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Full Version: Bono Becomes The Worst Investor In America
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Only tangentially related to WP (and not even as Bono-related as the title would suggest), this piece is about Elevation Partners whose name I think I may have heard somewhere...
Bono, the Irish rock star, has put significant money into Elevation Partners, arguably the worst run institutional fund of any size in the United States. Bono is listed as one of the five members of the firm’s investment team. The fund claims that its “mission is to help media and entertainment businesses develop and market great content.” In the process, it has made an unprecedented string of disastrous investments which even bad luck could not explain.
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Fri 26th March 2010, 7:33am) *

Only tangentially related to WP (and not even as Bono-related as the title would suggest), this piece is about Elevation Partners whose name I think I may have heard somewhere...
Bono, the Irish rock star, has put significant money into Elevation Partners, arguably the worst run institutional fund of any size in the United States. Bono is listed as one of the five members of the firm’s investment team. The fund claims that its “mission is to help media and entertainment businesses develop and market great content.” In the process, it has made an unprecedented string of disastrous investments which even bad luck could not explain.

Ah yes, the familiar elevation partners mentioned here.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Derktar @ Fri 26th March 2010, 11:24am) *

QUOTE(carbuncle @ Fri 26th March 2010, 7:33am) *

Only tangentially related to WP (and not even as Bono-related as the title would suggest), this piece is about Elevation Partners whose name I think I may have heard somewhere...
Bono, the Irish rock star, has put significant money into Elevation Partners, arguably the worst run institutional fund of any size in the United States. Bono is listed as one of the five members of the firm’s investment team. The fund claims that its “mission is to help media and entertainment businesses develop and market great content.” In the process, it has made an unprecedented string of disastrous investments which even bad luck could not explain.

Ah yes, the familiar elevation partners mentioned here.

That's what you get for hobnobbing with Jimbo, like Bono did. Even your disappointing business partners get their own "concierge BLPs."

Elevation Partners reminds me of the early history of Apple Corp., the Lennon-pun company that hemorrhaged Beatles cash almost faster than they could earn it in the late 60's. I think Apple Records actually lost money in the 80's, despite one of the more incredible music properties known to man. huh.gif That takes talent.
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Fri 26th March 2010, 9:13pm) *

Elevation Partners reminds me of the early history of Apple Corp., the Lennon-pun company that hemorrhaged Beatles cash almost faster than they could earn it in the late 60's. I think Apple Records actually lost money in the 80's, despite one of the more incredible music properties known to man. huh.gif That takes talent.

Elevation Partners=The new Rutle Corps:

This seems like an opportune moment to reiterate my favorite quote from Homer Simpson: "Rock stars -- is there anything they don't know?"
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Sat 27th March 2010, 2:44pm) *

This seems like an opportune moment to reiterate my favorite quote from Homer Simpson: "Rock stars -- is there anything they don't know?"

Hey, rock stars are trying to save the world, maaaan!
Milton Roe
QUOTE(RDH(Ghost In The Machine) @ Sat 27th March 2010, 6:02am) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Fri 26th March 2010, 9:13pm) *

Elevation Partners reminds me of the early history of Apple Corp., the Lennon-pun company that hemorrhaged Beatles cash almost faster than they could earn it in the late 60's. I think Apple Records actually lost money in the 80's, despite one of the more incredible music properties known to man. huh.gif That takes talent.

Elevation Partners=The new Rutle Corps:

Ah, God, John Oliver before we got to know him on Jon Stewart. And all that is almost non-parody of the Rutles=Beatles. The interviewee is a Neil Aspinall clone, and that Lennon-Liverpudlian-accent "they cun coome tuh uuus for moneh. Instead of to ah bank..." I think is a direct quote. Did you notice the banana logo. smile.gif And that Apple boutique actually did exist in real life. biggrin.gif

Thanks for that. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

The Beatles did got screwed by Apple computer. They came up with the Apple trademark long before Apple Computer did, and there were many lawsuits, followed by a deal where Apple computer agreed to stay out of the music merchandizing business. Then came iTunes and Apple Computer couldn't resist. More lawsuit and Apple Computer was allowed to welsh. It's all about how much money you have, where the venue is, and who your lawyers are.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Sat 27th March 2010, 6:20pm) *

QUOTE(RDH(Ghost In The Machine) @ Sat 27th March 2010, 6:02am) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Fri 26th March 2010, 9:13pm) *

Elevation Partners reminds me of the early history of Apple Corp., the Lennon-pun company that hemorrhaged Beatles cash almost faster than they could earn it in the late 60's. I think Apple Records actually lost money in the 80's, despite one of the more incredible music properties known to man. huh.gif That takes talent.

Elevation Partners=The new Rutle Corps:

Ah, God, John Oliver before we got to know him on Jon Stewart. And all that is almost non-parody of the Rutles=Beatles. The interviewee is a Neil Aspinall clone, and that Lennon-Liverpudlian-accent "they cun coome tuh uuus for moneh. Instead of to ah bank..." I think is a direct quote. Did you notice the banana logo. smile.gif And that Apple boutique actually did exist in real life. biggrin.gif

Thanks for that. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

The Beatles did got screwed by Apple computer. They came up with the Apple trademark long before Apple Computer did, and there were many lawsuits, followed by a deal where Apple computer agreed to stay out of the music merchandizing business. Then came iTunes and Apple Computer couldn't resist. More lawsuit and Apple Computer was allowed to welsh. It's all about how much money you have, where the venue is, and who your lawyers are.

John Oliver would probably have been in shorts when this was made. The interviewer is the late great George Harrison himself and the interviewee is Michael Palin of Monty Python fame.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Cirocco @ Sat 27th March 2010, 11:44am) *

John Oliver would probably have been in shorts when this was made. The interviewer is the late great George Harrison himself and the interviewee is Michael Palin of Monty Python fame.

Lord, I totally missed George in the wig. The guy in the car before that was the guy I thought was Oliver, but yeah, this is -- what, 1977? It's Eric Idle. Too long faced for Oliver, but sounds like him, and I thought they'd changed narrators.

I see there's a whole Rutle industry which I had completely missed.

You learn something every day. The Cheese and Onions parody of Yellow Submarine was priceless. And I see now where Python got some of their avante garde art work. It's just Yellow Sub paste-up, without as much LSD color.
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Sat 27th March 2010, 6:54pm) *

QUOTE(Cirocco @ Sat 27th March 2010, 11:44am) *

John Oliver would probably have been in shorts when this was made. The interviewer is the late great George Harrison himself and the interviewee is Michael Palin of Monty Python fame.

Lord, I totally missed George in the wig. The guy in the car before that was the guy I thought was Oliver, but yeah, this is -- what, 1977? It's Eric Idle. Too long faced for Oliver, but sounds like him, and I thought they'd changed narrators.

I see there's a whole Rutle industry which I had completely missed.

You learn something every day. The Cheese and Onions parody of Yellow Submarine was priceless. And I see now where Python got some of their avante garde art work. It's just Yellow Sub paste-up, without as much LSD color.

The Rutles: The musical legend that will last a lunchtime!

You must now see All You Need Is Cash.

Tis the platinum standard for rock parodies and beat Spinal Tap by 5 years!
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