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The Chief Executive Hypocrite blathers again:

> Proposition: expertise is dead and folk wisdom is all that we have.

Just for the record: I very very strongly disagree with this and think it is absolutely the wrong interpretation - to the core - of every trend we see in the world today. I reject this statement, and the premises behind it, comprehensively and utterly, from top to bottom.

Expertise is more valuable - and more valued - than ever before. The passionate grasp of reality - in detail - by the serious individual who takes 'getting it right' seriously... this is the only thing we have, and indeed, the only thing we have ever had.

I posted a rebuttal, but it will likely be rejected by PBS.

Kevin Kelly is both a gifted systems thinker and a first class writer on the subjects he covers.
A Horse With No Name
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 26th March 2010, 10:52am) *

I posted a rebuttal, but it will likely be rejected by PBS.

They may run it if you pledge $150 for a "Celtic Thunder" DVD. smile.gif
I've often wondered about this "expert" attribution. In a narrow enough area anyone could become an "expert" in a matter of hours in anything, as described in the Zulu Principle. Experts don't know everything, and in some cases don't really know anything.
QUOTE(Malleus @ Fri 26th March 2010, 11:41pm) *
I've often wondered about this "expert" attribution. In a narrow enough area anyone could become an "expert" in a matter of hours in anything, as described in the Zulu Principle. Experts don't know everything, and in some cases don't really know anything.

Speaking as an expert, of course.

Consider it a challenge then: become an expert on quantum field theory in a few hours for us. Fairly narrow niche right there -- how many people can call themselves an expert on that? Can't number more than 4 digits, if it even exceeds 3. You can also try showing us your fantastic expertise in white water kayaking -- a pretty esoteric skill. A few hours and you'll be on class V water showing us all how it is done! I can sit here and name numerous samples of expertise which are about as narrow as slot canyon in Utah. Identification of diatom fossils. Reading hieroglyphics. Organolithium synthesis.

The fact that you can put on a show that can convince some people you know something just means you can put on a show that can convince some people you know something. Most others are either too busy or too polite to call you on your bullshit.

This skill, by the way -- convincing people you are what you are not -- is at the core of all fraud. "There is a sucker born every minute."
QUOTE(taiwopanfob @ Sun 28th March 2010, 4:47am) *

This skill, by the way -- convincing people you are what you are not -- is at the core of all fraud. "There is a sucker born every minute."

And that brings us to Jimbo's own area of expertise.
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