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Hello Kohs Knows

You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Question: How does a colon cleanse help the body and how effective is it?

Deleted Answer: Bailee (cute name!), you've asked this question in the Wikipedia section. Wikipedia is owned by the Wikimedia Foundation, which also runs a site called Wikimedia Commons. Therefore, I have no choice but the point you to some Foundation-approved educational materials about colons.


Blinking colon:

Expensive colon:

Colon in alcohol:

The end of the line:

Dang it, I answered 3 minutes after Moses. Now we're going to have to split the vote on this one.

Violation Reason: Sexually Explicit & Obscene Content

In Yahoo! Answers you may not post, request or link to content or images that are sexually explicit or otherwise offensive. If you receive a violation for the same offense, your account will be suspended.

If you feel this content was removed in error, please read the Community Guidelines and make sure that this content: 1. respects the question-answer format and is not chatty or personal communication; 2. does not contain non-relevant links to external sites or other questions and does not promote your own blog or website; 3. is respectful to other people and does not offend other community members. If you still believe this content has been removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why.

Yahoo! Customer Care

I hope that any pro-WR members of the Yahoo! Answers community will find some way to protest this decision (what's so offensive about a tax-deductible dollar-supported image of a clean male human anus? Dirty, yeah, I could see how that'd be a problem. Butt clean?

This is a travesty. I had about 48 "Best Answers" racked up. Obviously, I was providing the resourceful answers that the Y!A community was seeking.

Guess it's time for a new account.
Anonymous editor
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 18th April 2010, 9:24am) *

I hope that any pro-WR members of the Yahoo! Answers community will find some way to protest this decision

but seriously, what's with the trolling of Yahoo Answers?
I wanted to move this thread somewhere more appropriate but I couldn't find a home for it, we really need a subforum for "useless, shitty threads", this one just isn't offensive enough for the Tar Pit unhappy.gif
QUOTE(Anonymous editor @ Sun 18th April 2010, 12:34pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 18th April 2010, 9:24am) *

I hope that any pro-WR members of the Yahoo! Answers community will find some way to protest this decision

but seriously, what's with the trolling of Yahoo Answers?

It's the most fun the Internet has to offer. Plus, I also mingle legitimate answers with "fun" ones, so there's a value-add for the folks who ask questions deserving serious answers. Colon cleansing questions... not so much.
QUOTE(KamrynMatika @ Sun 18th April 2010, 4:44pm) *

I wanted to move this thread somewhere more appropriate but I couldn't find a home for it, we really need a subforum for "useless, shitty threads", this one just isn't offensive enough for the Tar Pit unhappy.gif

Funny I thought that's what "General Discussion" was all about.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 18th April 2010, 8:24am) *
This is a travesty. I had about 48 "Best Answers" racked up. Obviously, I was providing the resourceful answers that the Y!A community was seeking.

Actually, that is a travesty. It's not your fault that people post in the wrong category, and when people do, you can't simply assume that the Yahoo! people are going to fix it. And sure, the Wikipedia content is offensive, but what do they expect? The guy's asking about colons, for shit's pete's sake! hrmph.gif

I'll see what I can do...
This is yet more trolling by thekohser, in yet another useless attempt at trying to discredit Wikipedia, this time by disrupting Yahoo Answers.

I find it incredible that the person Greg claims to be in real life (a decent, hardworking, successful businessman) is the same person on the internet (an annoying, childish, vindictive troll).

It seems even the WR folk are getting more than a little tired of the same old. Bring us something actually interesting and we'll thank you for it. Right now you're just irritating.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Theanima @ Sun 18th April 2010, 2:11pm) *

I find it incredible that the person Greg claims to be in real life (a decent, hardworking, successful businessman) is the same person on the internet (an annoying, childish, vindictive troll).

I find it incredible that the person Jimbo Wales claims to be in real life (a decent, hardworking, successful businessman) is the same person on the internet (an annoying, childish, vindictive troll).

I chalk it up to the possiblity that the claims in the first part are not actually true. smile.gif
QUOTE(Theanima @ Sun 18th April 2010, 4:11pm) *

This is yet more trolling by thekohser, in yet another useless attempt at trying to discredit Wikipedia, this time by disrupting Yahoo Answers.

I find it incredible that the person Greg claims to be in real life (a decent, hardworking, successful businessman) is the same person on the internet (an annoying, childish, vindictive troll).

It seems even the WR folk are getting more than a little tired of the same old. Bring us something actually interesting and we'll thank you for it. Right now you're just irritating.

Simmer down, Davy. It's not worth bursting a blood vessel.
QUOTE(Theanima @ Sun 18th April 2010, 5:11pm) *

This is yet more trolling by thekohser, in yet another useless attempt at trying to discredit Wikipedia, this time by disrupting Yahoo Answers.

I find it incredible that the person Greg claims to be in real life (a decent, hardworking, successful businessman) is the same person on the internet (an annoying, childish, vindictive troll).

It seems even the WR folk are getting more than a little tired of the same old. Bring us something actually interesting and we'll thank you for it. Right now you're just irritating.

Nice use of the word "trolling" with "useless". And yet, you brought yourself forward to comment about it -- sort of the DEFINITION of measuring a successful troll attempt. How does the bait taste, Theanima?

(I've been bringing "actually interesting" to this forum since you were in junior high school, kid. If you want to be bold, let's have a Survivor-style vote. If you're wanted here more than me, I'll leave. If the converse is true, sayonara Theanima. What do you say, Junior?)

P.S. PROTIP -- I can tell that you're not out of high school yet by your use of the word "businessman" to describe a corporate middle manager.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 19th April 2010, 1:28am) *

QUOTE(Theanima @ Sun 18th April 2010, 5:11pm) *

This is yet more trolling by thekohser, in yet another useless attempt at trying to discredit Wikipedia, this time by disrupting Yahoo Answers.

I find it incredible that the person Greg claims to be in real life (a decent, hardworking, successful businessman) is the same person on the internet (an annoying, childish, vindictive troll).

It seems even the WR folk are getting more than a little tired of the same old. Bring us something actually interesting and we'll thank you for it. Right now you're just irritating.

Nice use of the word "trolling" with "useless". And yet, you brought yourself forward to comment about it -- sort of the DEFINITION of measuring a successful troll attempt. How does the bait taste, Theanima?

(I've been bringing "actually interesting" to this forum since you were in junior high school, kid. If you want to be bold, let's have a Survivor-style vote. If you're wanted here more than me, I'll leave. If the converse is true, sayonara Theanima. What do you say, Junior?)

P.S. PROTIP -- I can tell that you're not out of high school yet by your use of the word "businessman" to describe a corporate middle manager.

I used businessman in a general sense. I have no idea what exact position you have.

And the trolling happened on Yahoo Answers; you decided to come here and boast about it.

FYI I finished high school years ago. Not that it matters; yet more ad hominems.
QUOTE(Theanima @ Mon 19th April 2010, 8:26am) *

And the trolling happened on Yahoo Answers...

You deduce that Bailee was trolling when she posted the question "How does a colon cleanse help the body and how effective is it?" to the Yahoo! Answers board about Wikipedia? You may be right, Theanima; I'd have to maybe agree with you there. Looks like her question has been deleted by the authorities.
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Colon cleansing is actually bullshit, so pointing the user to images of blinking punctuation and monetary symbols is probably better than pointing them towards a quack doctor that could destroy their rectum. hmmm.gif
QUOTE(Krimpet @ Mon 19th April 2010, 9:56pm) *

Colon cleansing is actually bullshit, so pointing the user to images of blinking punctuation and monetary symbols is probably better than pointing them towards a quack doctor that could destroy their rectum. hmmm.gif

That's what I figured, Krimpet. Oh, well -- their loss!

When will they learn that you can't suppress Truth?
Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 19th April 2010, 6:48am) *

You deduce that Bailee was trolling when she posted the question "How does a colon cleanse help the body and how effective is it?" to the Yahoo! Answers board about Wikipedia? You may be right, Theanima; I'd have to maybe agree with you there. Looks like her question has been deleted by the authorities.

The horrible thing is it might not have been a troll. Colon "cleansing" and colonics are claimed to be... well... don't take it from me. Here's a blurb from the International School of Colon Hydrotherapy. A one-stop shopping site for all your colon-cleansing needs. rolleyes.gif

Cathy Shea was born in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA and enjoys her family of 6 brothers, 3 sisters and 40 nieces and nephews. She has studied natural ways all of her life and spent many summers in the big garden of her maternal Grandpap Dietzen. In 1992, she obtained her license in Massage and Colonics in the State of Florida from the Department of Professional Regulation, Division of Medical Quality Assurance. She has been a Certified Instructor/School for the International Association of Colon Therapy since 1994.


They offer craniosacral therapy also, but (alas) no cranio-colon therapy, which is what they probably really need for themselves.

"Please visit our GALLERY to view photos of our students having a great time here at our school."


"The intimacy of this work is preserved by declaring clear boundaries." Good to know. Gastroenterologists have the same problem.

So if you feel that your own colon has become a run-down, poopy place, they have the fix-- and the dustin and cleanin is not just to visualize polyps any more. By the time you get out of there, your sparkling pink colon will be ready for waxing, polishing, a light coat of Crisco™, and a night on the town!

QUOTE(Theanima @ Mon 19th April 2010, 5:26am) *

I used businessman in a general sense. I have no idea what exact position you have.

And the trolling happened on Yahoo Answers; you decided to come here and boast about it.

FYI I finished high school years ago. Not that it matters; yet more ad hominems.

biggrin.gif biggrin.gif Thanks for the yuks! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

(I don't suppose you have some valid criticism of Wikipedia this week, do you?)
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