amongst his weaponry...

Aw, shit.

QUOTE(gomi @ Wed 24th March 2010, 10:48pm) *
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 24th March 2010, 10:29pm) *
Surprise is one of the weapons in my arsenal.
Surprise and fear. Fear and surprise. His two weapons are fear and surprise ... and ruthless efficiency.

Well. That was inevitable.
Whereof we cannot construct a scholarly analysis, we must rely on Pythonesque dramaturgy instead.
Just when I thought I'd really figured out how to be maximally disruptive with minimum effort, I find I've been upstaged by this upstart upbraider of the upshot, who has apparently developed and applied diabolical cross-wiki issues.

I demand an immediate course at WikiVersity on Cross-Wiki Issues. Is it anything like a crossbow? Is a Cross-Wiki an angry wiki?

Would someone please block me on Wikipedia for cross-wiki issues? I'm banned from editing cold fusion on en.wikipedia, but I did work on a cold fusion paper at WikiVersity, and I didn't even bother to source it. Off the top of my head. Like we used to write articles where we knew the topic. What a concept!

Didn't somebody do a video parody of a professor who taught a course like a Wikipedia article? With in-line citations?

I'd like to be the first to be blocked on enwiki for cross-wiki issues. What else can I do to bring this about? I could go after mike.lifeguard at meta, I suppose, I have an excuse. Nah. Too fucking sensible. It's got to be really, really silly to count.

WP:OWN, only Jimbo really does own the place, as long as the board says so.
QUOTE(Somey @ Thu 25th March 2010, 5:31am) *

Ottava, you're being ridiculous again. Everyone knows that Mr. Kohs here is a legitimate critic whom Jimbo wants to silence; he doesn't need to "jump" on some "bandwagon" to prove that, he's proven it time and time again.

I'm afraid you'd be better off not commenting on Mr. Kohs' activities until you've made some effort to understand them.

I don't think I can comprehend the benefit of editing two pages that are basically "historic" and have no real purpose on meta anymore.
QUOTE(Ottava @ Fri 26th March 2010, 12:34am) *
I don't think I can comprehend the benefit of editing two pages that are basically "historic" and have no real purpose on meta anymore.

Of course not - none of us can. Kohs is always three, four, five steps ahead of everyone else, spinning a vast web of twisting, turning smoke-and-mirror traps to catch the bad guys at their own game, coolly manipulating events behind the scenes... You'll never be able to predict what he does - his spies are everywhere, reporting every little detail, and in the process creating a vast database of intricately interconnected events and coincidences - all of which will someday culminate in the final, irrevocable, incomprehensible masterstroke that will bring the entire hideous edifice of lies and deceit crumbling to the ground like a vast pile of chocolate bunnies!

I just hope they're dark chocolate bunnies, because I can't really eat the milk-chocolate ones. yak.gif
Somey, I loved your post, and I also much prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate, so when my master plan does finally come together in the year 2018, I will be sure to include dark chocolate in my alchemy.

Meanwhile, here's some guys who are heading for a global block due to "cross-wiki issues".
Guido den Broeder
I have never understood why anyone opted for a global account. I was obvious from the start that their only purpose was to facilitate global blocks.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 26th March 2010, 7:01pm) *

Somey, I loved your post, and I also much prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate, so when my master plan does finally come together in the year 2018, I will be sure to include dark chocolate in my alchemy.

Meanwhile, here's some guys who are heading for a global block due to "cross-wiki issues".

Do you have some magical watchlist that just displays dramaplosions?
QUOTE(Ottava @ Fri 26th March 2010, 7:34pm) *

Do you have some magical watchlist that just displays dramaplosions?

Yeah, it's called the "Random page" link in the sidebar.
Jon Awbrey

I informed Jimbo about the project on Wikiversity. At the same time, I posted at the discussion forums of Wikiversity and Meta. They did not respond, point blank. Then or now. On the same day and for some days afterwards the recent changes on Wikiversity were listing several days edits i.e. there was no activity on the site, someone had been building a project all about sockpuppeting and hoaxing Wikipedia for three months on a silent site with only the most cautious input against it and practically zero discussion. Some notable figures such as User:SirFozzie had left their concerns and opposition noted at the bottom of the project page which were absolutely ignored both then and now. As the project was concerning itself invasively with a sister site, it is only fitting that the sister site was capable of responding appropriately. There is no other site than Wikiversity I believe has the possible scope for an invasion of another site (to research what would happen) except for perhaps Meta in an altogether different way. In the "For removal" section above contributors are writing things like Jimbo didn't make himself available for discussion, with a quote suggesting it was the only debate he entered into, signed by User:Hillgentleman. Well Hillgentleman has been in direct discussion with Jimbo. Jimbo has made lots of discussion edits on Wikiersity and reinstated the users he blocked, once they agreed not to make sockpuppeting/hoaxing projects or to interfere with his trying to acheive that agreement. I gave Jimbo a Barnstar of Integrity for his reaction. There was no discussion before Jimbo acted and since he did, all discussion here and most on Wikiversity has been about him rather than the problem. While ye were all waiting to squabble over ye're handbags, Jimbo nipped something very small but significant in the bud. If you stopped him doing it again, what would ye squabble over next week? Didn't Meta close some of the projects because they were not a language? That was very good of you wasn't it. I must tell that to some of the Simplified Chinese projects also. Jimbo does more than just wield his mop. If you want someone to make a video about giving the laptops to 3rd world kids with Wikipedia 1.0 installed, who does the commentary? Who goes around giving lectures and gathering donations to keep the sites alive? Go and tell those kids and those investors that the guy who made and promotes the sites got removed of all privelidge because he stopped someone for messing. Kick him out and close the door while you all formulate a circular about "How we laid down the law to the last of the depreciated founders." They will love that over on Wikiversity The Movie (and I'm not messing go and see). Most people will not read this or will claim that they didn't understand any of it but that's just the way that some people rattle on. It was a matter of superseding neglect which is all that is so far offered by Meta and WV in the matter. Well done. Round of applause Jimbo. Boo Meta and Boo Wikiversity who have either reacted scarcely at all or only under duress.

~ R.T.G 01:52, 27 March 2010 (UTC)


Second to Abd. Is Jimbo a sovereign? The definition of "sovereign" is to pass down the law, ad finitum. Jimbo is apparently very little risk to the freedom of WMF which could not be said for this abusive dictatorial sovereign he is occasionally claimed to be. Jimbo is a head of state of sorts and so long as he has his senses, even he should have little say in removing that. The duties of a head of state are to review the law and to approve defense or intervtion. I would have almost inexhaustable patience for Jimbo even if he was vandalising pages because I am appreciative of the sites. If he wants out of it he should just have to wreck the place in a manner which cannot be contained. No rest for the wicked!

~ R.T.G 02:08, 27 March 2010 (UTC)

But never mind that now —

Michigan State 59
NORthern Iowa 52
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Sat 27th March 2010, 1:04am) *

Michigan State

Hard to believe that Izzo is one game away from his SIXTH Final Four in the past 12 years. That would just be amazing, especially considering the extensive injuries to this year's team.
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