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Now the BBC weighs in

I think that reading it from a novice reader's point of view, there are enough tell-tales to get the likes of the Daily Mail rampaging about the den of iniquity that is Wikipedia. I think this one is going to get bigger as Outraged of Kingswinford gets Twittering.
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Mon 10th May 2010, 8:57am) *

Now the BBC weighs in

I think that reading it from a novice reader's point of view, there are enough tell-tales to get the likes of the Daily Mail rampaging about the den of iniquity that is Wikipedia. I think this one is going to get bigger as Outraged of Kingswinford gets Twittering.

Good to see the story spreed beyond Fox and the Techies.
I like the Getty image that illustrates the story. Jimbo, shooting himself in the head with his imaginary gun.
Even with the Prime Minister announcing he is stepping down, WikiPorn climbs to no 5 in the most popular BBC articles. At this rate I'll have to watch the TV unhappy.gif
Peter Damian
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Mon 10th May 2010, 6:11pm) *

Even with the Prime Minister announcing he is stepping down, WikiPorn climbs to no 5 in the most popular BBC articles. At this rate I'll have to watch the TV unhappy.gif

Now number 4 after I read it (?). This is excellent news. I wonder if I should polish off the rest of that highland Malt I was saving for the holiday?

[edit] Blimey and now it's reached New Statesman.

Fox News effect: Wikimedia deleting sexually explicit images
New Statesman

Published 10 May 2010

Company will dispense with all images from adult entertainment sites and their award shows

Wikimedia, the parent company of the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia, is deleting thousands of sexually explicit images from its websites following an exposé by Fox News.

An exposé by Fox News recently revealed the presence of sexually explicit photos - easily available even to school children - spread all over Wikipedia. The news channel demanded Wikimedia remove all pornographic content immediately.

Fox News also asked companies such as Google, Microsoft Bing, Yahoo!, Best Buy and Craigslist Foundation that donated to Wikimedia Foundation if they were aware of the sexually explicit content available on the site.

Peter Damian
Sadly the BBC story falls back to #6 after the announcment of Brown's resignation. Do people have no priorities?
Larry Sanger
It's now in the Google News Sci/Tech section:

I've been telling people that, ever since the story broke a couple weeks ago, this could easily become front page news. I think it's getting more and more likely. I wouldn't be at all surprised if we see AP or Reuters doing a feature article about it.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 10th May 2010, 11:02am) *

I like the Getty image that illustrates the story. Jimbo, shooting himself in the head with his imaginary gun.

I thought maybe he was saying something about his Slim Virgin Ear.

Jon tongue.gif
Peter Damian
QUOTE(Larry Sanger @ Mon 10th May 2010, 9:11pm) *

It's now in the Google News Sci/Tech section:

I've been telling people that, ever since the story broke a couple weeks ago, this could easily become front page news. I think it's getting more and more likely. I wouldn't be at all surprised if we see AP or Reuters doing a feature article about it.

It is almost certain to get in the UK Daily Mail which is a significant demographic - mostly female readership, many mothers of school-age children, most of whom (such as my wife) only dimly aware of what Wikipedia is. If they are aware, it is as a Good Thing bringing technology to homework and helping children and knowledge and all those wonderful things.

This may alter their view of things. I know Jimbo can see that clearly (and all that mob on Commons clearly can't).
Larry Sanger
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Mon 10th May 2010, 4:17pm) *

QUOTE(Larry Sanger @ Mon 10th May 2010, 9:11pm) *

It's now in the Google News Sci/Tech section:

I've been telling people that, ever since the story broke a couple weeks ago, this could easily become front page news. I think it's getting more and more likely. I wouldn't be at all surprised if we see AP or Reuters doing a feature article about it.

It is almost certain to get in the UK Daily Mail which is a significant demographic - mostly female readership, many mothers of school-age children, most of whom (such as my wife) only dimly aware of what Wikipedia is. If they are aware, it is as a Good Thing bringing technology to homework and helping children and knowledge and all those wonderful things.

This may alter their view of things. I know Jimbo can see that clearly (and all that mob on Commons clearly can't).
The females in my life are adamant that I've done the right thing, and instantly squelch any mild lingering doubts I occasionally have, and they now absolutely loathe to hear Wikipedia mentioned.
Kelly Martin
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Mon 10th May 2010, 3:17pm) *
It is almost certain to get in the UK Daily Mail which is a significant demographic - mostly female readership, many mothers of school-age children, most of whom (such as my wife) only dimly aware of what Wikipedia is. If they are aware, it is as a Good Thing bringing technology to homework and helping children and knowledge and all those wonderful things.
At least he has a hot babe from a UK-based media firm to advise him on PR strategy!
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Mon 10th May 2010, 3:17pm) *
It is almost certain to get in the UK Daily Mail which is a significant demographic - mostly female readership, many mothers of school-age children, most of whom (such as my wife) only dimly aware of what Wikipedia is.

Well, the Mail hasn't weighed in on this story yet. Nor has the Sun.

However.....did you ever try searching for Wikipedia stories on You get some really nasty stuff, just from the last year......yeah, I know, it's "just the Sun, nobody with any brains takes it seriously". Yet it is still the #1 newspaper in the UK. Someone must have seen the following, and I don't recall the Wik-o-Boys ever complaining about the Sun "attacking" them....

Wiki Under Threat

Wicked Fibs Of Wikipedia

THIKIPEDIA: The 23 Most Useless Facts On Wikipedia

WE ARE SCIENTISTS frontman KEITH MURRAY has slammed online encyclopaedia Wikipedia, insisting it's packed full of lies about him.

(And that brings up a book I had not heard of before: Stupedia.)

And there's all the negative editorials about WP on
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Mon 10th May 2010, 8:17pm) *
It is almost certain to get in the UK Daily Mail which is a significant demographic - mostly female readership, many mothers of school-age children, most of whom (such as my wife) only dimly aware of what Wikipedia is.

Hmmn ... I have some emails of folks at the Daily Mail who did a piece on my favorite cult, the Brahma Kumaris, a topic and related topics, such as this one about funder and part-time adherent Robin Gibb still owned on the Wikipedia by their resident adherent.

Larry, do you have a copy of the press release you sent out, updated with the WR list of porn links?

Larry Sanger
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Mon 10th May 2010, 7:18pm) *

[Larry, do you have a copy of the press release you sent out, updated with the WR list of porn links?
I didn't send a "press release" out per se. I've been in communication, regular and sporadic depending on the case, with a number of reporters. I did simply forward that list of links that one of you guys supplied here.
Just curious, how many of the images being deleted were uploaded by David Shankbone or one of his socks?
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