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Full Version: Wikipedians do love censoring criticism
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This is the Web of Trust (WOT) entry on Wikipedia. (WOT is a free site that lets users comment on the trustworthiness of a particular website, such as whether the site is spyware free, etc).

Users can leave comments in the bottom section and vote comments up or down. If a comment gets more "down" votes than "up" votes, it will be hidden. And apparently all critical (red) comments about Wikipedia have been voted down (and censored) by Wikipedia users, even though they're perfectly fair opinions of the site. This means they will only show up on the last page, and won't appear in the comments overview chart at all.

Here's a few examples:

"Adult content is excessible on wikipedia."

"too much bad information, inappropriate references"

"Biased and moderated heavily by the uneducated.
Can also be re-edited quickly with false information

"Wikipedia is not censored so if a child types blowjob on wiki, he'll probably see some explicit pictures."

"not a viable source for information, says it in the disclaimer "WIKIPEDIA MAKES NO GUARANTEE OF VALIDITY"

The above have all been censored just for being critical of the site. These on the other hand have been voted to the top:

"Very accurate source, updated instantly. Vandalism is rare and swiftly deleted."

"Accurate,useful,and dependable place to find information you are looking for"

"Cool site, for the people who actually Post FACTS! I havent seen any pop-ups of the sort from that site."

Safe to use by children because also "adult" articles are written from a neutral and informative point of view. No objectionable graphics located on their servers, links are mostly child friendly as well


Wow, so these guys claim to be about sharing free speech with the world, but they're so afraid of any off-site criticism, (or even just comments that the site contains adult content - which it does) that they feel the need to censor it. This is pretty sad. sad.gif
A "93" rating for "Child Safety"?! It seems obvious that some wikipediots have been able to infiltrate the site and become mods. As far as the censorship of criticism goes, that's just par the course for the Frei Kultur Kinder. They haven't been having as jolly of a time over here, though.
"Adult content is excessible on wikipedia."

"Accessible", perhaps? Perhaps some intelligible criticism?
QUOTE(Cedric @ Thu 6th May 2010, 6:42pm) *

They haven't been having as jolly of a time over here, though.

Question deleted! What was it, Ced?
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 7th May 2010, 10:03am) *

QUOTE(Cedric @ Thu 6th May 2010, 6:42pm) *

They haven't been having as jolly of a time over here, though.

Question deleted! What was it, Ced?

"Does anyone want to revert this vandalism on Wikipedia?", asked by wiki-apologist "Death Panelist". He claimed to lack the will to revert a bit of vandalism to the "Costume" article because he was left so dispirited by the "trolls of Yahoo!Answers and Wikipedia Review". I guess he wasn't feeling any "wiki-love" from the four or five people who answered.
QUOTE(Ottava @ Thu 6th May 2010, 11:48pm) *

"Adult content is excessible on wikipedia."

"Accessible", perhaps? Perhaps some intelligible criticism?

"excessible" is evidently a portmanteau word meaning "excessive and accessible" or "excessively accessible".
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