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so editor ERIK posted a photo to my article yesterday designed to make me look stupid
we managed to convince the cultists that it should not be posted and in fact are having it removed
this led to ERIK being outed on my website

ERIK then went and re-wrote the article
the same article that stood by minding its own business for 16 months.

He re-wrote it as an act of revenge to me
And he rewrote it to remove the link to that would of course out his crybaby ass

I have questions for the cultists that lurk here

1- Why is rewriting an article for revenge okay? BLP: DO NO HARM is just an f-ing joke right?
2- Go and look at the archives for the article. It had been decided that linking to was okay because it was my official site. Attack site my ass it is a personal site for Transformers and movie fans. Do any of you have the chops to put it back where it belongs?
3- To quote a great general- Have you no shame? Why is Erik even allowed among you?

This? WR already has a thread.
QUOTE(Ottava @ Sat 24th April 2010, 9:06am) *

This? WR already has a thread.

never saw it
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