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Facebook has announced that it will be creating "community" pages which will be linked from users' profiles. The content for these pages will initially be filled from WP (and the image in the announcement shows a "Wikipedia" tab).

So, if you have a Facebook account and you say you like "Mzoli's Meat", what used to be just text will soon be automatically linked to the "community page" for Mzoli's, which will initially be a copy of the WP article. In theory, that content will be "edited" by the Facebook users to make it better (or something). Why Facebook is doing this is a whole other discussion, but what it means is that Facebook users will have their "real" name associated with WP articles that they may never have seen before.

Facebook has been in the news for removing images of breastfeeding (too great outcry). I wonder what will happen when they are faced with the image content of WP?
If I read this correctly, they will import over Wikipedia material then have its own mirror that is edited and will be different? So, basically, it is just Wikipedia but not at Wikipedia? Hmm.

I guess if it goes off then you could compare to two in, say, 5 years, and see which one was more successful.
From Facebook Help center:

Can I edit the content on a Community Page?

No. When available, we update the information and profile picture based on the article for that topic in Wikipedia. At this time, there is no way for people who choose to connect with a Community Page to add their own pictures or edit the information.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Thu 22nd April 2010, 10:49am) *

Facebook has been in the news for removing images of breastfeeding (too great outcry). I wonder what will happen when they are faced with the image content of WP?

I guess they can always change their name to Faceboob.

And not the good kind …

Jon tongue.gif
If I read this correctly, they will import over Wikipedia material then have its own mirror that is edited and will be different? So, basically, it is just Wikipedia but not at Wikipedia? Hmm.

I think you read it correctly, and Fakebook is clearly trying to eat the smaller fishes on the web.

The Foundation will never care about the obvious problems this association could cause, because as long as people edit (no matter the quality of the edits) Jim and company will be able to get paid.

Connect to Fakebook to go here, connect to Fakebook to go there, to do this, to do that. Play Mafia Wars on Fakebook, talk to your friends on Fakebook, tag photos on Fakebook. Are you going out? Yes? Well, use the application for your mobile phone to access Fakebook!

Stupid invasive crap.
Meanwhile, does Gerard Meijssen suffer from some sort of mental retardation?

I mean, if my neighbor puts up a poster of a picture of a brick of pure uranium in his den, will I be able to detect that on a Geiger counter in my bedroom?

Kelly Martin
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 22nd April 2010, 3:55pm) *
Meanwhile, does Gerard Meijssen suffer from some sort of mental retardation?
This is a long-established fact.

I actually met him in Boston in 2006. God, what an annoying prat.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 22nd April 2010, 1:55pm) *

Meanwhile, does Gerard Meijssen suffer from some sort of mental retardation?

I mean, if my neighbor puts up a poster of a picture of a brick of pure uranium in his den, will I be able to detect that on a Geiger counter in my bedroom?


No. But with a picture of a Geiger counter, possibly.

A wonderful troll question, tho.
This is obviously a bad move by Facebook - they should look at the example of eMusic, which has integrated Wikipedia articles into its artist pages for almost two years and gotten nothing but complaints. The WP content takes too long to load, and most of the time it's simply the wrong page. For example, if you're checking out a band called "Albatross," the Wikipedia tab is going to display - at best - a disambiguation page, and more likely, a page about the bird, not the band. They don't correct these, because they don't trust their users to choose the correct WP page (since the users would probably choose the Goatse article or something instead), and they simply don't have the manpower to work this out for 250,000 recording artists - less than a tenth of whom actually have WP articles.

I know for a fact that Facebook doesn't have the manpower to correctly link every single person, organization, and whatever-the-heck on Wikipedia to its appropriate Facebook page, much less vice-versa, and while they can probably more readily rely on their users to do it than eMusic can, that would still be an extremely dicey proposition.

This is also a horrible idea as far as Wikipedia users are concerned (as opposed to Wikimedia management, who don't really care about the long-term implications of their actions as long as participation levels are maintained). It's going to mean literally tens of thousands of attempts to create articles about "notable Facebook groups" and the activities around which they form which are, in fact, either of no significance whatsoever, or are only significant within the limited context of Facebook itself. Inveterate Facebook users (who are legion) will eventually begin to insist on setting up special "Facebook user group notability requirements" based almost entirely on how many Facebook users are in the group. And as everyone knows, Facebook itself doesn't have "notability requirements" at all.

And this is coming at a time when it's fairly clear that the Maintenance Phase™ on WP is already losing steam, at least 3-4 years before it should. A massive influx of crap articles at a time like this is one of the worst things Wikipedia could do to itself, but if they don't allow for it at least to some extent, the Facebook community - at least 60 times larger than Wikipedia's in terms of active members - is going to declare war on Wikipedia's community, and possibly overwhelm it completely by virtue of sheer numbers.

As for the privacy invasion, I doubt this will make things significantly worse than they are already - in fact, if Wikipedia adopts the Facebook API as an authentication scheme (even as an optional one), that would probably be an improvement, though that's not saying much really.
QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Thu 22nd April 2010, 2:10pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 22nd April 2010, 3:55pm) *
Meanwhile, does Gerard Meijssen suffer from some sort of mental retardation?
This is a long-established fact.

I actually met him in Boston in 2006. God, what an annoying prat.

Hoi! That's definitely not in the top ten worst (or best, depending on your viewpoint) GerardM posts.
Daniel Brandt
There is something going on at Facebook that reminds me of Wikipedia in 2005, when SlimVirgin started a bio on me without asking me or informing me.

Someone (I have no idea who) started a Facebook page on Using Scroogle. I am not on Facebook, and I only found out about it because Facebook headquarters is now sending me unsolicited weekly reports on new friends and page views to my Scroogle email address. This is one of those "please do not reply" emails. Apparently the person who started the page entered the Scroogle email address somewhere.

How do I find out who dunnit? How do I correct bad information on that Facebook page about Scroogle? How do I get the page taken down entirely if I don't want the exposure?

For that matter, how do I correct bad information concerning me or my sites on, another recent example of shameless scraping of the deep web because doing so is "cool" and "innovative" (and profitable)?

Wikipedia-style crowd-sourcing is bad enough. When this devolves into rampant scraping by big companies that want more ad dollars, it gets much worse. Allowing victims to correct the record is not scalable, which means these companies don't allow for this in their software designs. They cannot be bothered. Victims be damned, we want our click-throughs!
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Fri 23rd April 2010, 1:24am) *

... a Facebook page on Using Scroogle.
...Victims be damned, we want our click-throughs!

You do realize that by placing such a link in a forum, you probably increased its PageRank in Google?
...and by quoting you, I did so as well?

I'm afraid having information about you on the Internet, searchable and of doubtful accuracy may be...

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Fri 23rd April 2010, 1:24am) *

How do I find out who dunnit? How do I correct bad information on that Facebook page about Scroogle? How do I get the page taken down entirely if I don't want the exposure?

In answer to the third question, see here. They do not accept third-party claims, or I would have offered to do it for you.

QUOTE(Zoloft @ Fri 23rd April 2010, 2:30am) *

You do realize that by placing such a link in a forum, you probably increased its PageRank in Google?
...and by quoting you, I did so as well?

You really don't have any idea who you're talking to, do you? wink.gif
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Fri 23rd April 2010, 1:24am) *

There is something going on at Facebook that reminds me of Wikipedia in 2005, when SlimVirgin started a bio on me without asking me or informing me.

Someone (I have no idea who) started a Facebook page on Using Scroogle. I am not on Facebook, and I only found out about it because Facebook headquarters is now sending me unsolicited weekly reports on new friends and page views to my Scroogle email address. This is one of those "please do not reply" emails. Apparently the person who started the page entered the Scroogle email address somewhere.

How do I find out who dunnit? How do I correct bad information on that Facebook page about Scroogle? How do I get the page taken down entirely if I don't want the exposure?

You might be able to type in the email address and when it asks for a password, screw it up until it gives you the option to send a new password. That way, you could get into the account (which is listed by the password I assume) and take down anything that way.

Now, if they allow you to add random addresses that way without it being linked through an official account, that would be weird. There is a "report" function on Facebook so if it is just linked in a post and not part of an account, you might be able to use that.
Daniel Brandt
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Thu 22nd April 2010, 8:41pm) *

In answer to the third question, see here. They do not accept third-party claims, or I would have offered to do it for you.

Thank you. I filed a complaint; we'll see what happens. This is what I entered in the two big important boxes on the complaint form:

Notice of Intellectual Property Infringement (Non-Copyright Claim)

An unknown person created a "Using Scroogle" page, without authorization. I am the founder and president of PIR, which created and maintains PIR's board of directors does not want a page on Facebook.

We object to the facile and superficial exposure, and misleading information, that is now presented on this page, and do not want the crowd-sourced information that may be generated on this page in the future. We have been getting unsolicited weekly reports from Facebook HQ on page views and new "friends," which means that whoever started this page used our email address without permission. Please cease and desist, and remove this page.

I think the fact that whoever started the page used the scroogle email address without permission is probably the strongest argument I have for getting it deleted. When you create a page, there is a checkbox where you click to indicate this: "I'm the official representative of this person, business, band or product and have permission to create this Page." I assume that whoever created that Scroogle page had to lie and check this box in order for the page to be accepted.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Thu 22nd April 2010, 9:45pm) *
I think the fact that whoever started the page used the scroogle email address without permission is probably the strongest argument I have for getting it deleted. When you create a page, there is a checkbox where you click to indicate this: "I'm the official representative of this person, business, band or product and have permission to create this Page." I assume that whoever created that Scroogle page had to lie and check this box in order for the page to be accepted.

Just a bit of free advice: Facebook is notorious for ignoring requests like yours.

I could just go on and on and on about Facebook's founder. Funny, that his product is such a massive success, and yet he himself is widely despised.....

(There's even a Facebook for that. biggrin.gif )

And people give that little bastard their personal details. Amazing.
QUOTE(Somey @ Thu 22nd April 2010, 5:22pm) *

This is obviously a bad move by Facebook - they should look at the example of eMusic, which has integrated Wikipedia articles into its artist pages for almost two years and gotten nothing but complaints. The WP content takes too long to load, and most of the time it's simply the wrong page. For example, if you're checking out a band called "Albatross," the Wikipedia tab is going to display - at best - a disambiguation page, and more likely, a page about the bird, not the band. They don't correct these, because they don't trust their users to choose the correct WP page (since the users would probably choose the Goatse article or something instead), and they simply don't have the manpower to work this out for 250,000 recording artists - less than a tenth of whom actually have WP articles.

I know for a fact that Facebook doesn't have the manpower to correctly link every single person, organization, and whatever-the-heck on Wikipedia to its appropriate Facebook page, much less vice-versa, and while they can probably more readily rely on their users to do it than eMusic can, that would still be an extremely dicey proposition.

This is also a horrible idea as far as Wikipedia users are concerned (as opposed to Wikimedia management, who don't really care about the long-term implications of their actions as long as participation levels are maintained). It's going to mean literally tens of thousands of attempts to create articles about "notable Facebook groups" and the activities around which they form which are, in fact, either of no significance whatsoever, or are only significant within the limited context of Facebook itself. Inveterate Facebook users (who are legion) will eventually begin to insist on setting up special "Facebook user group notability requirements" based almost entirely on how many Facebook users are in the group. And as everyone knows, Facebook itself doesn't have "notability requirements" at all.

And this is coming at a time when it's fairly clear that the Maintenance Phase™ on WP is already losing steam, at least 3-4 years before it should. A massive influx of crap articles at a time like this is one of the worst things Wikipedia could do to itself, but if they don't allow for it at least to some extent, the Facebook community - at least 60 times larger than Wikipedia's in terms of active members - is going to declare war on Wikipedia's community, and possibly overwhelm it completely by virtue of sheer numbers.

As for the privacy invasion, I doubt this will make things significantly worse than they are already - in fact, if Wikipedia adopts the Facebook API as an authentication scheme (even as an optional one), that would probably be an improvement, though that's not saying much really.

I just thought of something...

"Moses" is nearly an anagram of "Somey".

Whatever the case, that Moses guy rules.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 23rd April 2010, 10:07am) *
"Moses" is nearly an anagram of "Somey".

And the full user ID, "Moses Ure," is an anagram of "Some User"! hmmm.gif

Whatever the case, that Moses guy rules.

I dunno... Do you think he really looks like that? He should get a haircut, at the very least. And what's the deal with the penguin? Does the cat want him to use the hammer to hurt the penguin? I know cats don't like penguins, but that seems a little harsh to me.


QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 26th April 2010, 1:59am) *

I know cats don't like penguins...

Does Wikipedia confirm this fact somewhere? If not, I would like it to.
QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 26th April 2010, 5:59am) *
And the full user ID, "Moses Ure," is an anagram of "Some User"! hmmm.gif

Moses Ure ... ah, yes ... according to the Wiki, he was the lead singer in 'Orthodoxvox' and co-writer of "Do they know its Hanukkah?"

This one's going out to the guy at the Consulate of Israel in New York who was funding Wikipedia editors and all you Zionist editors ... if you are back from the party on Fire Island yet.
It's Hanukkah time
There's no need to be afraid
At Hanukkah time, we let in light and we banish shade
And in our world of Wikipedia we can spread a smile of joy
Throw your weight around the Wiki and ban all Pro-Palestinian puppets at Hanukkah time

But say a prayer, pray for admin tools

At Hanukkah time it's hard, but you'll be having fun
There's a world outside the Wikipedia
But there is always work here to be done
Where our POV is winning, theirs is bitter sting of tears
The Hanukkah light is shinning and at the Embassy will be cheers
Thank God it's them instead of you, the fools.

And there won't be a Palestinian on Wiki, this Hanukkah time
The greatest gift they'll get this year is banning
By who, they'll never know
Our IPs will never show
But they sure know it's Hanukkah, one and all?

(Here's to you) admin tools for everyone
(Here's to them) indef banning to be done
They'll certainly know it's Hanukkah time one and all.

F*** the truth
F*** the truth
F*** the truth

Let them know we own the topics again

F*** the truth
Let them know it's Hanukkah time again

repeat then fade

Sorry for that but I was not exactly going to get very far with a parody of "Albatross Lyrics", and there was a far strong factual reality to this one.
A new blog post expresses disappointment in the new Community Pages of Facebook.
Tangentially related to this. These four young programmers seem to be aware of peoples concerns about how to control their own personal information on the internetz and seem to be working on something that does something about it.

" What is the project about?

We believe that privacy and connectedness do not have to be mutually exclusive. With Diaspora, we are reclaiming our data, securing our social connections, and making it easy to share on your own terms. We think we can replace today's centralized social web with a more secure and convenient decentralized network. Diaspora will be easy to use, and it will be centered on you instead of a faceless hub."

" Why are we building it?

This February, Eben Moglen, Columbia law professor and author of the latest GPL, gave a talk on Internet privacy. As more and more of our lives and identities become digitized, Moglen explains, the convenience of putting all of our information in the hands of companies on “the cloud” is training us to casually sacrifice our privacy and fragment our online identities.

But why is centralization so much more convenient, even in an age where relatively powerful computers are ubiquitous? Why is there no good alternative to centralized services that, as Moglen pointed out, comes with "spying for free?” Why do we keep our personal data in a thousand places? We have the technology, someone just needs to take the time to figure out how we can communicate smoothly and intuitively, without the hidden costs of “the cloud”. As good programmers, when we noticed that the application we need doesn't exist, we set out to fill the hole in our digital lives."

Will it get off the ground? Will it take off once it's off the ground? Who knows, these things are very hard to predict. I've punted $5 on it anyway just because the idea seems interesting.
Daniel Brandt
I got a response to my complaint about the "Using Scroogle" group page from someone who identified herself only as "Daisy" at User Operations, Facebook:
Hi Daniel,

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please note that Facebook only removes content that directly violates our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Facebook does not remove groups that make nominative use of school/brand names unless those groups cause confusion on the site (e.g., by an implication of official endorsement). We strongly encourage you to contact the group admin directly to resolve any issues.

I responded:
Hi Daisy:

You say that I should contact the group admin directly to resolve any issues. Please provide the name and email address of the group administrator. I have no idea who he or she is.

She responded:
Hi Daniel,

For legal reasons, we're not able to give other users access to unauthorized Facebook Pages or administrator information. We recommend that you try contacting the admin by writing on the Wall of the reported Page.

Thanks for contacting Facebook.

But I don't have an account at Facebook under my name and I don't want one. How am I supposed to write on the Wall of that page? I logged into Facebook under a fake name and clicked around, but I don't see any info about who started that page. Remember, this person used my Scroogle email address without authorization.

Catch-22. It may as well have been an anonymous Wikipediot who started that page, for all the options I have to get rid of it. Any of you who want to write on that Wall and refer to this thread, feel free.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Fri 30th April 2010, 4:38pm) *

I got a response to my complaint about the "Using Scroogle" group page from someone who identified herself only as "Daisy" at User Operations, Facebook:


Hi Daniel,

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please note that Facebook only removes content that directly violates our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Facebook does not remove groups that make nominative use of school/brand names unless those groups cause confusion on the site (e.g., by an implication of official endorsement). We strongly encourage you to contact the group admin directly to resolve any issues.

I responded:


Hi Daisy:

You say that I should contact the group admin directly to resolve any issues. Please provide the name and email address of the group administrator. I have no idea who he or she is.

She responded:


Hi Daniel,

For legal reasons, we're not able to give other users access to unauthorized Facebook Pages or administrator information. We recommend that you try contacting the admin by writing on the Wall of the reported Page.

Thanks for contacting Facebook.

But I don't have an account at Facebook under my name and I don't want one. How am I supposed to write on the Wall of that page? I logged into Facebook under a fake name and clicked around, but I don't see any info about who started that page. Remember, this person used my Scroogle email address without authorization.

Catch-22. It may as well have been an anonymous Wikipediot who started that page, for all the options I have to get rid of it. Any of you who want to write on that Wall and refer to this thread, feel free.

Close the iPod eBay door, HAL …

My mind … is going … I can feel it …

Daisy, Daisy, tell me your answer true …

Maybe you'd get more respect if you used a name with some gravy-tas —

Colonel Sanders, maybe …

Jon confused.gif
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Mon 26th April 2010, 2:54pm) *

QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 26th April 2010, 5:59am) *
And the full user ID, "Moses Ure," is an anagram of "Some User"! hmmm.gif

Moses Ure ... ah, yes ... according to the Wiki, he was the lead singer in 'Orthodoxvox' and co-writer of "Do they know its Hanukkah?"

This one's going out to the guy at the Consulate of Israel in New York who was funding Wikipedia editors and all you Zionist editors ... if you are back from the party on Fire Island yet.
It's Hanukkah time
There's no need to be afraid
At Hanukkah time, we let in light and we banish shade
And in our world of Wikipedia we can spread a smile of joy
Throw your weight around the Wiki and ban all Pro-Palestinian puppets at Hanukkah time

But say a prayer, pray for admin tools

At Hanukkah time it's hard, but you'll be having fun
There's a world outside the Wikipedia
But there is always work here to be done
Where our POV is winning, theirs is bitter sting of tears
The Hanukkah light is shinning and at the Embassy will be cheers
Thank God it's them instead of you, the fools.

And there won't be a Palestinian on Wiki, this Hanukkah time
The greatest gift they'll get this year is banning
By who, they'll never know
Our IPs will never show
But they sure know it's Hanukkah, one and all?

(Here's to you) admin tools for everyone
(Here's to them) indef banning to be done
They'll certainly know it's Hanukkah time one and all.

F*** the truth
F*** the truth
F*** the truth

Let them know we own the topics again

F*** the truth
Let them know it's Hanukkah time again

repeat then fade

Sorry for that but I was not exactly going to get very far with a parody of "Albatross Lyrics", and there was a far strong factual reality to this one.

I struggle with your ultra-nationalism (Japanese) but still have come to see you as someone who really is trying to piece together a serious critique of Wikipedia not just here to move his POV pushing to WR. I also share your concern about Palestine (this makes us a minority even around here) and don't doubt there is an organized effort to insert anti-Palestinian bias on Wikipedia. But I have to say that injecting a Jewish cultural theme (Hanukkah) as the refrain in your poem makes it appear antisemitic and not just supportive of the Palestinian people/editors or against Zionist POV pushng . "Jews control Wikipedia" is not a very good way a understanding the nature of the POV pushing. I won't remove it (although some other mod/staff might) but I think it deserves this comment.
This is already happening, apparently - this literally within hours of the feature implementation:

Apparently, new FB user groups are forming around the new "Community" pages, which have simply been automatically copied from Wikipedia in the sort of slapdash fashion one might expect, and these new groups are competing with the established ones on the same subjects:
Wikipedia should NOT highjack other’s Facebook content. The Group and Fan and People pages of a large number of authors, artists and composers are being highjacked REPEATEDLY by Wikipedia. In many instances there is ALREADY a well-known and well-frequented group or person devoted to an author, artist or composer and Wikipedia is creating its own pages or groups on Facebook, using the main Wikipedia article for information, then ADDING abusively a lot of the content uploaded to the GENUINE pages by the group’s members. This in the cases I know personally is WITHOUT the permission of the creators and administrators of the groups. FIRSTLY this constitutes an abuse of trust, as one does not expect one’s posts to be duplicated on rogue pages we don’t even know about, and SECONDLY as there are often SEVERAL instances of such Wikipedia pages on Facebook with the same or different photographs of the authors, artists or musicians concerned, this can cause fragmentation and loss of critical mass in the legitimate, genuine groups set up by REAL genuine users. It is a clear case of highjacking of initiative and content, and can only lead to either a take-over of all user initiative by Wikipedia or total confusion.

So there are now Facebook users who think Wikipedia is trying to take them over - this despite Facebook's active-user base being at least 60 to 100 times larger! I wonder what the reaction is going to be - gosh, maybe retaliation?

Here furthermore is what they put on their rival pages, a very clear threat: “Our goal is to make this Community Page the best collection of shared knowledge on this topic. If you have a passion for xxx, sign up and we’ll let you know when we’re ready for your help”. Does this refer to improving existing content of Wikipedia? If so it is most unclear.

So Facebook is basically inviting a mostly-hostile group of competing group members over to Wikipedia to "improve" WP articles so that they look more like Facebook user-group "walls" and similar pages.

I dunno, but I think this could be an even bigger disaster than I'd initially expected! smile.gif

QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Fri 30th April 2010, 4:01pm) *
"Jews control Wikipedia" is not a very good way a understanding the nature of the POV pushing. I won't remove it (although some other mod/staff might) but I think it deserves this comment.

True, maybe we should at least split this part of it out and put it somewhere "safe"... blink.gif

I just hope he wasn't assuming I don't know who Midge Ure is. Hell, I even owned the Rich Kids album at one point, since Glen Matlock was involved... "Vienna" wasn't bad, but I vaguely recall using the first Visage album as a Frisbee™, or maybe a skeet-shooting target. (Now there's something you can't do with iTunes downloads!)
Daniel, see this:

If necessary, click on the "Review" tab.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Fri 30th April 2010, 8:38pm) *

I got a response to my complaint about the "Using Scroogle" group page from someone who identified herself only as "Daisy" at User Operations, Facebook:
Hi Daniel,

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please note that Facebook only removes content that directly violates our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Facebook does not remove groups that make nominative use of school/brand names unless those groups cause confusion on the site (e.g., by an implication of official endorsement). We strongly encourage you to contact the group admin directly to resolve any issues.

Daniel, see Facebook Pages Terms:
Date of Last Revision: April 22, 2010

Facebook Pages Terms

1. Pages are special profiles that may only be used to promote a business or other commercial, political, or charitable organization or endeavor (including non-profit organizations, political campaigns, bands, and celebrities).

2. You may only administer a Facebook Page if you are an authorized representative of the subject of the Page.


Try pointing them to term number 2 and see what happens. If they try to tell you it's a "group" point out that it says "pages" right in the group's url and ask where the terms for "groups" are. Good luck.
Daniel Brandt
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Sat 1st May 2010, 6:34am) *

Try pointing them to term number 2 and see what happens. If they try to tell you it's a "group" point out that it says "pages" right in the group's url and ask where the terms for "groups" are. Good luck.

Thanks, excellent idea. I also registered the name just in case. (Not that I would ever start a "watch" site just because some monster mega-site started a page about me or mine and won't take it down...) laugh.gif

I'm just beginning to learn about the differences between a Facebook group and a Facebook page. This was helpful:
Authenticity is at the core of Facebook. Just as profiles should represent real people and real names, so too should Pages for entities. Only the official representatives of a public figure, business or organization should create a Facebook Page.
We have a team at Facebook that is focused on verifying the authenticity of Pages on the site. If an official representative or user identifies a fake, spammy or abusive Page, we will investigate and determine whether to remove these Pages at their request.

Another key fact about Facebook pages is that all search engines get to crawl all pages; it's completely open to the web and even the admin of that page is unable to restrict this.

I don't see how Facebook can avoid taking it down. That "Daisy" who gave me the run-around was mistaken, it seems to me.

You could easily defame some "entity" if Facebook is too lazy to verify the authenticity of a page after receiving a complaint. Dozens of fake people on Facebook could plant nasty stuff on that page. I imagine Facebook ranks fairly well on the engines.

(Sounds a bit like Wikipedia, doesn't it?)

I don't understand what's happening with the Facebook community pages and Wikipedia content, which is why carbuncle started this thread. Is Facebook allowing self-appointed user/admins to grab Wikipedia content? How will it be displayed on Facebook? If Facebook scrapes it, does that mean it won't get updated if and when Wikipedia updates? What about vandalism on Wikipedia? Will that be stickier on Facebook than it is on Wikipedia?
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sat 1st May 2010, 12:16pm) *

Is Facebook allowing self-appointed user/admins to grab Wikipedia content? How will it be displayed on Facebook? If Facebook scrapes it, does that mean it won't get updated if and when Wikipedia updates? What about vandalism on Wikipedia? Will that be stickier on Facebook than it is on Wikipedia?

You have a lot of questions for a guy from Texas …

Jon tongue.gif
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sat 1st May 2010, 9:16am) *

If Facebook scrapes it, does that mean it won't get updated if and when Wikipedia updates? What about vandalism on Wikipedia? Will that be stickier on Facebook than it is on Wikipedia?

The only related info I found on Facebook was here. Facebook's URL system sucks (as you can see from that link).

I also fond this:
We're starting by showing Wikipedia information, but we're also looking for people who are passionate about any of these topics to sign up to contribute to the Page. We'll let you know when we're ready for your help.

From here.
QUOTE(Killiondude @ Sat 1st May 2010, 11:27pm) *

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sat 1st May 2010, 9:16am) *

If Facebook scrapes it, does that mean it won't get updated if and when Wikipedia updates? What about vandalism on Wikipedia? Will that be stickier on Facebook than it is on Wikipedia?

The only related info I found on Facebook was here. Facebook's URL system sucks (as you can see from that link).

I also fond this:
We're starting by showing Wikipedia information, but we're also looking for people who are passionate about any of these topics to sign up to contribute to the Page. We'll let you know when we're ready for your help.

From here.

It's like I'm talking, but no sound is coming out.
Daniel Brandt
Dear Daisy:

Please furnish your real first and last name to me, and also furnish contact information for Facebook's legal department. Facebook is in violation of "Facebook Pages Terms" and I wish to pursue this matter.

The "Using Scroogle" on Facebook is a page, not a group. It says so in the URL for that page:

Please see: Your terms of service state that "2. You may only administer a Facebook Page if you are an authorized representative of the subject of the Page."

Public Information Research, Inc., of which I am president, owns We created years ago and I am the system administrator for our site. See the WHOIS information for We use a security certificate on the site for SSL, and our WHOIS information has been verified by GoDaddy, which issued the certificate.

No one is authorized to represent on Facebook.

Moreover, the anonymous admin who created your page used the official email to create the page. That email is scroogle AT, which is the same email address from which this is being sent. That they used the Scroogle email is proven by the weekly emails I've been getting from Facebook on page views and new fans. I'm saving those for evidence.

Regards, Daniel Brandt

It's becoming clearer to me that "Daisy" is a bot. Maybe it's a person who clicks on canned paragraphs in some sort of decision tree, but the competence level is such that either the decision tree is too minimal or the person doesn't read English well. I think it's a bot. Others have had the same impression.

I don't like having my time wasted by a bot. I'm thinking of constructing a one-page site for, my new domain. I can drive about 2,000 page views a day to by including a copy in the cartoon rotation on a gateway page at Scroogle.

The whole point is to get the attention of some human at Facebook who is in a position to take down their page. I'm open to suggestions about what to put on my watch-site page, as well as any suggestions for anti-Facebook images that would be appropriate.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 2nd May 2010, 9:40am) *
It's like I'm talking, but no sound is coming out.
Hit the keys harder.
Well, Facebook is definitely good for something. It looks like July 3rd should be a bit of a good time.

And what's very clear to me is that the gurlz who are in favor of this event look like they're a lot more fun than the ladies who will surely be opposed.
Eva Destruction
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sun 2nd May 2010, 7:23pm) *

The whole point is to get the attention of some human at Facebook who is in a position to take down their page. I'm open to suggestions about what to put on my watch-site page, as well as any suggestions for anti-Facebook images that would be appropriate.

You could contact the guy who set that page up and ask him. (Although his site's in Danish, from the Facebook page I assume he speaks English.) I doubt it's even occurred to him that you'd object, given that his facebook page is just utterly bland "I like this product" posts, not any kind of discussion of you (Daniel) as opposed to the site; if you asked politely I suspect there's a good chance he'd take it down himself.
Daniel Brandt
QUOTE(Eva Destruction @ Mon 3rd May 2010, 5:56am) *

You could contact the guy who set that page up and ask him. (Although his site's in Danish, from the Facebook page I assume he speaks English.) I doubt it's even occurred to him that you'd object, given that his facebook page is just utterly bland "I like this product" posts, not any kind of discussion of you (Daniel) as opposed to the site; if you asked politely I suspect there's a good chance he'd take it down himself.

Thanks, he's been sent a message from a Facebook user that he should take down the page. I'm curious — while I confirmed that he started the page by looking at the 15 pages he started on his Facebook profile, how did you find this out by working backwards? That's a neat trick that might come in handy in the future.
Eva Destruction
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Mon 3rd May 2010, 3:01pm) *

QUOTE(Eva Destruction @ Mon 3rd May 2010, 5:56am) *

You could contact the guy who set that page up and ask him. (Although his site's in Danish, from the Facebook page I assume he speaks English.) I doubt it's even occurred to him that you'd object, given that his facebook page is just utterly bland "I like this product" posts, not any kind of discussion of you (Daniel) as opposed to the site; if you asked politely I suspect there's a good chance he'd take it down himself.

Thanks, he's been sent a message from a Facebook user that he should take down the page. I'm curious — while I confirmed that he started the page by looking at the 15 pages he started on his Facebook profile, how did you find this out by working backwards? That's a neat trick that might come in handy in the future.

I guessed; I looked at the "discussions" tab on that page, and figured that whoever had been the first person to post (that is, the person posting the "mission statement" for the group) must have been the founder.
Daniel Brandt
By the way, the reason I want that Facebook Page down is because it damages Scroogle's reputation to tolerate a Facebook Page. Such Pages are prime targets for applications written by developers, they're completely open to the web, and Facebook itself intends to make more use of them to drive advertising.

Facebook has a huge problem with spam already. SEO types are buying and selling pages with thousands of fans for the purpose of shabby emarketing so that they can make money. Facebook tries to kill the "publishing rights" on these pages when they find them, but it's not clear to me whether they make any effort to take the Page itself down if it's functioning as a platform for ads.

None of my sites has ever had an ad, our organization is nonprofit and tax-exempt, we strip out all ads on Google's search results, and we depend on donations only. It would hurt our reputation if we made no effort to complain about a Facebook page that is a violation of Facebook's own terms of service, and a page that is already used as a platform for ads (there's only an occasional ad now, but it will get worse).

QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 3rd May 2010, 7:48am) *

Well, Facebook is definitely good for something. It looks like July 3rd should be a bit of a good time.

And what's very clear to me is that the gurlz who are in favor of this event look like they're a lot more fun than the ladies who will surely be opposed.

It looks like Facebook has taken down the "Vandalize Wikipedia Day" event, thanks to numerous Wikipediots and WMF stakeholders "reporting" the page as problematic.

Maybe that's the answer for Daniel Brandt -- get about 4 or 5 of us WR faithful with Facebook accounts to go to the page and nominate it as abusive.
QUOTE(Eva Destruction @ Mon 3rd May 2010, 10:06am) *

I guessed; I looked at the "discussions" tab on that page, and figured that whoever had been the first person to post (that is, the person posting the "mission statement" for the group) must have been the founder.

The plot thickens:

Topic: Who watches the watchers
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Displaying all 3 posts.

Henrik Eismark Why let Google and it's unknown friends profile your life? If you are not a criminal - why monitor you? Try - The safe alternative.
March 7 at 12:28pm · Report
Gregory Kohs The owner-operator of the actual Scroogle wants you to remove this group, Henrik. What is your response?
11 minutes ago · Edit Post · Delete Post
Henrik Eismark I can't see I am responsible for the group if there is any. I only signed up for it as a supporter, as I believe Scroogle was a good idea,

How some i get involved like this?

You are very welcome to remove me as supporter of
Kelly Martin
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 3rd May 2010, 11:58am) *
It looks like Facebook has taken down the "Vandalize Wikipedia Day" event, thanks to numerous Wikipediots and WMF stakeholders "reporting" the page as problematic.
I'm sure they alleged that it was encouraging criminal conduct. Vandalism is a crime, you know.
It looks like the Scroogle page is gone now, too.
QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Mon 3rd May 2010, 12:54pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 3rd May 2010, 11:58am) *
It looks like Facebook has taken down the "Vandalize Wikipedia Day" event, thanks to numerous Wikipediots and WMF stakeholders "reporting" the page as problematic.
I'm sure they alleged that it was encouraging criminal conduct. Vandalism is a crime, you know.

I'm sure that was part of the reasoning. Vandalism usually is a crime of course. However on Wikipedia vandalism neither violates the ToS nor the Free License used by the preceding users whose content is being degraded. At most it goes against some user generated content that say you can't do it. But this user generated content is exactly of equal dignity to the vandalism itself.
Daniel Brandt
I just got this email:
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your explanation. We have removed or disabled access to the third-party or user-generated content you have reported to us for violating our Statement of Rights & Responsibilities. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Mon 3rd May 2010, 1:27pm) *

I just got this email:
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your explanation. We have removed or disabled access to the third-party or user-generated content you have reported to us for violating our Statement of Rights & Responsibilities. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations

Daniel Brandt
Wikipedia: about two years to get it deleted (after lots of effort)

Facebook: about two weeks to get it deleted (not too much effort)

The difference: Facebook expects those who register to use their real names, and Facebook has a "Statement of Rights & Responsibilities." The first expectation makes the second step possible. Wikipedia, on the other hand, believes in crowd-sourcing by anonymous teenage basement-dwellers.

I still don't like Facebook, and would never be active in such a silly social network. But from the perspective of someone on the receiving end of this sort of thing, I much prefer Facebook's approach.
Facebook operates a coupla notches above Wikimedia in terms of the Kohlberg-Gilligan Ladder of Moral and Ethical Maturity.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 3rd May 2010, 12:58pm) *

It looks like Facebook has taken down the "Vandalize Wikipedia Day" event, thanks to numerous Wikipediots and WMF stakeholders "reporting" the page as problematic.

I am considering a new "Event" for Facebook. Please let me know how I might improve on this first draft... Note that I have not used the words "vandal", "vandalize", or "vandalism".

Event: Wikipedia Response Testing

When? June 1, 2010 . 12:00 AM

End Time: June 15, 2010 . 11:30 PM

We view Wikipedia as a dynamic social experiment, not as an authoritative encyclopedia.

Between June 1 and June 15, using a registered User account, you will be encouraged to insert the most outlandish, silly, counter-intuitive sorts of misinformation into any article(s) on Wikipedia that received at least 1,000 page views in the month of April 2010. We anticipate that most attempts will fail to last more than a few minutes or hours.

However, if your piece of misinformation endures unaltered from June 16 through June 30, you may then submit it here (between July 1 and July 3) as a qualifier for consideration as a Wikipedia Response Testing finalist entry. (Just prior to entering your qualified candidate, you had better record a version of your edit -- in case the Wikipediots "oversight" your hard-earned misinformation.)

A panel of judges will evaluate all of the finalists' entries (between July 4 and July 7), and winners will be announced July 8. A Grand Prize winner will be awarded $100, with a First Runner-Up receiving $50. Contestants must be able to prove in some way that they were responsible for their Wikipedia Response Testing entry (for example, on July 1, write "WRT on Facebook" on your Wikipedia User page, with a link to your edit, and record it with It is your decision whether or not to revert your test edit after you have submitted it for judging.

Note: the judges will assess your cumulative portfolio of misinformation work, under a single User name. So, the more misinformed edits you make to numerous articles, the more credit you'll build with the judges. However, make too many such edits and your whole portfolio could come crashing down at the hands of a vengeful admin.

Ready? Set. Go!

"We view Wikipedia as a dynamic social experiment, not as an authoritative encyclopedia."

I propose: "We view Wikipedia as a dynamic experiment in social drama, not as an authoritative encyclopedia."
This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please click here.