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> Media Forums > News Worth Discussing
Peter Damian
Very uncritical.

Once criticized as amateurism run amok, Wikipedia has become ingrained in the online world: it is consulted by millions of users when there is breaking news; its articles are frequently the first result when a search engine is used. This enhanced role has moved hand in hand with Wikipedia’s growing stability (some would say stagnation). With more than three million articles in English alone, there are fewer unexplored topics, and many of the most important articles have been edited thousands of times over a number of years.

Perhaps they could try exploring the philosophy articles, or the 'Jobless recovery' economics articles.
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Fri 4th June 2010, 11:49pm) *

Very uncritical.

Perhaps they could try exploring the philosophy articles, or the 'Jobless recovery' economics articles.

You'd be wasting your time.
Mr. Cohen is the NY Times' own internal Wiki-Whore and Web 2.0 cheerleader.
I could post some examples for you.

He dances around with "journalistic integrity", but every article I've seen him produce about WP
has, sooner or later, turned into a gee-whiz Wiki-pussy-whipping.
I keep expecting him to ask Jimbo for an autograph.
It is reassuring to see, though, that the Wikipedians turned loose in the museum immediately found their way to the "Spanking Art" section.

Also, it's nice to see that Mr. Cock was amply quoted.

Mr. Wyatt, 25, the first Wikipedian in residence, is a Wikipedia administrator from Australia. His position is unpaid, but Mr. Wyatt said the mission was worth subsidizing with his personal savings.

Now that's a True Believer... when volunteerism transcends just doing something for free -- you're actually depleting your life savings to pay international airfare and lodging to do it!
Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sat 5th June 2010, 8:07am) *

It is reassuring to see, though, that the Wikipedians turned loose in the museum immediately found their way to the "Spanking Art" section.

Also, it's nice to see that Mr. Cock was amply quoted.

Mr. Wyatt, 25, the first Wikipedian in residence, is a Wikipedia administrator from Australia. His position is unpaid, but Mr. Wyatt said the mission was worth subsidizing with his personal savings.

Now that's a True Believer... when volunteerism transcends just doing something for free -- you're actually depleting your life savings to pay international airfare and lodging to do it!

OTOH, now, HERE is obviously the guy to work on the "jobless recovery" article! wink.gif
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