Six Ridiculous Arguments That Actually Happened on Wikipedia

QUOTE(Adam Tod Brown on FunnyCrave.Com)
Over the years, Wikipedia has actually morphed into a somewhat useful source of information. Sure, anyone can edit it, but the people who do usually go to great lengths to make sure the information provided is as accurate and neutral as possible.

But every once in awhile, some random maniac swoops in and tries to bring all of that thoughtful discussion and hard work crashing down in a big heaping wreck of crazy. You would think that when it happens, people would just dismiss it as the ravings of an internet lunatic. But you would be wrong.

Adam Tod Brown then goes on to detail half a dozen examples of such silly arguments:

1. Why Does Everyone In The Matrix Wear Black Clothes and Sunglasses?

2. How Many Pictures of Oprah Winfrey Are Too Many?

3. What Does “Gay Icon” Mean Again?

4. Argument about Whether the Gremlins Are Racist

5. Michael Jackson: The King of…Ghana?

6. Is Adopting a Black Sheep on Farmville Stereotyping?